Badger TraCS Guides
Incident Validation Rules
Validation batch rules for the Incident form
The following are the list of rules that will trigger when hitting the validate button and what triggers them.
Document Group |
ERROR: Incident Report Type required
Incident Report type is blank
WARNING: Incident Report Type and DA eReferral flag do not match
If Incident report type contains DA Report type
DA flag is not yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Incident Report Type and DOJ flag do not match
If Incident report type contains WIBRS Report type
DOJ is not yes
ERROR(WIBRS): Reporting Month cannot be blank
Incident report type equals no report
Reporting Month equals blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Reporting Year cannot be blank
Incident report type equals no report
Reporting Year equals blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Reporting Month/Year cannot be in the future
Incident report type equals no report
The combination of the year and the month is in the future
Popup messages Cannot leave Incident report type field until resolved
Incident Type is a required field
Incident Type of Internal Report or No Report for Month can only have one choice
Summary Group |
ERROR: eReferral required
DAIT flag is blank
WARNING: The Location of the Incident and the eReferral Agency(DA) is inconsistent
Referral Agency not blank
Lookup main count code of referral agency
Location count code does not match the lookup code of the referral agency
ERROR: Incident Date required
Incident date is blank
ERROR: Incident time required
Incident time is blank
ERROR: Incident date/time may not be a future time
Compares the combination of the incident date/time with the computers date time to see if the incident date/time is greater than the computers
ERROR: Reported date/time is before than date/time occurred
Comparer the combination of the incident date/time with the reported date/time to see if the incident date/time is greater than the reported date/time.
ERROR: Incident date reported required
Reported Date is blank
ERROR: Incident time reported required
Reported Time is blank
ERROR: Incident date/time reported may not be a future time
Compares the combination of the Reported date/time with the computers date time to see if the reported date/time is greater than the computers
ERROR: Incident date known required
Incident date know flag is blank
ERROR: Incident time known required
Incident Time known flag is blank
ERROR: If Date is Unknown the Incident time should also be unknown
Incident Date Known flag = N
Incident Time Known Flag not equal to N
ERROR: Upper date range required
Date Known = No
Upper Date Range is blank
ERROR: Incident Upper date Occurred may not be a future date
Compares the combination of the incident Upper date with the computers date time to see if the incident Upper date is greater than the computers
ERROR: Incident Lower date Occurred may not be a greater than the upper date
Compares the combination of the incident Lower date/time with the Incident Upper time to see if the incident Lower date/time is greater than the Incident Upper
ERROR: Incident Upper date Occurred may not be a future time
Compares the combination of the incident Upper date/time with the computers date time to see if the incident Upper date/time is greater than the computers
ERROR: Incident Lower date Occurred may not be a greater than the upper date/time
Compares the combination of the incident Lower date/time with the Incident Upper time to see if the incident Lower date/time is greater than the Incident Upper
ERROR: Upper time range required
Time Known = No
Upper Time Range is blank
Victims added when all offenses are society crimes
Total Victims not equal to 0
All offense Code = Society/NA
ERROR(WIBRS): Victims cannot be entered as all offense codes are Society Crimes
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Victims cannot be entered as all offense codes are Society Crimes
DOJ flag is no
Set Transmit to DOC field if missed.
If any Probation/Parole field = Yes
If any sex offender fields = Yes
Set Transmit to DOJ field if missed
Set to N if all the fields are Not Reportable or Runaway.
Set Yes for any field having anything other.
WARNING: One of the statutes is a prescription drug violation but Prescription Alert Type is missing
Prescription Alert Type blank
One Prescription Drug Flags is set to Yes
Cargo Theft required
Cargo Theft Blank
At lease one cargo theft offense
ERROR(WIBRS): Cargo Theft required
DOJ = True
WARNING(WIBRS): Cargo Theft missing
DOJ = false
Cargo Theft required
Cargo Theft not blank
No one cargo theft offense
ERROR(WIBRS): No Cargo Theft violations so cargo theft flag should be blank
DOJ = True
WARNING(WIBRS): No Cargo Theft violations so cargo theft flag should be blank
DOJ = false
Location Group |
ERROR: On street/From-At Street combination of Parking Lot/Private Property is invalid
On street is equal to parking lot or private property
From/At street is equal to parking lot or private property
ERROR: Longitude is required when latitude is present
Latitude is not blank
Longitude is blank
ERROR: Longitude requires at least four digits after the decimal point
longitude is not blank
longitude is less than 7 digits
ERROR: Longitude must be between 86 and 93
Longitude is less than -93 degrees
Longitude is greater than -86 degrees
Longitude is not blank
WARNING: County highway entered in on street location
Override is equal to yes
Municipality is a town
On street name contains (CNT, CO HWY, CTY or CTH)
On street name does not contain (CNTRY, LINE, or OLD)
WARNING: 'HWY' entered in On Street
Override is equal to yes
On street name contain (HWY)
WARNING: State highway entered in On Street location
Override is equal to yes
On street contains (“US H:, “US 1”, "US 2", "US 3", "US 4", "US 5", "US 6", "US 7", "US 8", "USH 1", "USH 2", "USH 3", "USH 4", "USH 5", "USH 6", "USH 7", "USH 8", "USH 9", "USH 0", "US 0", "US 9", "STH", "CTH")
ERROR: If On Highway type entered on Highway name required
On highway type equal to CTH
On highway name is blank
ERROR: If On Highway entered on Highway Type and Direction are required
On highway name is not blank
On highway type is blank or on highway direction is blank
ERROR: On Street and/or On Highway required
On highway name is blank
On street name is blank
Set on street name to blank if
On street equals (NB, SB, EB, or WB)
ERROR: Municipality required
Municipality DMV is blank
ERROR: Crash location county required
County DMV is blank
ERROR: Latitude is required when longitude is present
Latitude is blank
Longitude is not blank
ERROR: Latitude requires at least four digits after the decimal point
Latitude is not blank
Latitude is less than 7 digits
ERROR: Latitude must be between 42 and 49
Latitude is less than 42 degrees
Latitude is greater than 49 degrees
Latitude is not blank
WARNING: Missing Structure Number when Structure Type is entered
Structure Number is blank
Structure type is not blank
ERROR: If From/At Highway type entered from/at Highway name required
From/At highway type equal to CTH
From/At highway name is blank
ERROR: If From/At Highway entered on Highway Type and Direction are required
From/At highway name is not blank
From/At highway type is blank or From/At highway direction is blank
WARNING: County highway entered in From/At street location
Override is equal to yes
Municipality is a town
From/At street name contains (CNT, CO HWY, CTY or CTH)
From/At street name does not contain (CNTRY, LINE, or OLD)
WARNING: 'HWY' entered in From/At Street
Override is equal to yes
From/At street name contain (HWY)
WARNING: State highway entered in From/At Street location
Override is equal to yes
From/At street contains (“US H:, “US 1”, "US 2", "US 3", "US 4", "US 5", "US 6", "US 7", "US 8", "USH 1", "USH 2", "USH 3", "USH 4", "USH 5", "USH 6", "USH 7", "USH 8", "USH 9", "USH 0", "US 0", "US 9", "STH", "CTH")
ERROR: From/At Street and/or From/At Highway required
From/At highway name is blank
From/At street name is blank
If on street or from/at street contains parking lot or private property
Remove values from estimated distance
Remove values form direction from intersection
WARNING: Estimated distance is greater than 9.99 miles
Override is equal to yes
Estimated distance is in miles
Distance is greater than 9.99 miles
Violation Group |
WARNING: This statute is for the State Fair Park Property only
current location not equal 554
Statute Number contains SFP
Missing Statute Number
ERROR(DA): A valid Wisconsin statute required
If going to DAIT
WARNING: A valid Wisconsin statute is missing
If not going to DAIT
ERROR: Statute Description Missing
Statute number not blank
Statute description blank
ERROR: The Wisconsin statute sequence number is required, to fix clear the statue description field and reenter the same description
Statute Sequence Number blank
Statute Description not blank
ERROR: Local Ordinance Description required
Ordinance Number is not blank
Ordinance Description is blank
ERROR: Citation document number is not a valid format
Document number reference is not blank
Length of document number reference not 10 or 8
ERROR: ELCI document number is not a valid format
Document number reference is not blank
First character is not alpha
Last 6 characters are not numeric
ERROR: Offense Code required
Offense Code is blank
Non-Reportable option
Duplicate Offense Codes
Duplicate offense code
Statute number blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Duplicate Offense Codes
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Duplicate Offense Codes
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
ERROR: Offense Attempted Completed Status required
Offense Code is blank
Not-Applicable option
ERROR: Offense Attempted Completed Status cannot be Not Applicable for offense Code
Offense Code is Not Applicable
Offense Status is something other than Not Reportable or runnaway
Missing count
ERROR: Count required
If going to DAIT
WARNING: Count missing
If not going to DAIT
ERROR(WIBRS): Justifiable Homicide was chosen as an offense on this form, which means no other offense can be selected." & newline & "Please use the replicate to create new form.
One offense code equals Justifiable homicide
There is more than one violation group on the form.
This also includes a popup when the offense code is modified.
Property Offense missing corresponding property offense
Offense Code Blank
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table, the code is not ‘N’
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, UCR Property Crimes must include associated Property records.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, property offense missing.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Stolen or Recovered Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=R
Property Loss type = 7,5
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' Property record must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' Property record should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Stolen, Recovered, Unknown or None Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=A
Property Loss type = 1,8,7,5
Checks the offense code for 100 and status = attempted then only 1 and 8 can be used.
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=" & [Violation.violationOffenseCode()]& ", A Property record of type 'Unknown' or 'None' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes with a status of attempted
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' or 'Unknown' or 'None' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' or 'Unknown' or 'None' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need None or Siezed Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=S
Property Loss type = 1,6
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' or 'Unknown' or 'None' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Stolen' or 'Recovered' or 'Unknown' or 'None' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Counterfeited, Recovered or Siezed Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=C
Property Loss type = 3,5,6
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Counterfeited,' 'Recovered,' or 'Seized' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Counterfeited,' 'Recovered,' or 'Seized' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Damaged/Destroyed/Vandalized Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=D
Property Loss type = 4
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Damaged/Destroyed/Vandalized' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Damaged/Destroyed/Vandalized' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Damaged/Destroyed/Vandalized Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=B
Property Loss type = 2
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Burned' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Burned' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need Seized Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=E
Property Loss type = 6
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Seized' must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'Seized' should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
UCR Property Crimes need None or Recovered Property
Look up of PropertyLossFlag in Offense table=Y
Property Loss type = 1 or 5
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'None' or ‘Recovered’ must be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=violationOffenseCode, A Property record of type 'None' or ‘Recovered’ should be included for certain UCR Property Crimes.
If not WIBRS reporting agency
Location Type Required
Location Code is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Location Type Required
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Location Type missing
If not WIBRS reporting agency
Premises Entered required
Offense Code = 220 Burglary
Location Code = 14 or 19 (Hotel or Storage Facility)
Total Premises Entered = blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Number of Premises Entered required for Burglary Offenses with a Location Type of Hotel or Rental Storage Facility
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Number of Premises Entered should be for Burglary Offenses with a Location Type of Hotel or Rental Storage Facility
If not WIBRS reporting agency
Method of entry required
Offense Code = 220 Burglary
Method of entry = blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Method of entry for Burglary Offenses (220) required
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Method of entry for Burglary Offenses (220) missing
If not WIBRS reporting agency
Victim required for all non society offenses
Offense code not blank
Offense type not equal to society
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()], victim required
If WIBRS reporting agency
0 victim groups
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()], victim required
If not WIBRS reporting agency
0 victim groups
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()], has not been assigned to a victim
If WIBRS reporting agency
Offense code not found in any associated offenses
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()], has not been assigned to a victim
If not WIBRS reporting agency
Offense code not found in any associated offenses
Weapon Required for certain UCR Codes
Weapon Flag is equal to Y
Weapon field is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()],Weapon is required
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Offense Code=[Violation.violationOffenseCode()],Weapon is missing
If not WIBRS reporting agency
None Mutually exclusive in Weapons field
Weapon contains none (99)
length of weapon field is greater than 2
ERROR(WIBRS): Weapon code 'None' is mutually exclusive with all other weapon codes
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Weapon code 'None' is mutually exclusive with all other weapon codes
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
None Mutually exclusive in Weapons field
Weapon contains none (99)
Offense code = 09A Homicide
ERROR(WIBRS): Cannot have weapon code 'None' for a homicide offense
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Cannot have weapon code 'None' for a homicide offense
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
Bias Motivation required
Bias Motivation is Blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Bias motivation required
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Bias motivation missing
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
None and Unknown Mutually exclusive in Bias Motivation field
Weapon contains none (99) or Unnown (88)
ERROR(WIBRS): Only one bias motivation can be submitted if the value given is 'None' or 'Unknown'
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Only one bias motivation can be submitted if the value given is 'None' or 'Unknown'
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
Criminal Activity Required for specific offense codes
Offense codes contain criminal activity flag of C, G or A
Criminal Activity field is blank
ERROR(WIBRS):Criminal Activity Required
If WIBRS reporting agency
ERROR(WIBRS):Criminal Activity Missing
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
None Mutually exclusive in Criminal Activity field
Weapon contains none (99)
ERROR(WIBRS): Type of Criminal Activity code 'None' can not be supplied in combination with other Criminal Activity codes
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Type of Criminal Activity code 'None' can not be supplied in combination with other Criminal Activity codes
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
With Property group
The following offenses, if 'Attempted,' require a Property Loss Type of 'None' or 'Unknown': 100, 120, 200, 210, 220, 240, 250, 270, 280, 290, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, 26G, 35A, 35B, 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 510.
Offense contains 100, 120, 200, 210, 220, 240, 250, 270, 280, 290, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, 26G, 35A, 35B, 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 510
Offense Status equals attempted
ERROR(WIBRS): The following offenses, if 'Attempted,' require a Property Loss Type of 'None' or 'Unknown': 100, 120, 200, 210, 220, 240, 250, 270, 280, 290, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, 26G, 35A, 35B, 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 510
If WIBRS reporting agency
Warning(WIBRS): The following offenses, if 'Attempted,' require a Property Loss Type of 'None' or 'Unknown': 100, 120, 200, 210, 220, 240, 250, 270, 280, 290, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, 26G, 35A, 35B, 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 510
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
Offense 35A needs a drug type
Offense code 35A found in Violation
Drug group missing
Or all Drug type fields blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Drug Type Required for Offense Code 35A
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): Drug Type Required for Offense Code 35A
If NOT WIBRS reporting agency
Subject Group |
ERROR: Subject Type required
Subject Type is blank
Cannot only have non-individuals for WIBRS reports
All entity types = non individual
ERROR(WIBRS): Only Non-Individuals chosen for a IBR offense, need at another subject group with unknown or individual
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Only Non-Individuals chosen for a IBR offense, need at another subject group with unknown or individual
DOJ flag is no
Associated Offense Required
Individual Associated Offense is blank
ERROR(DA): Associated Offense Required
DA Flag is Yes
WARNING(DA): Associated Offense Missing
DA Flang is no
ERROR: Subject Last Name required
Subject Type equals individual
Subject Last Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject Last Name missing
Subject Type equals individual
Subject Last Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Subject First Name required
Subject Type equals individual
Subject First Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject First Name missing
Subject Type equals individual
Subject First Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Subject Company Name required
Subject Type equals Non-Individual
Subject Company Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject Company Name missing
Subject Type equals Non-individual
Subject Company Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Invalid Subject Name Suffix
Subject Suffix doesn’t match value in table
Or Subject suffix is greater than 3 characters
Suffix is not blank
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the suffix came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: Subject Street Address or PO Box required
Subject Street Address is blank
Subject PO Box Address is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject Street Address and PO Box missing
Subject Street Address is blank
Subject PO Box Address is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Subject City name required
Subject City is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject City name missing
Subject City is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Subject Address State Required
Subject State is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
WARNING: Subject Address State missing
Subject State is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR: Invalid Subject State Address
Subject State doesn’t match value in table
Or Subject State is greater than 2 characters
State is not blank
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR(WIBRS): Subject Date of Birth required
Subject Date of Birth is blank
One or the other situations
DA Routing flag is Yes
DOJ Flag is Yes, and Individual Arrest Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Subject Date of Birth missing
Subject Date of Birth is blank
DA Routing flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS): Subject age required
Subject age is blank
DOJ Routing flag is Yes
ERROR(WIBRS): If multiple Offenders are listed, then at least one Offender must have a known Age (or Age Range) or a known Sex or a known Race
Number of Unknown subjects is greater than 1
All Age fields are blank
All WIBRS Race field are blank
All Sex fields are blank
DOJ Routing flag is yes
ERROR(WIBRS): For '09C' ('Justifiable Homicide') offenses, the Age and Sex and Race of the Offender must be known
DOJ Routing flag is yes
Linking associated offense has 09C code
Age field is bank
WIBRS Race field is blank
Sex field is blank
ERROR: Subject date of birth cannot be a future date
Compares the combination of the Subjects date of birth with the computers date to see if the Subjects date of birth is greater than the computers
ERROR: Incident Date is earlier than Subject date of birth
Compares the combination of the Subjects date of birth with the Incident date to see if the Subjects date of birth is greater than the Incidents
ERROR(DA): Subject Date of Birth within 5 years of incident date
Calculates the Subjects age at the time of the incident and gives a warning if the subject was 5 or younger.
DA Routing Flag is Yes
WARNING(DA): Subject Date of Birth within 5 years of incident date
Calculates the Subjects age at the time of the incident and gives a warning if the subject was 5 or younger.
DA Routing Flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS/DA): Subject Sex required
Subject Sex is blank
One or the other
DA Routing flag is Yes
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS/DA): Subject Sex missing
Subject Sex is blank
DA Routing flag is No
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR: Invalid Subject Sex
Subject Sex doesn’t match value in table
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the sex came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Subject Race missing
Subject Race is blank
This was not split out because it is a warning in the Citations.
ERROR: Hispanic is selected for Race then Hispanic is required for WIBRS Ethnicity
Race is Hispanic
WIBRS Ethnicity is not Hispanic
WARNING(WIBRS): Subject WIBRS Race missing
Subject Race is blank
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS): Subject WIBRS Race missing
Subject Race is blank
DOJ Flag is Yes
ERROR: Invalid Subject Race
Subject Race doesn’t match value in table
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the race came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Subject Weight is less than 50
Subject Weight is less than 50
This was not split out because it is a warning in the Citations
ERROR: Invalid Subject Hair Color
Subject Hair Color doesn’t match value in table
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Hair Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: Invalid Subject Eye Color
Subject Eye Color doesn’t match value in table
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Eye Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: The Subject Driver License Number and the Subject State of Issuance fields must both be either filled or blank
DL number is blank
Or DL State is blank
This rule is on every form.
ERROR: Check Digit Error. Subject Wisconsin driver license number entered is not valid
DL Number is not blank
DL State is equal to WI
Does calculations to make sure the last character(check digit) which is usually 14 is correct based on all the other characters.
ERROR: Subject Wisconsin Driver License Numbers must begin with an alpha character and be 14 characters in length
DL State equals WI
DL Number is less than 14 characters
DL Number has a number in the first character
DL Number is not blank
WARNING: Subject Driver license number decodes to female, but male entered for sex
DL Number has a number greater than 4 in the 10 character
Subject Sex is equal to Male
DL number is not blank
WARNING: Subject Driver license number decodes to male, but female entered for sex
DL Number has a number less than 5 in the 10 character
Subject Sex is equal to Female
DL Number is not blank
ERROR: Subject Driver License Expiration Year field contains invalid characters. Must contain characters that are numeric or spaces and be greater than 1989
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is not numeric
DL Expiration Year is less than 1990
DL Expiration Year is greater than 2200
WARNING: Subject Drivers license expiration date is greater than 12
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is greater than 12
ERROR: Invalid Subject DL State Address
Subject DL State doesn’t match value in table
Or Subject DL State is greater than 2 characters
DL State is not blank
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the DL State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
Subject lower age is higher than the upper
Subject Age is Greater than Subject upper age
ERROR(WIBRS): Subject lower age is higher than the upper
DOJ routing is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Subject lower age is higher than the upper
DOJ Routing is no
Arrest Subgroup
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrest date/time may not be a future time
Arrest group open
DOJ flag is yes
Arrested date is in the future
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrest date/time is before Reported date/time
Arrest group open
DOJ flag is yes
Arrest date is before data reported
Armed with set too unarmed and something else
Armed with contains Unarmed
Armed with contains another value
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrestee Armed With code 01 (Unarmed) cannot be used in combination with other values
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Arrestee Armed With code 01 (Unarmed) should not be used in combination with other values
DOJ Flag is No
Underage arrestees’ disposition
Arrestee Under 18 at time of arrest
Disposition blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 must be entered for arrestees under 18 years
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 must be entered for arrestees under 18 years
DOJ flag is no
Adult arrestees’ disposition
Arrestee over 18 at time of arrest
Disposition not blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Disposition of Arrestee over 18 not allowed
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Disposition of Arrestee over 18 not allowed
DOJ flag is no
Arrest Offense Required
Arrest group opened
Arrest Offense is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrest Offense Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Arrest Offense Missing
DOJ flag is no
Arrest Type Required
Arrest group opened
Arrest Type is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrest Type Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Arrest Type Missing
DOJ flag is no
Multiple Arrestee Indicator Required
Arrest group opened
Multiple Arrestee Indicator is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Multiple Arrestee Indicator Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Multiple Arrestee Indicator Missing
DOJ flag is no
Arrestee Armed With Required
Arrest group opened
Arrestee Armed With is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Arrestee Armed With Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Arrestee Armed With Missing
DOJ flag is no
ATN Number Required
Arrest group opened
ATN Number is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): ATN Number Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): ATN Number Missing
DOJ flag is no
Victim Group |
ERROR: Victim Type required
Victim Type is blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
Victim type Law Enforcement officer with no Murder or assault offenses
Victim Type = Law Enforcement
Missing any type of offense
ERROR(WIBRS): The (Law Enforcement Officer) Victim Type is only intended to be used when reporting LEOKA (Law Enforcement Officer Killed or Assaulted) offenses (09A Murder or 13A, 13B, 13C Assault). Individual should be used otherwise, for non-LEOKA crimes
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The (Law Enforcement Officer) Victim Type is only intended to be used when reporting LEOKA (Law Enforcement Officer Killed or Assaulted) offenses (09A Murder or 13A, 13B, 13C Assault). Individual should be used otherwise, for non-LEOKA crimes
DOJ Flag is No
Non person Victim linked to crime against person incorrectly
Offense type equal to person
Victim type not Individual or Police Officer
ERROR(WIBRS): If linked Offense Code is a Crime Against Person, the Type of Victim must be Individual or Law Enforcement Officer
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): If linked Offense Code is a Crime Against Person, the Type of Victim must be Individual or Law Enforcement Officer
DOJ Flag is No
Associated Offense Required
Associated Offense Blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Associated Offense Required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Associated Offense Required
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR: Victim Last Name required
Victim Type equals individual
Victim Last Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Last Name missing
Victim Type equals individual
Victim Last Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim First Name required
Victim Type equals individual
Victim First Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim First Name missing
Victim Type equals individual
Victim First Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim Company Name required
Victim Type equals Individual or Police
Victim Company Name is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Company Name missing
Victim Type equals Individual or Police
Victim Company Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Victim Name Suffix
Victim Suffix doesn’t match value in table
Or Victim suffix is greater than 3 characters
Suffix is not blank
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the suffix came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim Street Address or PO Box required
Victim Street Address is blank
Victim PO Box Address is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Street Address and PO Box missing
Victim Street Address is blank
Victim PO Box Address is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim City name required
Victim City is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim City name missing
Victim City is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim Address State Required
Victim State is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Address State missing
Victim State is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Victim State Address
Victim State doesn’t match value in table
Or Victim State is greater than 2 characters
State is not blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: Victim Date of Birth required
Victim Date of Birth is blank
DA Routing flag is Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Date of Birth missing
Victim Date of Birth is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim date of birth cannot be a future date
Compares the combination of the Victims date of birth with the computers date to see if the Victims date of birth is greater than the computers
Total Victims Not equal to 0
Victim over 17 cannot have an offense of statutory rape
Associated offense linked to 36B
Victim equal to individual
Victim age greater than 17
ERROR(WIBRS): The Offense 36B (Statutory Rape) is not valid for a victim age over 17
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Offense 36B (Statutory Rape) is not valid for a victim age over 17
DOJ Flag is No
Victim over 17 cannot have an offense of statutory rape (age Upper)
Associated offense linked to 36B
Victim equal to individual
Victim age upper greater than 17
ERROR(WIBRS): The Offense 36B (Statutory Rape) is not valid for a victim upper age over 17
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Offense 36B (Statutory Rape) is not valid for a victim upper age over 17
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR: Incident Date is earlier than Victim date of birth
Compares the combination of the Victims date of birth with the Incident date to see if the Victims date of birth is greater than the Incidents
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR(WIBRS/DA): Victim Sex required
Victim Sex is blank
Victim type Individual or Police Officer
DA Routing flag is Yes or DOJ Flag equal Yes
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING(WIBRS/DA): Victim Sex missing
Victim Sex is blank
Victim type individual or police officer
DA Routing flag is No and DOJ Flag equal to no
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Victim Sex
Victim Sex doesn’t match value in table
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the sex came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Victim Race missing
Victim Race is blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This was not split out because it is a warning in the Citations.
ERROR: Hispanic is selected for Race then Hispanic is required for WIBRS Ethnicity
Race is Hispanic
WIBRS Ethnicity is not Hispanic
ERROR: Invalid Victim Race
Victim Race doesn’t match value in table
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the race came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Victim Weight is less than 50
Victim Weight is less than 50
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This was not split out because it is a warning in the Citations
ERROR: Invalid Victim Hair Color
Victim Hair Color doesn’t match value in table
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Hair Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: Invalid Victim Eye Color
Victim Eye Color doesn’t match value in table
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Eye Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: The Victim Driver License Number and the State of Issuance fields must both be either filled or blank
DL number is blank
Or DL State is blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This rule is on every form.
ERROR: Check Digit Error. Victim Wisconsin driver license number entered is not valid
DL Number is not blank
DL State is equal to WI
Total Victims Not equal to 0
Does calculations to make sure the last character(check digit) which is usually 14 is correct based on all the other characters.
ERROR: Victim Wisconsin Driver License Numbers must begin with an alpha character and be 14 characters in length
DL State equals WI
DL Number is less than 14 characters
DL Number has a number in the first character
DL Number is not blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Driver license number decodes to female, but male entered for sex
DL Number has a number greater than 4 in the 10 character
Victim Sex is equal to Male
DL number is not blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Driver license number decodes to male, but female entered for sex
DL Number has a number less than 5 in the 10 character
Victim Sex is equal to Female
DL Number is not blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Victim Driver License Expiration Year field contains invalid characters. Must contain characters that are numeric or spaces and be greater than 1989
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is not numeric
DL Expiration Year is less than 1990
DL Expiration Year is greater than 2200
Total Victims Not equal to 0
WARNING: Victim Drivers license expiration date is greater than 12
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is greater than 12
Total Victims Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Victim DL State Address
Victim DL State doesn’t match value in table
Or Victim DL State is greater than 2 characters
DL State is not blank
Total Victims Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the DL State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR(WIBRS): Victim age required
Victim age is blank
Victim Type equals Individual or Police Officer
DOJ Routing flag is Yes
Victim lower age is higher than the upper
Victim Age is Greater than victim upper age
ERROR(WIBRS): Victim lower age is higher than the upper
DOJ routing is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Victim lower age is higher than the upper
DOJ Routing is no
WARNING(WIBRS): Victim WIBRS Race missing
Victim Race is blank
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS): Victim WIBRS Race missing
Victim Race is blank
DOJ Flag is Yes
Injury Subgroup
ERROR(WIBRS): Victim injury required
Injury group opened because of related violation
Injury field is blank
DOJ flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Victim injury missing
Injury group opened because of related violation
Injury field is blank
DOJ flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS): Injury code 'None' is mutually exclusive with all other weapon codes
Injury equals none
Injury also contains any other value(s)
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Injury code 'None' is mutually exclusive with all other weapon codes
Injury equals none
Injury also contains any other value(s)
DOJ Flag is No
ERROR(WIBRS): Injury type must be ('Minor Injuries' or 'None') for ('Simple Assault')
Injury is not minor or none
All associated offenses are not simple assault or injury offense
DOJ flag is Yes
LEA Subgroup
ERROR(WIBRS): Officer call type when a law enforcement officer was the victim of the incident required
DOJ Flag is yes
ORI Number must be 9 characters long
ERROR(WIBRS): ORI Numbers are 9 characters long
DOJ Flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): ORI Numbers are 9 characters long
DOJ Flag is no
Aggravated Assault SupGroup
ERROR(WIBRS): Justified homicide Circumstances required
Justified homicide circumstances group opened
Justified homicide circumstances is blank
DOJ Flag is yes
For the Aggravated Assault Circumstance "Other Felony Involved," at least two UCR Offenses must be reported
There is an Agg Assault group
Other Felony Involved is in the field
Count of Violation groups less than 2
ERROR(WIBRS): For the Aggravated Assault Circumstance 'Other Felony Involved,' at least two UCR Offenses must be reported
If WIBRS reporting agency
WARNING(WIBRS): For the Aggravated Assault Circumstance 'Other Felony Involved,' at least two UCR Offenses must be reported
If Not WIBRS reporting agency
Aggravated Assault Circumstances required
Agg Assault group opened
All aggravated assault circumstances equal to blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault/ homicide Circumstances required
DOJ Flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault/ homicide Circumstances missing
DOJ Flag is no
Justified homicide Circumstances
aggravated assault circumstances equal to 20 or 21
Aggravated assault additional circumstances equal to blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Justified homicide Circumstances required
DOJ Flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Justified homicide Circumstances required
DOJ Flag is no
Aggravated Assault Circumstances incorrect
Agg Assault circumstance not blank
Agg code = A and no offense codes = 13A or 09A
ERROR(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '00'-'14' and '51'-'53' are only valid for '09A' ('Murder') and '13A' ('Aggravated Assault') Offenses
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '00'-'14' and '51'-'53' are only valid for '09A' ('Murder') and '13A' ('Aggravated Assault') Offenses
DOJ Flag is No
Agg code = B and no offense codes = 09B
ERROR(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '30'-'34' are only valid for '09B' ('Negligent Manslaughter') Offenses
DOJ Flag is Yes
Warning(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '30'-'34' are only valid for '09B' ('Negligent Manslaughter') Offenses
DOJ Flag is No
Agg code = C and no offense codes = 09C
ERROR(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '20' and '21' are only valid for '09C' ('Justifiable Homicide') Offenses
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Aggravated Assault Codes '20' and '21' are only valid for '09C' ('Justifiable Homicide') Offenses
DOJ Flag is No
Aggravated Assault Circumstances = Assault on Officer and Victim Type is not Law enforcement Officer
ERROR(WIBRS): Assault on officer Circumstance valid only if the victim is a law enforcement officer
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Assault on officer Circumstance valid only if the victim is a law enforcement officer
DOJ Flag is No
Relationship Subgroup
Number of relationship group inconsistent with the number of subject groups
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
Number of relationship subgroups for an individual should be equal to the number of subject groups
ERROR(WIBRS): The number of relationship groups inconsitant with number of Subject Groups
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The number of relationship groups inconsitant with number of Subject Groups
DOJ Flag is No
Each subject should have a relationship group under a victim in the order that they are as subjects
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
i.e. relationship 1 under victim 1 should be subject 1 and relationship 2 should be subject 2. Do not modify as the form puts them in correctly.
ERROR(WIBRS): Every offender ('subjectNumber') to be related by entry must have an accompanying relationship type entry
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Every offender ('subjectNumber') to be related by entry must have an accompanying relationship type entry
DOJ Flag is No
Multiple victim relationships marked as self
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
Count of relationships as self under a particular victim is greater than 1
ERROR(WIBRS): The 'Self' Relationship can only be entered once per victim record
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The 'Self' Relationship can only be entered once per victim record
DOJ Flag is Yes
Multiple victim relationships marked as spouse
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
Count of relationships as spouse under a particular victim is greater than 1
ERROR(WIBRS): Victim can only have relationship of spouse with one offender
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Victim can only have relationship of spouse with one offender
DOJ Flag is Yes
Relationship required
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
relationship blank
ERROR(WIBRS): Relationship type required
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Relationship type missing
DOJ Flag is No
When self is a relationship type the at least 2 subject are needed
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
Relationship equal self
Number of subject is less than 2
ERROR(WIBRS): When a 'Self' relationship is supplied there must be at least two Subjects entered
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): When a 'Self' relationship is supplied there must be at least two Subjects entered
DOJ Flag is No
Victims/subjects must be 13 to be a spouse
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
relationship equal to spouse
victim under 14 or subject under 14
ERROR(WIBRS): In a 'Spousal' relationship type the Victim and Offender age must be at least 13
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): In a 'Spousal' relationship type the Victim and Offender age must be at least 13
DOJ Flag is No
Babies cannot be parents
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
relationship equal to parent or grandparent
victim under the age of 1
ERROR(WIBRS): Age of Victim ('NN,' 'NB,' or 'BB') does not make sense for the Relationship Type 'Parent' or 'Grandparent'
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Age of Victim ('NN,' 'NB,' or 'BB') does not make sense for the Relationship Type 'Parent' or 'Grandparent'
DOJ Flag is No
Victims cannot be parent of subjects old then them
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
victim not a baby
Relationship of Parent or GrandParent
victim age less than subject age
ERROR(WIBRS): Relationship Type 'Parent' or 'Grandparent' does not make sense if the Victim is younger than the Offender
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Relationship Type 'Parent' or 'Grandparent' does not make sense if the Victim is younger than the Offender
DOJ Flag is No
Victims cannot be a child or grandchild of someone younger
victim equal to Individual or Law enforcement
victim age greater than subject age
Relationship of child or grandchild
ERROR(WIBRS): Relationship Type 'Child' or 'Grandchild' does not make sense if the Victim is older than the Offender
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Relationship Type 'Child' or 'Grandchild' does not make sense if the Victim is older than the Offender
DOJ Flag is Yes
Incest relationships should only be either self or familial
One violation
That violation = 36A – Insest
Victim Police or Individual
Relationship not blank
Relationship not
VO – Self
GC - Grandchild
CP - Grandparent
OF – Other Family
PA - Parent
SB - Sibling
ERROR(WIBRS): Incest relationships should only be either self or familial
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Incest relationships should only be either self or familial
DOJ Flag is no
Relationships equal to self should be the same person
Victim type equal to individual
Relationship equal to VICTIM WAS OFFENDER
Demographic different between subject and victim
WIBRS race
ERROR(WIBRS): Relationships equal to self should be the same person (name, sex, age, race, ethnicity).
DOJ Flag is Yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Relationships equal to self should be the same person (name, sex, age, race, ethnicity).
DOJ Flag is no
Other Person Group |
ERROR: Other Person Type required
Other Person Type is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person Type of REPORTED BY requires a Reported By Type
Other Person Reported By is blank
Other person type is equal to REPORTED BY
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person Type of PATIENT requires a link to a subject
Other Person Linked to is blank
Other person type is equal to PATIENT
Other person Linked to does not start with a S for subject
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person Type of PATIENT requires a Prescription Number
Other Person Prescription Number is blank
Other person type is equal to PATIENT
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person Type of PATIENT requires a Prescriber name
Other Person Prescriber Name is blank
Other person type is equal to PATIENT
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR(DA): Other Person Type of OFFICER WITNESS requires a DOT Officer ID
DA Routing equals Yes
Other person type is equal to OFFICER WITNESS
DOT Officer ID is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR(DA): Other Person Type of OFFICER WITNESS requires an Agency Name
DA Routing equals Yes
Other person type is equal to OFFICER WITNESS
Agency Name is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR(DA): Other Person Type of OFFICER WITNESS requires an Agency ORI
DA Routing equals Yes
Other person type is equal to OFFICER WITNESS
Agency ORI is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person Type of PARENT/GUARDIAN requires a Parent of Link
Other Person Parent Of to is blank
Other person type is equal to PARENT/GUARDIAN
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Other Person Organization Type missing
Other Person Organization Type is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR(DA): Other Person Type of OFFICER WITNESS requires a Last Name
DA Routing equals Yes
Other person type is equal to OFFICER WITNESS
Other Person Last Name is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Other Person Last Name missing
Other Person Organization Type equals individual
Other Person Last Name is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Other Person First Name missing
Other Person Organization Type equals individual
Other Person First Name is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING(DA): Other Person Company Name missing
Other Person Type equals Non-individual
Other Person Company Name is blank
DA Routing flag is No
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Name Suffix
Other Person Suffix doesn’t match value in table
Or Other Person suffix is greater than 3 characters
Suffix is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the suffix came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Other Person Street Address and PO Box missing
Other Person Street Address is blank
Other Person PO Box Address is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Other Person City name missing
Other Person City is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Other Person Address State missing
Other Person State is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Other Person State Address
Other Person State doesn’t match value in table
Or Other Person State is greater than 2 characters
State is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Other Person Date of Birth missing
Other Person Date of Birth is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Other Person date of birth cannot be a future date
Compares the combination of the Other Persons date of birth with the computers date to see if the Other Persons date of birth is greater than the computers
ERROR: Incident Date is earlier than Other Person date of birth
Compares the combination of the Other Persons date of birth with the Incident date to see if the Other Persons date of birth is greater than the Incidents
WARNING: Other Person Sex missing
Other Person Sex is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Sex
Other Person Sex doesn’t match value in table
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the sex came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Race missing
Other Person Race is blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Race
Other Person Race doesn’t match value in table
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the race came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
WARNING: Other Person Weight is less than 50
Other Person Weight is less than 50
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid Hair Color
Other Person Hair Color doesn’t match value in table
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Hair Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: Invalid Eye Color
Other Person Eye Color doesn’t match value in table
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the Eye Color came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
ERROR: The Driver License Number and the State of Issuance fields must both be either filled or blank
DL number is blank
Or DL State is blank
This rule is on every form.
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Check Digit Error. Wisconsin driver license number entered is not valid
DL Number is not blank
DL State is equal to WI
Does calculations to make sure the last character(check digit) which is usually 14 is correct based on all the other characters.
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Wisconsin Driver License Numbers must begin with an alpha character and be 14 characters in length
DL State equals WI
DL Number is less than 14 characters
DL Number has a number in the first character
DL Number is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Driver license number decodes to female, but male entered for sex
DL Number has a number greater than 4 in the 10 character
Other Person Sex is equal to Male
DL number is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Driver license number decodes to male, but female entered for sex
DL Number has a number less than 5 in the 10 character
Other Person Sex is equal to Female
DL Number is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Driver License Expiration Year field contains invalid characters. Must contain characters that are numeric or spaces and be greater than 1989
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is not numeric
DL Expiration Year is less than 1990
DL Expiration Year is greater than 2200
Total other person Not equal to 0
WARNING: Drivers license expiration date is greater than 12
DL Expiration Year is not blank
DL Expiration Year is greater than 12
Total other person Not equal to 0
ERROR: Invalid DL State Address
Other Person DL State doesn’t match value in table
Or Other Person DL State is greater than 2 characters
DL State is not blank
Total other person Not equal to 0
This doesn’t happen much, it is a verification the DL State came into TraCS correctly from other state. (Cannot test)
Property Group (loss) |
ERROR(WIBRS): Property loss required
Property Group Open
Property Loss field is blank
No duplicate loss types
Count of lost type > 1
ERROR(WIBRS): Each 'Loss Type' category section can only exist once
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Each 'Loss Type' category section can only exist once
DOJ flag is no
Loss type offense conflict
Look up the offense codes in V2WIBRSLoss for specific loss type
Returned value is not blank
Scan all offence to see if one is entered
ERROR(WIBRS): The loss type not valid with the chosen offenses
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The loss type not valid with the chosen offenses
DOJ flag is no
Motor vehicle theft needs stolen vehicles
Need at least one Motor vehicle theft offense
Lost type equals stolen
Total number of Vehicles stolen is blank or equal to 0
ERROR(WIBRS): For Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses, the 'Stolen' Loss Type record must be associated with the number of Local Motor Vehicles that were stolen
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): For Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses, the 'Stolen' Loss Type record must be associated with the number of Local Motor Vehicles that were stolen
DOJ flag is no
Property Items
Pending inventory needs to equal 1
If property description equals pending inventory
Property value does not equal 1
Property value is set to equal 1
Property Value Required
Property value is equal to blank
ERROR: Property Value required
Duplicate Property Item
Property description is not blank
In the same parent(Property Loss type) group property description is duplicated
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Descriptions cannot be repeated
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Descriptions cannot be repeated
DOJ flag is no
Incorrect property value
Table Driven
DefaultLow field
Z= The Property Value must be zero form auto fills in $0 and disables the field
1=$1 minimum and required
0=$0 minimum and required
N = not required in a specific circumstance
ERROR(WIBRS): Incorrect Property Value
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Incorrect Property Value
DOJ flag is No
Number of stolen vehicles
Offense of 240 Motor vehicle theft is on form
Property loss of stolen
Total number of stolen vehicle property types
Is less than Number of stolen vehicle field
ERROR(WIBRS): Number of Stolen Vehicles is less than the number of different Vehicle Description Codes used (ex: 'Car' and 'Truck').
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Number of Stolen Vehicles is less than the number of different Vehicle Description Codes used (ex: 'Car' and 'Truck').
DOJ flag is No
Vehicle type required for Property Type
Offense of 240 Motor vehicle theft is on form
Property loss of stolen
Number of stolen vehicles greater than 0
ERROR(WIBRS): When a nonzero number of Stolen Motor Vehicles is supplied, a Vehicle Type must also be supplied for at least one Property Description.
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): When a nonzero number of Stolen Motor Vehicles is supplied, a Vehicle Type must also be supplied for at least one Property Description.
DOJ flag is no
Number of recovered vehicles from other jurisdictions vs total vehicles stolen
Offense of 240 Motor vehicle theft is on form
Property loss of recovered
Number of stolen vehicles less than
Recovered vehicles form other jurisdictions
ERROR(WIBRS): The number of recovered vehicles cannot be a greater than the total number of vehicles stolen
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The number of recovered vehicles cannot be a greater than the total number of vehicles stolen
DOJ flag is no
Recovered vehicles
Offense of 240 Motor vehicle theft is on form
Property loss of recovered
Number of stolen vehicles equals 0
Recovered vehicles form other jurisdictions equals 0
ERROR(WIBRS): Either the Number of Local Motor Vehicles field or the Vehicles Recovered by Other Jurisdictions field must be entered for completed Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses when a vehicle recovery is reported
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Either the Number of Local Motor Vehicles field or the Vehicles Recovered by Other Jurisdictions field must be entered for completed Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses when a vehicle recovery is reported
DOJ flag is no
Recovery date required
Recovery date is equal to blank
Property loss equal to recovered
ERROR(WIBRS): A Date of Recovery is required with Property Loss Type '5' (Recovered)
DOJ flag is yes
ERROR(WIBRS): A Date of Recovery is required with Property Loss Type '5' (Recovered)
DOJ flag is no
ERROR: Recovery date may not be a future date
Compares the recovery date with the computers date to see if the recovery date is greater than the computers
ERROR: Recovery date is before than date occurred
Compares the incident date/time with the recovery date to see if the incident date is greater than the recovery date.
Matching recovered stolen property items
Offense codes of 280 and 250 not found on the form
Parent loss type equal to 5 Recovered
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Loss Type '5'(Recovered) needs a matching Loss type of '7' (Stolen).
DOJ flag is yes
No loss type of 7 stolen found on form
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Loss Type '5'(Recovered) needs a matching Loss type of '7' (Stolen).
DOJ flag is no
No loss type of 7 stolen found on form
ERROR(WIBRS): All 'Recovered' Property Descriptions must also have been submitted as Stolen
DOJ flag is yes
loss type of 7 stolen found on form
Search for matching stolen property type
If not found, then show error
WARNING(WIBRS): All 'Recovered' Property Descriptions must also have been submitted as Stolen
DOJ flag is no
loss type of 7 stolen found on form
Search for matching stolen property type
If not found, then show error
Recover value greater than stolen value
Offense codes of 280 and 250 not found on the form
Parent loss type equal to 5 Recovered
If found stolen type
If found property type
Stolen property item is greater than recovered property item
ERROR(WIBRS): The value associated with any Recovered property cannot exceed the value that was Stolen
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The value associated with any Recovered property cannot exceed the value that was Stolen
DOJ flag is no
Structure property types not logical with Burglary or Motor Vehicle Theft
contains 220 burglary or 240 motorer vehicle theft as an offense code on the form
look up in V2WIBRSProperty for invalid property types
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Codes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 (Structure) are not logical with Offense Codes 220(Burglary) or 240(Motor Vehicle Theft).
DOJ flag is yes
Only property offense codes 220 and 240 on form
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Codes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 (Structure) are not logical with Offense Codes 220(Burglary) or 240(Motor Vehicle Theft).
DOJ flag is no
other property offense codes on form
property types not logical with Pick Pocketing or Purse Snatching
contains 23A Pick Pocketing or 23B Purse Snatching as an offense code on the form
look up in V2WIBRSProperty for invalid property types
ERROR(WIBRS): These Property Codes are not logical with Offense Codes 23A(Pick Pocketing) or 23B(Purse Snatching).
DOJ flag is yes
Only property offense codes 23A and 23B on form
WARNING(WIBRS): These Property Codes are not logical with Offense Codes 23A(Pick Pocketing) or 23B(Purse Snatching).
DOJ flag is no
other property offense codes on form
property types only valid with 120, 210, 220, 240, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, and 26G
does not contains 120, 210, 220, 240, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, and 26G as an offense code on the form
look up in V2WIBRSProperty for invalid property types
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Descriptions 01, 03, 05, 12, 15, 18, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 60, and 61 are only valid with Offense Codes 120, 210, 220, 240, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, and 26G.
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Descriptions 01, 03, 05, 12, 15, 18, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 60, and 61 are only valid with Offense Codes 120, 210, 220, 240, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, and 26G.
DOJ flag is no
An offense of 35A must be included if Property Description '10' is reported with the Property Value of zero or blank
Property Description is 10 Drugs/narcotics
Property value = 0
Missing offense code 35A
ERROR(WIBRS): An offense of 35A must be included if Property Description '10' is reported with the Property Value of zero or blank
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): An offense of 35A must be included if Property Description '10' is reported with the Property Value of zero or blank
DOJ flag is no
Property Description cannot be '11' (Drug Equipment) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35A' (Drug Violations)
Property Description is 11 Drug Equipment
The form contains Offense code 35A
Loss type equals 6 Seized
No other property offense type is included on the form
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Description cannot be '11' (Drug Equipment) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35A' (Drug Violations)
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Description cannot be '11' (Drug Equipment) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35A' (Drug Violations)
DOJ flag is no
Property Description cannot be '10' (Drugs) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35B' (Drug Equipment Violations)
Property Description is 10 Drugs
The form contains Offense code 35B
Loss type equals 6 Seized
No other property offense type is included on the form
ERROR(WIBRS): Property Description cannot be '10' (Drugs) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35B' (Drug Equipment Violations)
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): Property Description cannot be '10' (Drugs) with Loss Type '6' (Seized) if the only offense that can have seized property is '35B' (Drug Equipment Violations)
DOJ flag is no
Duplicate unknown drug type
Drug type not blank
Duplicate unknown drug type
ERROR(WIBRS): The Drug Type 'Unknown' cannot be used more than once
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Drug Type 'Unknown' cannot be used more than once
DOJ flag is no
Duplicate drug and measure type
Drug type not blank
Duplicate drug type with duplicate measure type
ERROR(WIBRS): The same Drug Type cannot be reported twice with the same category of Measurement Type
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The same Drug Type cannot be reported twice with the same category of Measurement Type
DOJ flag is no
Drug type X must contain 2 other types
Drug type not blank
Cannot have more than one X
Need to have 3 drug groups on the form
ERROR(WIBRS): For Drug Type 'X' ('More Than 3 Types') two other Drug Type values must be populated
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): For Drug Type 'X' ('More Than 3 Types') two other Drug Type values must be populated
DOJ flag is no
Drug type required
If drug group opened
Drug type is blank
ERROR(WIBRS): The Drug Type required
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Drug Type required
DOJ flag is no
Drug measurement required
If drug group opened
Drug measurement is blank
Drug type not equal to X
Loss type not equal to 1 (none)
ERROR(WIBRS): The Drug measurement required
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Drug measurement required
DOJ flag is no
Drug quantity required
If drug group opened
Drug quantity is blank
Drug type not equal to X
Loss type not equal to 1 (none)
ERROR(WIBRS): The Drug quantity required
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): The Drug quantity required
DOJ flag is no
Drug group needs matching Drug property item
Count of Drug group >0
Count of property item = 10-Drugs = 0
ERROR(WIBRS): If a drug type is included, it should require that drugs be entered as a property description
DOJ flag is yes
WARNING(WIBRS): If a drug type is included, it should require that drugs be entered as a property description
DOJ flag is no
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