TraCS Administrator Training

Badger TraCS Guides

TraCS Administrator Training

TraCS Administrator Training

Have you ever been told “you’re now in charge of TraCS” and looking at the TraCS Installation guide seemed overwhelming? These webcasts streamline what you need to know to maintain your TraCS system. What needs to be done on a daily basis? Weekly? Monthly? What are some best practices? You will learn tools to help document TraCS at your agency so the transition to the next TraCS Administrator is painless.

Individual Topics


A high-level overview on TraCS which includes TraCS Documentation, website, FAQs, form work flow, types of TraCS Installations and terminology. (17 min)

WI Pack

What is it? How often does it come out? Differences between baselines, WI Packs and distributions. (7 min)

User Editor Tips

How to add new users? Understanding the Editor. (4 min)

Associated Users Groups

What is it? Who needs groups? How to create groups. (9 min)


TraCS can use GPS, barcode scanners and Com port splitters. How to set them up using Configuration Wizards. (8 min)

Managing Users

Explaining the difference User field and using Active Directory. (22 min)

Installing TraCS on new PCs

Use the Installation or Maintenance guides. Don’t reuse TraCS Machine numbers. How to reuse old files. (3 min)

Field Defaults

How to set up and the differences between State and Agency-Level Defaults. (14 min)

Document Numbering

How form numbers are generated and why ELCI form numbers are ordered. Explaining the

AutoNumber.ini file. How to track document numbers. (23 min)


How do you create a distribution and when do you do it? Which computers need a distribution.

Working with Configuration Wizards to fine-tune your distributions. (27 min)

Disaster Recovery

How could this happen? Ways to reduce the chance of this occurring. (6 min)

Diagram Tools

Built-in and third-party tools. Creating Palettes and Symbols. (10 min)

Configuration Wizard

What is it? How a better understanding of the Configuration Wizard form will improve TraCS at your agency. (11 min)

Code Tables

Who can update them and how? What tables can you update? (18 min)

As Built Documentation for Disaster Recovery

How do I document my TraCS setup? What information should I document? (18 min)

Advance Features

Have you thought about using SQL Server, Active Directory, Web Services, Notifications or

Batch Transmissions? Where can you find the information about these? (6 min)

Active Directory

Explains what it is? What benefits does it offer and who can use it. (21 min)

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096