Non Reportable Crashes

Badger TraCS Guides

Non Reportable Crashes

Non-Reportable Crashes

This field indicates whether or not this is a reportable crash. It always defaults to “Reportable” which is indicated by the check in the field. If your agency keeps data on non-reportable crashes, you can change this field to non-reportable by clicking the Non-Reportable button on the menu bar. Once clicked the Reportable field will be unchecked. You can change it back to reportable by clicking the Non-Reportable button again. There are some non-reportable fatal crashes that need to be filled out that the State DOT doesn’t collect. Check with FARS to see if the Fatal Crash is reportable to the Federal Government. DOTDMVBDSFARS@dot.wi.gov

To amend (edit) a non-reportable Crash AFTER transmission to the state, toggle the Non Reportable button to make it Reportable and then toggle again to make Non Reportable. This will then put the form into the ‘Open’ status and will allow edits to made to the form.

Marking a form as Non-Reportable

Marking a form as Non-Reportable

  1. Open the form

  2. Click Non Reportable in the Crash ribbon.

  3. The crash report is now non-reportable.


Changing Transmitted Non-Reportable Crashes To Reportable

Changing Transmitted Non-Reportable Crashes To Reportable

If your RMS is set up to import crash data from TraCS, you will be able to import your non-reportable crashes simply by transmitting them. Non-reportable crashes will not be processed by DMV, however they may still be transmitted to DMV. Once transmitted the form status will change from Non Reportable to Transmitted.

Sometimes, a non-reportable crash will become reportable after it has been transmitted when additional information becomes available. Under these circumstances it is possible to change the form’s status to reportable, re-edit the transmitted non-reportable crash, and transmit to WisDOT.

How to:

  • In Forms Manager double click the non-reportable crash with a status of Transmitted.

  • Click the Non Reportable button found in the Crash tab to change the form status to Open. The message below will display. Click OK.

  • The Reportable field box will be checked.

  • Fill out the crash form and validate it.

  • Transmit the crash to the state.

How to tell the reportability status of the Crash Form

How to tell the reportability status of the Crash Form

There are two ways to tell if the crash is non reportable:

  • Look at the description column in the Forms Manager. The words NON REPORTABLE will be in the description.

  • The Grid column Reportability Status will either have

    • DOT Non Reportable

    • DOT Reportable


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