Badger TraCS Guides
eReferral Manual
WIBRS Incident Form
eReferral Manual Draft |
Submission User Guide
Division of State Patrol
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Table of Contents |
After filling out and transmitting a eReferral, please see the attachment instructions for sending additional information to the DA. eReferral Attachment Manual
Field help |
For additional information about what should be entered into a field, select F2 on the keyboard when a field is selected. A new window will popup(below) with more information.
Choosing the Report Type |
Incident Report Type
To submit a eReferral to the DA’s eProtect system, select “DA eReferral” under Incident Report Type. You may select more than one report type. You can always add more report types later on if needed. Rules for the Report type chosen will be errors and all other report types rules will become warnings.
NOTE: eReferrals can be transmitted to the DA more than once to update the Case in your DA’s system. Re-transmission should only be done if updated or amended data is crucial to or changes the DA’s current case. Retransmission for changes to address or similar data should NOT be done unless specifically directed by the District Attorney’s office.
Incident Report Type is a required field and you will not be able to move off the field until a selection is made. You can select Agency Internal Report only and still see the DA rules as warnings. You will not be able to transmit to the DA until DA eReferral is chosen as one of the options.
Summary Level Questions |
Not all the fields in the summary group are for eReferrals, the following fields are DA fields that you need to look at when filling out the form.
The Red arrows are required values for transmitting to the DA. If they are not the same as shown there will be errors.
The Blue arrows are required fields.
The Yellow arrows are fields that are for the eReferral transmission in some cases.
The Red circled field is not modifiable but helps the office personnel make sure the form is being filled out correctly.
This field requires a Yes be checked. You will get a validation error otherwise.
NOTE: once the form has been transmitted this field will gray out.
eReferral Routing Override
This field records is not required of most agencies in the state. Use this field to route the eReferral to a different county district attorney (DA) than the default DA’s office set for your agency in TraCS. Use examples could include city police agencies in cities that span multiple counties or law enforcement agencies that are operating outside of their normal jurisdiction (county) in support of other law enforcement agencies, or as part of a mutual aid request. *Note – For eReferrals to be re-routed using this feature, the law enforcement agency must have had eReferral set up for the alternate county through DA Protect. Failure to have eReferral set up with the alternative DA’s office will result in a transmission error Incident Form Transmission Information
eReferral Retransmit
This field will be disabled until you have transmitted the form to the DA once. Select Yes if the incident form is to be re-transmitted to the District Attorney’s office with updated or amended information. The field will only open if the incident form has been previously transmitted to Protect. Re-transmission should only be done if updated or amended data is crucial to or changes the DA’s current case. Retransmission for changes to
address or similar data should NOT be done unless specifically directed by the District Attorney’s office.
Is Date of Incident Known
For Transmission to the DA a value of Yes is required.
Incident Date of Lower Date Range
This field records the date the incident being reported occurred. The incident date will auto-populate to the current date – make sure that it is updated to correctly reflect the date of the incident.
Is Time of Incident Known
For Transmission to the DA a value of Yes is required.
Incident Time
This field records the time the incident occurred. Enter the hour using 24hr time.
Total Offenses
This field records how many different offenses occurred during the incident. Incidents may contain up to ten offenses. This will auto-populate if you add more offenses, this will help set up the number of groups needed
Unknown Number of Subjects
For Transmission to the DA a value of NO is required.
Total Subjects
This field records how many subjects/offenders were involved in the incident.
Total Victims
This field records how many total victims there were in the incident. This includes all victim types including businesses, financial institutions, etc. along with individual person victims.
Transmit to the DOJ
This field is a visual that the form is indeed going to transmit to the DOJ, if there is a No then something is missing. It is not a field that can manually be modified.
Offense Level Questions |
One incident can have multiple offense types. This section will be filled out for each different offense on the reported incident.
To add more than one offense, select the light blue Add New Offense bar at the bottom of the section. This may be unnecessary if the Total Offenses field was properly filled in under the Incident Summary section above.
The Blue arrows are required fields.
The Yellow arrows are fields that are Optional that will be sent to the DA if filled out.
The Red circled field is not modifiable but helps the office personnel make sure the form is being filled out correctly.
This is a Required field and contains the list of statutes available.
This is a required field and records the statute description which is unique for each statute number / statute Seq # combination.
This field is an option field and displays the list of charge enhancers. A list of Enhancers to include all the Domestic Repeater Enhancements are found in Appendix G -- Enhancer Table
This field is an option field and display the list of charge modifiers.
This is a required field and enters the number of charges for a single offense.
Select one of the WIBRS offenses from the list. This field is critical to the form and controls most of the validation rules.
Person Property and Society
This is not a modifiable field but controls some validation rules, one of which is whether or not a victim is required or not.
Stat Seq #
This is a required field that fills in automatically when the statute description is entered. If it is missing then the form will not transmit properly.
Subject(Offender) Level Questions |
You will need at least one Subject to send an eReferral
The Blue arrows are required fields.
The Yellow arrows are fields that are Optional that will be sent to the DA if filled out.
The Red Circled fields at least one field must be filled out.
The blue Circled fields require all or none.
To add more than one subject to the incident, select the light blue Add New Subject bar at the bottom of the section. This may be unnecessary if the Total Subjects field was properly filled in under the Incident Summary section at the top of the form.
Individual Type
Individual should be selected for this field when entering a subject on an incident.
Associated Offenses
This field records the offenses committed by the subject.
Arrested or Booked
This field records whether the subject/offender being entered was arrested for the incident.
All the other fields
This fields are the same as when filling out a citation.
Arrest Level Questions
This area will only display if “Yes” was selected under the subject field Arrested or Booked. When filling out this section, only the Booking information is required for the eReferral system. None of the Arrest fields will transmit.
Booking Date
This field records the date of the subject was booked.
Booking Time
This field records the time of the subject was booked.
Associated Offenses
This is a required field if opened and all the offenses the subject was booked for should be in this list.
Booking agency
Is to populate the ORI number of the booking agency. You do not need to fill it out if you already know the ORI Number of the agency.
ORI Number
This is used to link the booking agency of the person arrested.
ATN Number
This field records the Arrest Transaction Number (ATN) for the arrest being entered for the incident. If you do not have one, using the Form Number combined with the Subject sequence number is acceptable.
Victim Level Questions |
To add a victim to the incident, select the light blue Add New Victim bar underneath the Add New Subject bar. This may be unnecessary if the Total Victims field was properly filled in under the Incident Summary section at the top of the form.
NOTE: Victim is not a group that is transmitted for a citation but is transmitted for an eReferral, filling out a victim is much like filling out a Subject (Defendant)
The Blue arrows are required fields.
The Yellow arrows are fields that are Optional that will be sent to the DA if filled out.
The Red Circled fields require at leaset one field must be filled out.
The blue Circled fields require all or none.
Victim Type
The purpose of this field is to report if the victim was an individual or an entity such as a business or religious organization. If the offense is a society crime, there is no victim segment and Total Victims = 0 if the only offense(s) are society.
Financial Institution
Government - includes police department buildings, but not individual officers (Police Officer/Law Enforcement Officer should be used instead)
Police Officer
Religious Organization
Associated Offenses
This field records the offenses committed to the victim.
NOTE: if this field is blank then you do not have an offense type that requires a Victim, which will result in an error.
Victim’s Relationship to Subject(s)
Associated Offenses
Is a required field and links which subject did what to the victim. This will be sent to the DA.
Relationship to Subject
Is not a required field for the DA but can help to distinguish relationships.
The purpose of this field is to record the relationship between the offender and the victim of the incident. Note that the selection should be made in regard to the victim's relationship to the offender and based on the victim's perspective; for example, if the offender is the victim's parent, then 'Child' should be selected in this field (i.e. the victim is the ‘Child’ of the offender).
If an offender is also a victim on the incident, such as in the case of an incest offense, statutory rape, or mutual assaults, use the relationship “Victim was Offender” to connect a subject/offender to themselves as a victim. For example, the screenshot below indicates Victim 01 and Subject 02 are the same person, and Subject 01 is this person’s Boyfriend/Girlfriend.
Other People Questions |
You can transmit two other types of people that can be found in the Other Persons Group. Only these types will transmit to the DA, Officer Witness and Witness.
Officer Witness
The Blue arrows are required fields.
The Yellow arrows are fields that are Optional that will be sent to the DA if filled out.
The Red Circled fields at lease one field must be filled out.
The blue Circled fields require all or none.
Type of Involvement
This needs to be Officer Witness and it needs to be spelled exactly like this to be transmittable to the DA. This field allows the choice of other so this was made as a drop down.
Primary Officer ID
If the Officer witness is a part of your agency you can look them up by clicking the Search box in the databar.
All the relevant data will populate into the form. Including the Employment information on the bottom.
The Red arrows are required values for transmitting tot he DA. If they are not the same as shown there will be errors.
The Yellow Circled are fields that are optional that will be sent to the DA if filled out.
The Red Circled fields at lease one field must be filled out.
Type of Involvement
This needs to be Witness and it needs to be spelled exactly this way to be transmittable to the DA. This field allows the choice of other so this was made as a drop down.
Validation and Transmission |
To successfully transmit an incident or zero report to the DOJ, the incident form needs to be validated first. To validate the form, click on Validate under the Home tab when an incident form is open.
If the form is free of errors, a popup message will appear that validation was successful. If it is not free of errors, the error and warning list will display at the bottom of the screen. Any errors will prevent transmission. Warnings will not prevent transmission but are expected to be reviewed by the agency.
Once an incident form is complete and free of errors, it is ready to transmit to the DOJ. To transmit a form, be sure the form is closed and then choose the incident from the list under Forms Manager and select Transmit under the Data Transfer tab under the top menu.
If you are in the TraCS Hosted Environment, then instead of selecting Transmit, you will just change the status to Accepted and it will transmit at one of the possible transmission times.
Once exported, it will then ask the user “Do you want to run TransComm?” (below). Select “Yes” to transmit to the DOJ.
Edit Form
To go back into a form once it is closed, select Edit Form under the Home tab on the top menu. If any changes are made to an incident form after transmission, be sure to revalidate and retransmit so that the DOJ receives the updates.
The status of an incident form displays in the first column of the forms list under the Forms Manager screen.
Open- Indicates the incident form has been started but not yet been validated
Validated- Indicates the form passed validation (is complete and contains no TraCS errors) and is ready to transmit to the DOJ
Transmitted- Indicates the form was successfully transmitted to the DOJ
Failed Transmission- Indicates there is an error in the form that needs to be corrected prior to transmitting to the DOJ. To see the error, click on the Transmission Log Report under the Data Transfer tab and then enter the date of the incident report to search for the incident in question.
Questions on TraCS issues, troubleshooting and transmission issues that aren’t related to WIBRS business rules:
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