Badger TraCS Guides
DNR Crash
DNR CRASH (4100-229)
DNR Crash is used to report recreational vehicle accidents.
Required form: This is a mandated form to use when filling out reportable DNR crash reports by Law Enforcement agencies.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at the DNR.
Federal gov: data from this form is also sent to the federal government for various requirements.
Transmits directly into the DNR’s system. The DNR Crash Form should be completed for boat, snowmobile, ATV, UTV, and off-road motorcycle only crashes.
This form is owned by Department of Natural Resources
Form Design
The Crash form contains following groups:
Transmission History
Sequence of Event
Contributing Factor
Law Enforcement Agency
Warning Log
Document Group
Each Crash form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Crash Type
This is a required field for completing the DNR Crash form. The officer cannot move off the field until it has been entered since this is a form mechanic field and the types of crashes have varying degrees of validation rules
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): A commercially designed and manufactured motor-driven device that has a weight, without fluids, of 900 pounds or less, has a width of 50 inches or less, is equipped with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and on 3 or more low-pressure or non-pneumatic tires.
Small All-Terrain Vehicle: An all-terrain vehicle that has 4 wheels and has either an engine certified by the manufacturer at not more than 90 cubic centimeters or an equivalent power unit. These machines must be registered.
Off-Road Motorcycle (OHM): A two-wheeled motor vehicle that is straddled by the operator, is equipped with handlebars, and is designed for use off a highway, regardless of whether it is also designed for use on a highway.
Snowmobile: An engine-driven vehicle that is manufactured solely for snowmobiling that has an endless belt tread and sled-type runners or skis, to be used in contact with snow. A snowmobile does not include a vehicle that is any of the following: A vehicle that has inflatable tires or a vehicle that is driven by a motor of 4 horsepower or less and that is operated in sanctioned races, derbies, competitions or exhibitions or only on private property. A snowmobile cannot be over 48 inches wide if it was manufactured after May 7, 1994.
Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV): A commercially designed and manufactured motor driven device that does not meet federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect on July 1, 2012, that is not a golf cart, low-speed vehicle, dune buggy, mini-truck, or tracked vehicle, that is designed to be used primarily off of a highway, and that has, and was originally manufactured with, all of the following:
A net weight, without fluids, of 2,000 pounds or less.
Four or more low pressure or non-pneumatic tires.
A steering wheel.
A tail light.
A brake light.
Two headlights.
A width of not more than 65 inches.
A system of seat belts, or a similar system, for restraining each occupant of the device in the event of an accident.
A system of structural members designed to reduce the likelihood that an occupant would be crushed as the result of a rollover of the device.
Small Utility Terrain Vehicle: A utility terrain vehicle that has 4 wheels and that has either an engine certified by the manufacturer of not more than 200 cubic centimeters or an equivalent power unit.
Boat: “Boat" or “½vessel" means every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, except a seaplane on the water and a fishing raft.
What is considered "Reportable"?
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): Any incident that results in a fatality or injury that requires medical treatment by a physician.
Off-Road Motorcycle (OHM): Any incident that results in a fatality or injury that requires medical treatment by a physician.
Snowmobile: Any incident that results in a fatality or injury that requires medical treatment by a physician.
Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV): Any incident that results in a fatality or injury that requires medical treatment by a physician.
Boat: Any incident that results in loss of life, medical attention beyond first aid, boat or property damage $2,000 or more, or a complete loss of boat(s).
Used to categorize different types of contacts such as “Click It or Ticket It”. Agencies can add their own tag types. This is an agency table with values being entered using the table manager tool. Instructions for this are in the installation guide in Task 3-5
Transmission History Group
This section is only found only if the crash has been transmitted. It is a history of all the transmissions to the state that have taken place and is not editable.
Summary Group
This section contains general information about the crash. Every Crash report contains one summary group. The green highlighted fields are form mechanic fields and should always be entered for the form to work properly. Based on the type of crash some fields will be grayed out, those are not necessary for the Crash type chosen.
Total Units
The total number of units involved in the crash. All modes of transportation, including equipment and non-motorized units.
This field is sometimes grayed out and set to 1. If the Crash Type is a non-domesticated animal without injury, then this field is always set to 1. This field adds and deletes the Unit group. If the unit group is not empty, then it will not delete automatically, and deletion will need to be manually completed.
Sequence of Event Group
The Sequence of Event (SOE) Subgroup is available for every form type the event(s) in sequence related to this Crash. This list goes up to 10 events. Once you exit the Event field, if it is not blank a new Event group will auto open.
This field is a special field and contains a Search button on the databar. The Search button will open a search box for the Crash Event table. This table is filled with the attributes for a crash event and filtered to show only the objects. See how to search using violation search boxes in the user guide.
Location Group
Each DNR form contains one Location group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The primary way to populate the location group is to use the TraCS Location Tool (TLT). If TLT can’t be used, type Override in the Map field. This will enable all the location group fields thus allowing manual entry of information.
Unit Summary Group
This section contains information about the units involved in the crash. There should be a Unit group for each unit in the crash. When you key the number of Total Units involved in the crash in the summary section on the form, TraCS automatically creates that number of Unit groups. If you put in a number smaller than the total units on the form, the unit groups will automatically be deleted if there is no data in them. If you need to add or subtract a Unit group manually, see Adding or Deleting Groups. If you close the form before entering any data in a group, that group will be deleted. A unit can be the following
A unit contains 1 or more subgroups, below is what a unit looks like with closed subgroups.
Total Occupants
The total number of people on the unit (including the operator). The number provided in this field will dictate the number of Individual groups opened and required for this unit.
Total Number of Citations Issued
The total number of citations issued to individuals on the unit. If there are 2 occupants listed for the unit each occupant will be issued 2 citations, then the Total Number of Citations Issued would be 4 for this unit. This field enables the violation sub group in the unit based the number entered. The violation group allows up to 99 per unit and 999 per crash.
Individual Subgroup
This section contains information about the passengers in vehicles involved in the crash. There should be an Individual group for each passenger in the crash. When you key the number of Total Occupants involved for each unit in the crash earlier in the form, TraCS automatically creates that number of Occupant groups. Exception: One Individual group is added for buses or trains since data is not required for non-injured occupants of these vehicles. You will have to enter number of Bus Occs Injured for injured occupants of buses or trains. If you close the form before putting any data in a group, that group will be deleted. You will have to manually add the group when you re-open the form. If you want to add or subtract an Individual group, see Adding or Deleting Groups.
Everyone entered in the crash report must have a role. Only one operator per unit is allowed. You may have multiple passengers, swimmers, water skiers, tubers, wake boarders, and/or bystanders. This is a form mechanics field that enables other fields in the individual group of the crash form.
Operator: An occupant who is in actual physical control of the recreational vehicle or, for an out-of-control recreational vehicle, an occupant who was in control until control was lost.
Passenger: An occupant of a recreational vehicle other than the driver.
Swimmer: An individual engaged in swimming at the time of the crash.
Water-skier/Tube Rider/Wake Boarder: An individual engaged in water skiing, tubing, or wake boarding at the time of the crash.
Bystander: An individual who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Injury Severity
The injury severity level for the person involved in a crash. The determination of which attribute to assign should be based on the latest information available at the time the report is completed, except for fatal injuries. If a fatal injury is chosen, then the Date of Death and Time of Death fields will be enabled.
No Apparent Injury: No reason to believe that the person received any bodily harm from the recreational vehicle crash. There is no physical evidence of injury and the person does not report any change in normal function.
Medical Treatment Beyond 1st Aid: Medical Treatment Beyond 1st Aid means the individual was taken to a medical facility and treated by a medical professional.
Admitted to Hospital: Victim was admitted to hospital for treatment.
Fatal Injury: Any injury that results in death within 30 days after the crash in which the injury occurred. If the person did not die at the scene but died within 30 days of the crash in which the injury occurred, the injury classification should be changed from the attribute previously assigned to ‘Fatal’.
Alcohol Test
Indicates whether a test was administered to crash victim or not. This field enables/disables the other alcohol related fields. If the test was given or test refused but obtained, then the Alcohol Test Type and Result fields will enable and become required.
Drug Test
Indicates whether a test for drugs was administered. This field enables/disables the other drug related fields. If the test was given or test refused but obtained, then the Drug Test Type and Result fields will enable and become required.
Vehicle Subgroup
There is always one vehicle group per unit. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
If this crash is a boat crash the vehicle subgroup will extend and add all the boat specific fields. These fields are below.
Contributing Factor Subgroup
Enter the factors that contributed to this incident. You may select up to 10 contributing factors in the unit and/or enter a factor not listed by using OTHER. This list goes up to 10 events. Once you exit the Contributing Factor field, if it is not blank a new Contributing Factor group will auto open.
Violation Subgroup
Each crash form can contain up to 999 Violation groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Violations can be written to any individual in that Unit and each unit can contain up to 99 violations. See directions for working with citations for more information.
Description Group
This section contains additional description of the crash. This group is not always visible, if the crash is a non-domesticated animal hit it is not required. See Adding Deleting groups for more information.
Witness Group
This section contains information about witnesses to the crash. There should be a Witness group for each witness to the crash. If you want to add or subtract a Witness group, see Adding or Deleting Groups.
Warning Log Group
This group is not editable and only contains one field. After a validation all the warnings for the form are written to the field.
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