Add Equipment

Badger TraCS Guides

Add Equipment

Add Equipment

To add equipment to the inventory us the following directions;

  1. In TraCS 10

  2. Navigate to the Equipment ribbon Click the Add Button.


  3. A new equipment inventory form will open.

  4. Enter the new serial number

    1. The equipment Action of Add Equipment will fill

    2. Along with putting the status of the equipment as available.

  5. Enter the rest of the information known about the Inventory. The following are required;

    1. Equipment Type

    2. Item Name

    3. Item Description

  6. The following drop-down lists are populated from the agency tables

    1. Model

    2. Make

  7. Enter a check in Date (should auto fill)

  8. Enter the Location the equipment is being stored. (Not required by TraCS)

  9. Click Validate

  10. Click OK

  11. Close the Case

  12. The equipment is now available to check out.


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