Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine

Badger TraCS Guides

Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine

Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine

There is a total of 5 windows services that can be used with TraCS Batch Services.

  • A Batch machine is recommended to be a separate computer that would that would only run these services on its own.

    • Smaller Agencies may decide to run this on the IIS server if that server has adequate memory, processing power, and is not processing many forms on a daily basis.

  • The Batch machine can be a virtual machine using full virtualization.

  • The Batch machine will need access to the network share.

Different types of hardware virtualization include:

  • Full virtualization – Almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software environments, including a guest operating system and its apps, to run unmodified.

  • Paravirtualization – The guest apps are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system, but a hardware environment is not simulated. Guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment.

The following Windows Services will be required for the new Baseline:

  • Email Service

  • Notification Service

  • Import/Export Service

  • Communications (TransComm) Service

For active directory agencies:

  • Active Directory Service


This is the machine that runs the batch Transmission.  This machine should only be accessed to modify batch transmission, updates or debug issues.  Set up a ‘BatchUser’ login and use this when logging into TraCS.  If the batch server is separate and the transmission fails and a form needs to be manually transmitted do that on the IIS Server.

Note: This will also enable all transmission emails to automatically work, and forms that transmit using the email system need task 1.4.1 SMTP and Task 3.21 set up to work.


  • TraCS installed as a Client (Office) machine (when the new 21-series baseline is released, the Server version will be required)

    • Must be running at least WIPack231201 (December 2023 Release)

If your batch server is the same server as your IIS Web Server, you will need to run TraCS as a Standalone Workstation and then run the Server Baseline over the top.

  • This is a workaround for a baseline bug in the server baseline. The current server baseline does not install the printer spooler.

  • Permanent connection to the TraCS network share

  • Permanent connection to the TraCS database

  • Local System Admin User to run the services. Should not be tied to a ‘live’ user.

  • Task 1.4.1 SMTP Set up an email database connection

  • All network share locations must use UNC mapping conventions and not drive letters.

  • If using a different diagramming software for Crash Diagrams, it will need to be installed on the Batch Server machine.

    • QuickScene or ScenePD are a couple diagraming tools used instead of the TraCS Diagramming tool.

    • These programs should be installed on the Batch Server machine to cooperate with the transmission of the crash form and it’s diagram.

  • Set up a TraCS system user with admin and all forms access ( i.e.; BatchUser)

    • Do not have password expiration on this user

      • You don’t want the password to expire because this would stop all services from running.

    • We do this because eventually a ‘live’ user will leave the agency and deactivating that user would also stop all services from running.

Here are separate pages on how to setup your batch server:

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096