Badger TraCS Guides
Task 5.2(c): Install WI Pack Updates, Web Services Alternative
Task 5.2(c): Install WI Pack Updates, Web Services Alternative
Purpose: Applies patches from the Badger TraCS update service to fix bugs in the TraCS software, update state-level code tables, and add new features.
There are two types of upgrades that may be performed to update the TraCS Server: baseline software updates and Wisconsin TraCS Pack Updates (WI Packs).
A baseline upgrade involves running an executable to install a newer version of the TraCS software. This may sometimes be followed by running additional batch files as specified in supplemental installation instructions. Be sure to read the update announcement carefully to determine whether a baseline upgrade is needed. Frequency of these updates is typically be once or twice a year.
WI Pack upgrades are initiated by starting the TraCS software on the server and then following the prompts regarding downloading and installing the WI Pack. Frequency of WI Packs is typically every 1 to 3 months.
Each time you log into the master computer, a check is made to see if a new WI Pack is available. WI Packs contain state level updates to the TraCS software, which include bug fixes, state level code table updates, and feature enhancements. We encourage you to keep your WI Pack level current. However, each pack is cumulative. If you skip the occasional WI Pack release, your computers will be updated on the next release you accept including files from skipped releases.
Periodically, Badger TraCS will announce the availability of a new WI Pack. You will have an opportunity to preview the pack on the master computer. Once you are satisfied with the pack, you will mark the pack as accepted and then it will be automatically deployed to your remaining TraCS computers through the update server.
Requirements: TraCS server.
If Baseline Upgrade is Required
If Only WIPack Update is Required
Install new WI Pack on TraCS Server.
After receiving an announcement from Badger TraCS regarding the availability of a new WI Pack, start TraCS, but do not log in.
You will receive notifications in your Windows task bar that files are downloading.
And a Second popup
When you receive the notification that the download is complete, exit TraCS by clicking the Cancel button on the log in screen.
Restart TraCS.
Click Yes to download the update.
Click Close once the download has completed.
Close TraCS.
Review the pack announcement. If this pack contains changes to tables structures in the tracs_data database, you will need to run the latest “Delta” SQL script update the database. This is a rare occurrence.
Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Create the needed tables and/or columns in the tracs_data database using the “Delta” SQL script. The script will be located in the TraCS network folder (from task 1.2, step 6b) under the DBData\SQLScripts folder. The name of the script takes the form of <Timestamp>Delta.sql. If there is more than one “Delta” script present, run the one with the most current timestamp.
Note: a common error is to run the script against the default database, which is typically not the tracs_data database. Either change the default database in SSMS to tracs_data or add the following lines to the script before running it—
USE [tracs_data]
Your master computer is now updated and ready for use.
Follow any additional instructions provided by Badger TraCS for this update.
Accept the new WI Pack on master computer.
Each time you start TraCS on the master computer you will receive the following dialog:
Responding Yes will mark the WI Pack as ready for deployment to your remaining computers. Responding No will allow you to continue to use TraCS on your master computer without deploying the pack further within your agency. You will see this dialog each time you start TraCS on the master computer until you respond Yes.
After responding Yes, each computer in your agency will receive the update when they log into TraCS provided there is Internet connectivity at the time of log in. Downloads occur in the background and an interrupted download will continue where it left off once connectivity is re-established. Officers will see the following dialog boxes the next time the log in after a download has been completed:
And then when complete click Close
Track progress of update throughout your agency.
Update server status reports are available on the extranet site: and click on the Reports link.
A sample is shown below:
Follow up on any computer that is still out-of-date after a reasonable time period.
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