Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.8: Create Local Ordinances
Task 3.8: Create Local Ordinances
Purpose: Creates a table of local ordinances to be used when completing citation forms.
Requirements: TraCS Office computer, web client and system admin account
NOTE: you cannot delete an ordinance it can only be expired.
Start TraCS
Sign in with a System Admin Account.
Select the Tools tab on the ribbon menu.
Open the Local Ordinances utility form:
From the Tools ribbon menu, click the Violations button.
Select Local Ordinances.
Add Ordinance bar.
Note: The Delete Group button will delete the current group it is above.
Enter the requested data.
Verify that the correct TraCS Agency Number for your agency appears. (If you support multiple agencies in the same TraCS database, you will want to login as a system admin for the agency you want to configure.)
In the Ordinance Number field, enter up to ten characters to identify the ordinance.
Note: Duplicate ordinance numbers are ok as long as the ordinance descriptions are different.
In the Form Selection field, select the form the ordinance is to be used on.
Note: DNR is the natural resources citation. NTC is the non-traffic citation. Parking is parking option of the non-traffic citation. UTC is the traffic citation. Parking citations will not transmit to your court. If you have parking violations that should go to court, mark the violation as “NTC”.
In the Tree Value field, select the category for the ordinance.
Note: the tree value determines where in the organization of the violation search engine the ordinance appears.
In the Ordinance Description field, enter a description for the ordinance.
In the Fine field, enter the amount of the fine.
Optional: In the Shortcut field, enter a shortcut code.
Note: a shortcut is text that may be entered in the ordinance field instead of the ordinance number when completing a citation. The shortcut will be translated into the correct ordinance by TraCS. This field is optional and may be left blank if you do not want to create a shortcut.
Optional: in the Associated Statute field, click the search button to select and associate a specific statute with the ordinance. (The remainder of the fields will populate after selection.)
Note: If there is no associated statute in the ordinance table, the user can still manually select a statute while completing the citation.
Optional: in the Appearance Required field, select Yes or No depending on whether the violation requires a court appearance. If you leave this field blank, the court appearance flag on the citation will default to the value set by the statute.
Optional: in the Associated Federal WIBRS Offense Code field, if you want to require the WIBRS section of the Non-Traffic Citation to be completed when the ordinance is used. (Typically, this is not done for ordinances.)
Optional: in the Start Date field, if you want to enter a start date for the ordinance.
The start date controls a few things that you may not be aware of at first glance. If you put a start date value on an ordinance, this means two things might happen.
If you created a form prior to this start date, you will not be able to select this ordinance in this form.
If you replicate from a form that was created prior to this start date, you will not be able to select this ordinance in the replicated form.
Optional: in the Expiration Date field, if you want to enter a end date for the ordinance. This is the closest you can get to “deleting” an ordinances. Ordinances cannot actually be deleted due to open records reasons.
Optional: in the Sort Order Field, if you want to sort your ordinances in the violation search box.
If you want associate more than one statute, press enter while in the Sort Order field and repeat step 5h in the newly opened sub-group.
Press the validate button to validate the form and add the court selections to TraCS.
Modify the Table Contents
Click the blue bar labeled Update Ordinance to open groups.
Choose the Ordinance to Update
After the first time the group will auto open if data is entered
when all updating is complete click Validate to remove them from the table.
After updating table
User accounts for all Office are updated as soon as you click Apply. However, a distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to mobile clients.
Mobile Clients
Regular system – requires a distribution to get changes sent to the Field units
Complete Task 4.1 to make a new distribution. (Note: for web services agency see task 4.9 for alternate to running a distribution)
Web Services System – set up with a batch server can set up a automatic system to distribute table updates
Hosted Environment – All local tables (e.g. Ordinance, court schedule, etc.) will be updated by the agency, which can be done using any web client. All table updates are due by the End of the Day before the tables are updated. Distribution of the updated tables will be processed and ready early every morning. Distribution will run the next time the user logs in and logs off if distribution is set to automatic download.
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