Attachments 101
Attachments 101
An attachment is any external file that can be attached to a TraCS form like a PDF, Word document, Excel spreadsheet, and/or picture to name a few.
In TraCS 73, when an attachment is added to the form it was embedded with the form and stored in the TraCS database. This can consume a lot of space in the database depending on the size of the file being attached. With TraCS 10, we introduced file linking where files are stored on a central file server and a link is stored withing TraCS. There are 2 different file link attachment types, File link and File upload. File upload can only be used in web services environments and cannot be used on regular mobile computer. File link can be used on regular mobile clients if there is direct access to the network resource from the computer. File link stores the files without encryption and file upload encrypts the files so that they can only be accessed by the TraCS interface.
Viewing Attachments in the Grid – If a form contains an attachment, it can be found in the grid. The column in the grid looks like a paper clip. If you do not see the paper clip, click on any column title and choose Attachments
Forms with attachments have an icon found in the column.
Viewing Attachments for a Case—Attachments associated with all case forms are listed in the attachments tab.
to open the form with the attachment.
to add an attachment form to the case.
will open the attachment in the form.
You may also drag and drop an attachment into the tab. After dragging and dropping, an attachment form will be created and added to the list. The attachment will be a linked non-confidential attachment that will save in the attachment directory and not an imbedded and/or confidential form. When adding multiple attachments at once they will all attach to the same form.
Drag and Drop Attachments
Dragging and dropping a document or zip file into TraCS is possible, but a few conditions need to be met first. Ask your TraCS coordinator if this functional in your agency.
File Link Location for attachments has been determined and setup on TraCS.
If using from a field unit, mobile or web client computer,
Make sure you have a wireless network
Make sure your wireless network is active when dragging and dropping attachments
How to drag and drop the attachment:
In TraCS 10 forms manager or viewer open the
screen of the case/folder/contact you would like the document attached to. If in forms manager, the button is in the Records Management tab.
Click the
tab, the case information screen should resemble the following.
In Windows Explorer navigate to the document to attach.
Highlight the document and drag it to the attachments area.
TraCS will create an attachment form and add a linked document to the form and place it in the case non-confidential area on your network.
The attachment form along with the attachment appears in the tab. You can now open either the attachment form or the attachment directly from this screen.
Note: you can drag and drop multiple documents at a time; if you do then they will be placed all on the same attachment form. See highlighted below.
Adding upload attachments using a form.
All forms, except task and Contact Summary, have a linked attachment added to it. Linked attachments only work in Web Services Environments.
In TraCS
Open the form you would like the attachment on or just open the attachment form.
From the Case Information screen click
in the Attachments tab.
Highlight the
field in the
group. (Always on the very bottom of any form).
Navigate to the file to attach, highlight and click