

TraCS FAQ—TraCS Location Tool (TLT)


This is a list of some of the new features in the TraCS Location Tool.

If your map comes up blank like the image below enter your zip code in the box to the left of the Search button. Then click Search. If you then see this text “Zoom to use this location” toward the top of the screen you will have to zoom in until the message goes away.



How to Open the TLT

  • The TLT is now a part of the TraCS installation. You will not see a separate icon on the desktop.

  • To launch the TLT click on the Locate button within a TraCS form.


Selecting your Location – The Puck is Gone!

  • The Puck has been replaced by a red dot.


  • Click on the map to choose where to place the red dot.

Snap to Roadway

  • The Snap to Roadway option, at the bottom left will default to the checked position. The marker will snap onto the roads around the dot. Turn off the checkbox to choose an off-road location.


Measure Tool

  • Click on the map to locate the incident

  • Click on the Measure button at the bottom of the screen or hold down the Ctrl key.

  • The TLT icon will change and look like this:

  • Click to set the endpoint for your measurement and find the distance from your incident.

  • The distance can also be changed by typing in the distance box or by using the + and – buttons once you have set a measure point. The Cancel Measure button will remove the measure options.

Google Search Tool

  • Only Available

    • If you have an internet connection

    • have paid a subscription to use the tool

    • Set it up to work with TraCS

  • The search tool from Google is available in the bottom left corner. You can search by address, intersection or business name. It is a good idea to include your city when doing a search. A green pin will appear at your search location. You can then place your red dot at the incident location.


Map Controls

  • The hand is no longer used to move to different areas on the map. The mouse scroll button can be used to zoom in and out along with the buttons shown below. Also you can move the map in any direction via left click and hold and then moving the mouse.

TLT Coordinates feature

  • Incidents can be located by latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • Click on the ellipses for either latitude or longitude to open the Enter Coordinates Window.

  • Type in the appropriate coordinates and click OK to place the pointer.

Jump to Current GPS Location

  • If you have GPS enabled, the TLT will automatically position the map to your current location. If you move your vehicle while the TLT is open, you can update your current position on the map by clicking on the Current Location button.

Enter TLT information into TraCS

  • Click the Locate button to import the TLT information into TraCS

Default Location

  • The TLT keeps track of the last location used if not connected by GPS

  • Sometimes that doesn’t work and a default location in the middle of the US is entered.

  • Use the Zoom Out feature to get to the point you see Wisconsin then you can zoom to your area.


09-26-2016 BJN

Updated 6/1/2017 JPE

Updated 12/27/2022 GLP

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