Badger TraCS Guides
Attachment Fields
Each form contains one or more Attachment Groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Depending on the policies of your agency, you may attach files to your report. Not all agencies use attachments.
Attachments in the Hosted Environment
Law enforcement agencies will not be able to use embedded attachments (storing attachments in the database) in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment but will be able to use file upload (files saved outside of the database on a file server). The file upload attachments are limited to 2MB in size with the form and will reside on the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment Server as encrypted files. If Law enforcement doesn’t want to use the file upload option, they can store all their attachments on their own server, PC or workstation, using File Link.
Attached File -In the Databar choose
File - to choose the file to attach.
File Upload - To attach a file link and upload the attachment to a central server. The file is encrypted and will be unavailable to view except through TraCS.
Bar Code Imager - To import an image from the bar code scanner. (needs IT to set up.)
Scanner - To import from a scanner attached to the computer.
File Link - To attach a file link. The file will be saved in a common TraCS attachment directory
Databar Type: Databars | Databars Attachment
Enter the file name, this field is automatically generated if blank from eh attached file name
Databar Type: Databars | Databars Text databar
100 alpha numeric characters
Enter any miscellaneous comments to include
Databar Type: Databars | Databars Text databar
100 alpha numeric characters
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