Working with Citations

Badger TraCS Guides

Working with Citations

Working with Citations

There are two options to fill out a crash form which has citations.

1st Option: Crash Form then Citations

1st Option: Crash Form then Citations

For this option fill out the crash form adding all the citations into the form as they go. When they are finished with the crash form they will then replicate the ELCI’s needed. Here are the steps:

The form should be filled out top to bottom.

  1. The first required field for this option is Unit: Total # Citations Issued

    1. Continue filling out the form

  2. Individuals are required. Unknown individuals will not result in a valid ELCI

  3. The next three required fields are in the Violation Group. For every violation, the form needs the following

    1. UTC Number--Empty, Will be brought in with the Replicate

    2. Issue To? --Required, Individual number for the individual getting the ELCI

    3. Statute Number--Required, Statute the individual violated


  4. Continue filling out form. Complete the same fields for every unit.

  5. Validate the form

  6. Once the form validates successfully, a message box will appear

    1. Choose Yes to create a citation for every violation that does not contain a UTC Number and finally validate the form.

    2. Choose No if you are not yet ready to create the ELCI forms. The Crash form will revert to open status and remain there until the citations are created.

The officer will get multiple ELCIs that only need the Plaintiff information entered.

Looking at the crash form you will see the citation numbers have been populated in the violation group.


2nd Option: Citations then Crash Form

2nd Option: Citations then Crash Form

For this option fill out the ELCI forms first and then import the information into the crash form.

The form should be filled out top to bottom.

  1. Fill out the ELCIs and validate them.

  2. Using the Quick Add feature add a Crash form

  3. Enter all the information for the Unit and Individual groups using common information to insure the ELCIs link properly. The User Guide details common information.

  4. Starting at the top of the crash form fill out the form taking note not to fill out the following two fields.

    1. Unit group: “Total # Citations Issued” field. This field needs to remain blank.

    2. Individual group: “Count of Citations Issued” field. This field needs to be blank.

  5. Once the officer has entered the last individual in the last unit into the crash form Click the Import Citations button located on the Crash tab.

  6. For all the ELCIs in the case with matching Individuals the violation information will be updated and the count of the citations will be added up.

  7. This feature is only intended to be used once per form and will add duplicate information if pressed more than once. Also if violations were added into the violation section beforehand this feature will not delete those entries it will add to them.

  8. Instead of clicking on the Import Citations button the other option would be to have a button on the databar of the Individual: Count of Citations Issued field. The officer filling out the form would then click the button on the databar in that field for the last individual.


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