Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.22.1: Enable GPS for the TraCS System
Task 3.22.1: Enable GPS for the TraCS System
Purpose: Enable GPS for TraCS.
Requirements: Master computer. For Hosted Environment, do all steps on one computer then create distribution to get changes out.
NOTE: For a GPS receiver to work with TraCS it must be able to broadcast NMEA or TAIP to a COM port. Even though a GPS device connects to a computer via a USB port, most come with USB to COM drivers.
Double click the shortcut for the TraCS Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.
Sign in with account 00001.
Click Setup ribbon.
Click the External Information button.
Enable GPS if your agency plans to use a GPS device with TraCS. (Skip to step 6 if you do not want to enable GPS.)
Select the DLL tab.
Expand the External DLLs item.
Select the Monitoring DLLs item.
Import GPS:
Click the Import DLLs button.
Expand the DLLs item.
Select GPS.
Click OK.
Enable GPS.
Expand External DLLs | Monitoring DLLS
Select GPS
Check the enabled check box.
Click the Apply button.
Click the OK button to save the changes
All Office and web services clients are updated as soon as you click Apply and re-login to TraCS. However, a distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to standard mobile clients.
Complete task 4.1 to make a new distribution.
Distribution will run the next time the user logs in and logs off if distribution is set to automatic download.
Or when the user presses the run distribution button.
Your Distribution can be where you further configure your GPS settings:
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