Self-Initiated Traffic Stops in MACH

Self-Initiated Traffic Stops in MACH

Traffic Stops and Motorist Assists can be Self Dispatched by field personnel, but operate just a little differently than the HTE CAD system. Registration plates can be run thru the Bot prior to the Traffic Stop occurring, and can easily be imported into the Call. Also, personnel were routinely adding a full driver record and registration record to the HTE CAD call. This is no longer necessary or desired as all Persons and Vehicles in the Resources area of the CFS window will be able to be run thru the NCIC Bot with a few clicks of the mouse.

To Initiate a Traffic Stop: 

Four ways to start a user initiated traffic stop

  • Call it in over the air via WISCOM

  • Click the self-dispatch button from the MACH ribbon

  • From within the MACH BOT Request Screen

Click on the Submit and Create CFS Button

  • Using the shift+f6 key to create a -87 CFS

This will create a 10-87TS Traffic Stop within MACH CAD.  It will also run the BOT for either a PC(out-of state) or Unknown(WI) plate and add it to the resource tab.  Finally, it will add the Loc. Name and Description

Latitude and Longitude are automatically entered into the Call for Service

User Status automatically updates to "Arrived" in 5 places

On the MACH map, an icon is dropped at your location to show your CFS

  • The icons are different colors based on the priority of the CFS

  • Self-Dispatch Calls for Service are defaulted to a "normal" Priority 3, which is the white marker

  • Cursor is defaulted to CFS Type field and CFS Type is highlighted

  • Type "87" or "46" in the CFS Type field and click the 'Tab' key

    • The only options for field personnel are:

      • 10-46 Motorist Assist

      • 10-87 Traffic Stop

  • This will automatically create one Person and one Vehicle Resource on the 'Resources' tab

  • The 'Description' field is for free text, and can give field personnel and dispatchers added information about the call. The Description field will show up on the notification to others when they are assigned to the CFS, and also on the dispatcher screen.

    • An example of information that could go in here is:

      • Right-lane Blocked

      • Stop is on median shoulder

  • A dispatcher is also able to add information into the Description field

  • When information has returned from Bot:

    • Click the 'Resources' tab

    • Click the Gear icon in the Vehicle Resource

    • Click 'Clipboard History' in the Gear icon dropdown

    • Select the information that you want populated into the Resource area

  • Add the driver & occupants to the CFS

    • Since there is no Person Resource automatically created, you will need to do this manually

      • On the Resources Tab, click the plus (+) sign in the upper right corner, which will open a dropdown menu

      • Select 'Person'

  • When you are ready to start your TraCS forms, click the Flip Phone Icon

  • Click the Flip Phone Icon which will open a dropdown menu

    • Click 'Export CFS'

    • This will bring up TraCS and request you to pick an available form from the list

    • Information is brought over to TraCS from MACH

    • CFS number is available to be included in TraCS without the need to hand enter

      • CFS number loading automatically in the Police Number field will be available Fall 2015 when the State Patrol switches to the MACH CAD system

  • Fill out the TraCS forms as usual

Adding Comments to CFS

  • Comments can be added to the "Dispatch Notes" area of any CFS

Ending a CFS

  • When you are ready to "Dispo" the call:

    • Click the Flip Phone Icon which will open a dropdown menu

    • Click "End CFS…" from the Flip Phone Icon Dropdown menu

  • Select the appropriate CFS Disposition from the dropdown menu

  • Click 'End CFS' button

  • The 'Status' of the CFS will change to Closed

  • The CFS will remain in your Communications Tab until you remove it


  • When filling in the CFS Type (10-87 or 10-46), you can type in anything that pertains to that Call Type. 

    • In the screenshot below, you can see that 10-46 is in the Motorist Assist "Category" and the Motorist Assist "Caption". By typing any of the information in from the Code, Category, or Caption fields, you will filter to those specific entries.

      • If you type the letter "A" in the CFS Type, it will still show both the 10-46 and the 10-87 because the letter 'A' appears in the words "Assist" and "Traffic". But, if you type the letters "TS", you would only get the Traffic Stop because that is the only place those letters appear in that order.

  • There is no longer a need to copy/paste the driver record into the call. Using the paste feature into the Resources area for a person and a vehicle gives all CAD users the ability to query the information with a Bot Request.


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