Being Dispatched to a CFS
As with all CAD systems, dispatch has the ability to assign calls to field personnel. When this occurs, the field personnel will see a pop-up window on their computer that needs some action.
The field personnel cannot simply minimize or close the window, and must click one of four buttons:
Acknowledged--This will simply close and minimize the CFS
En Route--Opens the CFS and puts status to En Route
Arrived--Opens the CFS and puts status to Arrived
Cleared--Marks unit as cleared from CFS
If the field user clicks "En Route or Arrived", the CFS form will be displayed giving the user all of the information about the call.
If the field user clicks "Acknowledged" the user is still assigned to the call, but the CFS form will not be displayed. The user is still assigned to the Call - the only difference is the CFS form does not display.
So, for example, the officer is on a traffic stop, and there is a call created for some debris in the roadway at milepost 135 as shown in the example above. The officer is still on his traffic stop, and so he would click the "Acknowledged" button.
Once the officer clicks on the initial dispatch screen, the CFS form is updated showing the officer has acknowledged the call. In the screenshot below, "19 - Larson" has acknowledged at 08:12:18 am, which is 4 minutes and 54 seconds into the call.
To add to this example, the officer has now completed his traffic stop, and is ready to go to the call for the tire debris.
The officer will:
End the traffic stop CFS
Expand the Communications tab
Review the calls the officer is currently assigned to.
Double-click the 10-46 call that dispatch had assigned to them
Once the officer opens up the CFS, he can put himself en route by clicking the "En Route" button, or asking dispatch to put him "En Route". This is also true for the officer 'Arrived' and 'Cleared' statuses.
Field View