Completing Handwritten Citations/Warnings/Non-Traffic Citations

Completing Handwritten Citations/Warnings/Non-Traffic Citations

State Patrol Policy provides for the use of paper citations, warnings, and non-traffic citations under limited circumstances.  These instances are generally limited to:

  • TraCS/Printer outage or laptop failure

*TraCS Warning forms issued during TraCS/Printer/Laptop outages are to be entered into TraCS when the outage issue has been resolved.

  • Statutes or Administrative Codes that officers have the authority to enforce, but that are not available within forms in TraCS

 For paper warnings with no corresponding TraCS Statute/Admin Code and for paper citations, a new category of "Paper Enforcement Form Utilized" has been added to the Offense/Incident Manager as shown below:

When paper warnings (with no available TraCS Statute/Code), paper citations, or paper non-traffic citations are issued, please use the eSP4500 form within the Offense/Incident Manager to record the activity.

Use the "Paper Enforcement Form Utilized" category and the appropriate Offense Code for the paper form used.

      Offense Codes:

  • Paper Form - Warning - SP4012 (Statute/Admin Code not in TraCS - Record Missing Statute/Code)

  • Paper Form - Uniform Traffic Citation (Statue/Admin Code not in TraCS - Record Missing Statue/Code)

  • Paper Form - Uniform Traffic Citation (Temporary TraCS/Printer Outage)

  • Paper Form - Non-Traffic Citation (Statue/Admin Code not in TraCS - Record Missing Statue/Code)

  • Paper Form - Non-Traffic Citation (Temporary TraCS/Printer Outage)

  • Paper Form - Uniform Citation Underage Alcohol/Tobacco/Harassment/Sporting Event Safety - GF-116 (Statute/Admin Code not in TraCS-Record Missing Statute/Code)

  • Paper Form - Uniform Citation Underage Alcohol/Tobacco/Harassment/Sporting Event Safety Violations - GF-116 (TraCS/Printer not utilized/available)

If a paper form is being used due to a statute or administrative code that is missing in TraCS, enter the missing statute or administrative code into the offense/incident description field.

A scanned copy of the paper form may also be attached to the eSP4500 (Offense/Incident Report).

Entering this information into the Offense/Incident Manager allows paper warnings, uniform traffic citations, and non-traffic citation information for individuals and vehicles to appear in searches of DSP data.  

Entry of this information also allows for reports to be generated showing statutes and administrative codes that are missing from CCAP/TraCS and need to be added.

If you have questions please contact DSPIT.

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