Case Summary

Badger TraCS Guides

Case Summary

Case Summary Form

Case Summary is used to collect data on case dispositions.

  • With the CCAP case number this form can link and pull-down data from the CCAP database updating the agency of any case still ongoing or closed.

The Case Summary form is a tool used by agencies to collect data on Case Dispositions. Case Dispositions from CCAP can be gathered by the click of a button and others can be entered by hand. This information can be imported into their Records Management System (RMS). The information below is collected. Multiple groups can be added by clicking the + group on the tool menu when in a section (i.e. Charges).


  • The Case Summary form does not replicate to any form as it is a Case level form and other forms are needed first.

Form Design

The Case Summary has the following groups

  • Document

  • Summary

  • Charge(s)

  • Defendant

  • Law Enforcement Agency

Other Resources

Agency Tables associated with form

How to:

Document Group

Each Case Summary form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.


Court Disposition Status


  • Auto Update—is defaulted to False but, when the button is pressed will turn to true. This is for agencies to tell if this was downloaded from CCAP or entered by hand.

  • Date of Download—can be entered by hand in hand entering the information into the form. Otherwise will auto populate when clicking the button to tell when the disposition of the case was last updated either by button or by hand.

  • Police Number—added when opening the form from the case information.


Summary Group

Each Case Summary form contains one Summary group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. When completing the form only two fields are required, per validation rules. They are found in this group and are the County and Court Case Number. Those two fields are what are required to download the rest of the information from CCAP.

  • County— is one of the only fields that need to be hand entered if using the search function to return the information on the form. This is a required field and the county where the case was first filed.

  • Court Case Number—is one of the only fields that need to be hand entered if using the search function to return the information on the form. This is a required field and the case number assigned to it by the court.

  • Court Case Name—is the name of the case that would follow it if needed all the way to the US Supreme Court. *** Vs. ***. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Filling Date—is when the case was filed with the court. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Case Type—is the type of case. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Case Status—is the status of the case. Once this field is populated then on the Case Information Screen, the court case disposition status will be populated with the value in this field. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Branch ID—some courts have a branch ID, and this varies by county. Populates with the CCAP import

  • DA Case—if the DA is prosecuting and depending upon the county the case number the DA uses in their system. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Responsible Official— is generally the judge on record for the case. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Defense Attorney — is generally the first defending attorney on record for the case. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Prosecuting Agency—is the agency that will be prosecuting the defendant and varies by county. Populates with the CCAP import

  • Prosecuting Attorney—is generally the first prosecuting attorney on record for the case. Populates with the CCAP import

  • More Information—this contains a web site address that can be used to see the entire case information as found on CCAP. Populates with the CCAP import

    • Just highlight

    • Copy

    • Paste into a browser

Charges Group

Each Case Summary form can contain multiple Charge groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Click the Add Next Charge Bar to add more groups. This entire group populates with the CCAP import.

  • Statute—unlike most statute fields this is a free key field populated with the statute number used by the court in the case.

  • Description— unlike most statute description fields this is a free key field populated with the statute description used by the court in the case.

  • Severity— is the severity of the charge per the court; an example could be Felony A.

  • Disposition— is the outcome of the charge and could be blank until the court status becomes closed.

Defendant Group

Each Case Summary form contains one Defendant group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. This entire group populates with the CCAP import. Agencies should note that field that may seem like other TraCS forms could have different values as these values are tied to the circuit courts codes.

  • Defendant Type—unlike most defendant fields this type field has circuit court codes attached. The most likely value will be defendant.

  • Last Name— last name of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • First Name— first name of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Middle Name—middle name of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Street address—first address line of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Street address 2— second address line of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • City—current municipality of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Zip Code— current zip code of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Date of Birth—of the first individual (Defendant) on the case...

  • Sex— gender of the first individual (Defendant) on the case.

  • Race— unlike most race fields this type field has circuit court codes attached and contains the race value the circuit court assigned to the individual.

  • Identification Number—this is a free key field that contains the identification number of the individual the circuit court assigned to the individual. Not field is not always populated and depends upon the court/county.

  • Alias—other names used by the individual.




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