WI TraCS Best Practice setup

WI TraCS Best Practice setup

WI TraCS Best Practice Setup

TraCS can be set up on a virtual servers. The TraCS hosted environment is set up in this way. The optimum minimum number of virtual servers is 4;

  1. IIS server also the master computer. This computer should be high capacity and should not be used for anything else. TraCS set up like this should help for future TraCS expansion of TraCS for Web. To make sure this computer does not exceed capacity their should be 2 drives located on the machine. The Document backup folder can be problematic and fill up the entire drive causing issue with transmission and IIS communication.

    1. The C drive should contain all the TraCS Program

    2. the second drive is for the document Backup folder.

      1. Task 6.4: Separate the Document Backup folder from the Main Drive

      2. Task 6.5: Set Auto Purge of Document Backup Folder

  2. Database Server that contains all 5 databases. The following is what a large agency should strive for, if you agency is smaller b-d can be modified. This is the most important server to backup with

    1. Data backed up fully daily and incrementally all day long

    2. Log backed up fully daily

    3. Users backed up fully weekly and incrementally daily

    4. Custom backed up monthly-- it depends upon how often you update Agency tables

    5. Support does not need to be backed up.

  3. Batch Server is the server that does all the transmission and automatic features. this server should be high capacity as when the batch triggers the resources get used up. This computer is also like the IIS Server in that it should not be used by a individual.

    1. Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine

    2. NOTE: Never Manually Transmit forms on this machine.

  4. Desktop Client is a server where you do functions in the office. This is changing/ adding users, Accepting or printing forms. This is also where you would manually transmit forms. If your office personnel use TraCS to add forms and other activities multiple clients is advisable. Eventually this will only be needed to manually Transmit forms as TraCS National moves to TraCS for Web in a few years.


For looking at advance features please see the section in the Maintenance Guide on details

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