Badger TraCS Guides
Action Not Allowed Error
TraCS FAQ—Action Not Allowed
Access Level Change for a User not affecting User.
This usually happens in the case of a user that can view everyone’s forms. For example a user did not have the ability to transmit (Supervisor access level). So an admin decides to give that user Supervisor access over all the users to be able to transmit other user’s forms. When the user tests transmitting forms they get an “action not allowed” error (Screen shot below). This happens because the “User Group” (how they are able to view other people’s forms Task 3.17.1(a) Modify Existing Users, TraCS User Management Alternative ) associated with the user name does not have the updated Access Levels.
Login to the TraCS Configuration Manager.
Click on the User Editor button up top.
Click on the Search button on the bottom.
Highlight the User that needs access changed.
Check to make sure this user is in the ALL group or specific group with access to other officer’s forms.
Highlight the ALL group in the Associated Users section.
Click on the Access Levels button.
Make sure the access level you granted through the User Information section is checked in the User Group too.
IF you do NOT have a user group listed in here and each individual user checked you will need to un-check and re-check each user
02/14/14, SAM
04/26/16, B2N
07/03/18, DBM
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