Badger TraCS Guides
Alcohol prepares the forms used in conjunction with an OWI arrest. The forms it fills out are as follows.
Informing the Accused SP4197 and DNR4100-123
These forms are print only
Can be accessed prior to validation.
This report is owned by the DMV and DNR
Notice of Intent to Suspend Packet (MV3530 and MV3519)
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Owned by DMV Citations and Withdrawals
Can be combined with Informing the Accused and Blood/Urine Analysis results and mailed to DMV Driver Services
Mailed to DMV Driver Services, WI DOT, PO Box 7930, Madison, WI 53707-7930
Blood/Urine Analysis – C22
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Transmittable to State Lab of Hygiene
Blood kit always needs a copy of report as well
Owned by State Lab of Hygiene.
Notice of Intent to Revoke MV3396
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Transmittable to Division of State Patrol Chemical Test Section
Owned by Division State Patrol Chemical Test Section
Email to
OWI Blood Draw Warrant and Affidavit
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Print Only
Needs to be verified with DA’s Office
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
24 Hour Out of Service Order MV3546
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Owned by DMV Citations and Withdrawals Section
Transmittable to the DMV if Hosted or SMTP transmission setup
Can also manually Email to
The alcohol form is normally opened by first having a validated citation and then using the Replicate button to open the Alcohol form. If the Alcohol form is already open and the citation is validated, the citation number can be auto populated into the alcohol form by clicking the Citations button while in the UTC Number field.
The alcohol form is printed not transmitted. Treat the TraCS printed reports the same way as the regular paper copies.
Form Design
The Alcohol form contains 9 groups:
Additional Information
OWI Blood Draw Information
Law Enforcement Agency
Other Resources
Agency Tables associated with form
How to:
Document Group
Each Alcohol form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Select the forms you want to print in the “Which forms are you filling out” field. Depending on the forms you select, different additional form fields will be enabled.
Additional Information Group
Each Alcohol form contains one Additional Information group. The fields will enable based off the selection for the “Which forms are you filling out” field in the above Document group. In the table below is a list of the fields and what reports the fields are required for. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
| Informing The Accused | Administrative Review Request & Notice Of Intent To Suspend. | Notice Of Intent To Revoke | Blood Urine Analysis |
Notice Issued MC3519 |
| X |
MV3530 Issued |
| X |
Date of Refusal |
| X |
Criminal Complaint Issued |
| X | X |
Out of Service Order Issued |
| X |
Chemical Test Type | X |
| X |
Will defendant Submit to Chemical Test | X |
Defendant Identification Type | X |
Notice Date |
| X | X |
Notice Time |
| X | X |
Arrest Date |
| X |
Arrest Time |
| X |
Traffic Related |
| X |
Crash Severity |
| X |
Accident Doc # |
| X |
Drug Test Requested |
| X |
Cancel Drug Test if BAC is Over |
| X |
Suspected Drugs |
| X |
Was specimen collected after medical treatment |
| X |
Specimen Type |
| X |
Collection Date |
| X |
Collection Time |
| X |
Specimen Collected by |
| X |
Name of Person Collecting Specimen |
| X |
Officer Comments |
| X |
DRE Officer Name |
| X |
DRE Officer Number |
| X |
New for 2024 Blood Draw Changes
all fields are now available.
New Accident Doc No. is now available to put your crash number into. Will autopopulate if replicated from Crash or ELCI.
New Name of Person Collecting Specimen is available and printable.
Collection Time is required to be accurate, results can be thrown out of court if incorrect.
OWI Blood Draw Information Group
Each Alcohol form contains one OWI Blood Draw Information Group. The fields will enable based off the selection for the “Which forms are you filling out” field and the above Document group. These fields are exclusively used for filling out the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit and Warrant reports. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Location of Police Custody—Where the defendant currently being held. This is a drop-down list that can be added to by the agency and is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Warrant.
Arrested Offense—This field is used for both the Warrant and the Affidavit.
Question 10 on the affidavit, on the above date, the person was arrested for a crime contrary to Chapter 346.63 Wis. Stats., specifically the offense of: It also appears in two paragraphs on the warrant.
Judge Name—is required for both the OWI Blood Draw Warrant and Affidavit. Please type in the Judge Name as you want it to appear on the Warrant. It appears in multiple places.
Year Officer Started—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Warrant. Affidavit Question 1: I am a certified law enforcement officer employed and have been so employed as a police officer since ____?
Facts—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit: Question 14. The person was driving/operating a motor vehicle on the above date and time based on the following facts. Choosing citizen witness will open and require the Witness Name field. Choosing other will open and require the Other Facts field.
Witness Name—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit: The person was observed to drive/operate the vehicle by a citizen witness.
Only required if editable
Other Facts—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit: Question 14. The person was driving/operating a motor vehicle on the above date and time based on the following facts. Only required if editable
Basis—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 15
The Basis for the stop of the person's vehicle was. Certain values will open and require both the law violated and other basis fields.
Law Violated—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. The person is in violation of what state or local traffic law(s). Required if editable.
Other Basis—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 15
The Basis for the stop of the person's vehicle was: (option not in the list)
Driver Statements—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 16 The person made the following statements. Certain values will open and require both the Describe statements and other driver statement fields.
Describe—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Describe the statements made by the driver. Required if editable
Other Driver Statements—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 16 The person made the following statements: (option not in the list)
Odor of Intoxicants—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17 During contact with the person, the following observations were made:
Eyes—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17 during contact with the person, the following observations were made:
Speech—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17 during contact with the person, the following observations were made:
Balance—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17 during contact with the person, the following observations were made:
Attitude Conduct—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17
During contact with the person, the following observations were made: Certain values will open and require Other Attitude/Conduct field.
Other Attitude/Conduct—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 17 during contact with the person, the following observations were made. Required if editable.
Number of Prior Convictions—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 13 Prior Convictions: A routine check of the above-named person’s driver record with the Department of Transportation showed that the total number of prior convictions that would be counted for sentencing purposes under Chapter 346.
Other Observations—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit and is optional. Affidavit 17
During contact with the person, the following observations were made:
Field Sobriety Tests—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Choose the tests that were performed. Certain values will open and require other fields.
HGH Indicators—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. A field sobriety test: Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus count out of 6 possible indicators of impairment. Required if editable
WAT Indicators—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. A field sobriety test: Walk And Turn count out of 4 possible indicators of impairment. Required if editable
OLS Indicators—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. A field sobriety test: One Leg Stand Count out of 8 possible indicators of impairment. Required if editable
Other Field Sobriety Test Used—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. A field sobriety test: anything other than the three standard tests to indicate possible impairment. Required if editable.
Refused to Submit to PBT Test Flag—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Question 19 on the affidavit. A ‘No’ result will open the Test results.
PBT Test Results—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Question 19 on the affidavit. If they submitted to a PBT what was the result, required if editable.
Intoxicant Evidence—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Affidavit 20
The following evidence of intoxicant or drug use was observed on scene/person. Some choices will open and require the Describe Intoxicant Evidence field.
Describe Intoxicant Evidence—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Affidavit. Describe the intoxicant evidence seen, if editable the field is required.
Driver Group
Each Alcohol form contains one Driver Information group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Don’t use dashes when entering the Driver License Number. While in the Last Name field click the External Search button (If configured) to populate the databar then highlight individual. Most information in this section is required for all forms to be printed in the Alcohol suite.
Race—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Warrant
Hair Color—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Warrant
Eye Color—is only required for the OWI Blood Draw Warrant
Driver License Number—is not required but good to have for an Administrative Review
Vehicle Group
Each Alcohol form contains one Vehicle Information group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Vehicle information is required for the Notice of Intent to Revoke report.
Violation Group
Except for the OWI Affidavit and Warrant, each Alcohol form contains one or more UTC Number fields. Only alcohol related statutes will populate this group. The statute search feature is available while in the Statute Number field. Click the blue “Add Next Violation” to add another statute. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Plaintiff Group
Each Alcohol form contains one Plaintiff group. The Court Name field is filtered based off the County field in the Location group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Signature Group
There is one Signature Group on the Alcohol form. It is used for the informing the accused reports and is the officers signature on that report. This field was added Fall of 2023
There are two options for the signature group:
Ink Signature
Ink signature allows the user to write their signature via the touch screen or your mouse cursor.
Select Officer Signature, then select Ink Signature
Click Open.
After clicking open, you can sign your signature:
Tablet Signature
If you have a device to plug into your MDC where they can sign from, you can sign via the Tablet Signature option. Please know this needs to be configured by your TraCS Administrator in the TraCS Configuration Manager DLLs.
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