SharePoint DSP Tower Site Access Log (visitors)
DSP Communications Unit (dispatchers) and BNEDI staff,
At the request of BNEDI leadership, and with the approval of the BFO and Communications Unit leadership, an updated DSP Tower Site Access Log (visitors) has been created. The new log replaces the previous Tower Site Access Log, which has been deactivated.
Data security requirements necessitate that authorized non-DSP staff who access tower sites report their contact information, entry, and departure times. This is accomplished through a call to a phone number that is displayed upon placards at each of the tower site entrances. These calls ring through to DSP dispatch.
New Log Details
The new log takes advantage of new user-friendly features and design enhancements such as dropdown/picklist fields, the ability to select employee names from a master list, logic-based color coding, and even the ability to quickly access a Google Maps-displayed location for any of the towers.
A link to the new log can be added as a personal hyperlink shortcut for easy access, or users can use a link that has been added to the LED folder of quick links found in the WSP folder in the browser.
*Tip – A restart may be required to have the quick links updated.
Following the new link will take users to a log view that shows all DSP tower sites with a logged active visitor on site (see below).
Records with an Entry Date/Time of the current day, but no Departure Date/Time entered are shown in Green.
Records with an Entry Date/Time from a previous day, but no Departure Date/Time entered are shown in Red.
LEDs can log a newly reported entry, by clicking on the button. Doing so will open the form shown below:
Newly logged tower site entries and updates trigger a Teams notification to the appropriate BNEDI staff responsible for the tower site.
Instructions for logging a new tower site entry
Navigate to the DSP Tower Site Access Log (visitors) and click on the
For LED convenience, the Entry Date/Time field is defaulted to the date and time the form was opened. This can be adjusted if an individual entry record is logged at a later time.
The remainder of the fields include instructions for entry below them and allow the user to select from pre-populated picklists for Tower Site, Reason for Visit and Agency/Vendor Name.
As the field instructions indicate, the Phone Number (10-characters) field must have 10 numerical characters entered (no hyphens, parenthesis etc.).
All fields except the State Employee Name(s) and Departure Date/Time are required to be completed for the form to save.
When the information for an initial entry has been completed, click the Save button at the top or bottom of the form. If all mandatory field entries have been completed, the form will save and the new record will appear at the top of the default view.
Instructions for logging a tower site departure
Navigate to the DSP Tower Site Access Log (visitors) and find the initial entry record using the name of the person that is reporting their departure. If the reporting person did not call in their initial entry into the tower site, see the instructions above for creating a new entry where both the Entry Date/Time and Departure Date/Time will be entered.
Click on the row to select the entry and then click on the Edit button (see below).
The form for the entry will then open for editing. Click on the Departure Date/Time field at the bottom, select the departure date and time, then click Save (see below).
Forms with both an Entry Date/Time and Departure Date/Time entered are considered to be completed, and will fall off of the default *Visitor on Site view. These historical site visit entries may be reviewed using any of a number of other views that have been made available, including region-specific views (see below).
Quick access to tower location information
One of the features that the new log offers is the ability to provide quick access to a Google Maps-displayed location for any of the logged tower sites. This may prove to be useful in a cases where a DSP officer or outside agency officer needs to be directed to a tower site at the request of a BNEDI employee for a site security matter, or an authorized visitor for purposes of investigating criminal damage or vandalism to a site. Quickly providing a tower site location could also be warranted when a fire/EMS response is required for any reason.
To view a logged tower’s location, follow the instructions below:
From any of the views, click on the Tower Site name. This will take the user to the details for the tower as maintained in the Master Tower Site List.
When the tower record opens, click on the hyperlink below the Link to Map label (see below).
Google Maps will open with a red pin centered on the selected tower site location.
This functionality is available both from the new DSP Tower Site Access Log (visitors), and for all towers in the Master Tower Site List.
Hopefully you will find the functionality of the new log to be beneficial.
Technical questions or suggestions regarding the log may be directed through your chain of command or to the WSP Service Desk as appropriate.
David A. Harvey, Section Chief
Public Safety Technology Services Section
Wisconsin State Patrol - Bureau of Transportation Safety and Technical Services
4822 Madison Yards Way, 9th Floor South
Madison, WI 53705-9100
(608) 709-0073 Desk
(608) 516-5517 Mobile