Managing Permissions within a SharePoint Library
Managing Permissions in a SharePoint Library.
Click on three dots which become visible when you hover over the folder.
Then Choose Manage access.
Choose Grant Access Upper right corner.
Uncheck the Notify people box otherwise they will receive notification of the new permissions.
Type in DL name if you want to give access to many all at once or you can enter a user’s name as well.
Choose what type of access they will get. Edit or View Only
Once done you can either add more people at that time or choose to Grant Access which will save the change
You can always view the current access permissions on any folder or document by clicking 3 dots>manage access
When you create a folder within another it will automatically grant the parent folders permissions. For instance, if Southeast Region Folder has view permissions for all supervisors, then any created folder within that folder will also by default have that permission. You can remove that specific permission though. In the new folder click on three dots>Manage Access>
Locate the group or person you want to remove access for and click on it
Then click on the access and change to Remove direct access