Badger TraCS Guides
SMTP (email) |
Edit the SMTP connection to enable e-mail message delivery.
Required for the following features
Transmission using email
Notification Service
Batch Services
Note: This step is optional but will allow you to use the notification service.
Note: that the test function will not work until the email service is up and running. Also note that the email service will not work until this is set up.
Select the SMTP entry.
Click the add button.
Enter e-mail in the Name field.
NOTE e-mail is the exact spelling for transmission to work.
Click OK.
Expand the SMTP item.
Select e-mail.
Complete the panel on the right:
Note: consult your e-mail administrator if you need help completing this panel.
The following are the attributes
Description field, enter e-mail.
Server field, enter the address of your e-mail server. (For example:
port field, enter the port number, typically 25.
timeout field, enter 10.
UserID field enter the login credentials to be used when connecting to the e-mail server.
The Password fields may be left blank
From Address field, enter the “from” e-mail address to be used with messages coming from TraCS.
Display Name field, enter the display name to be associated with the “from” e-mail address.
Enable SSL is only for internal email and will not work for transmissions. for internal email set up a secondary email using SSL.
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email or call 608-267-2096