TraCS Advanced IT Procedures

Badger TraCS Guides

TraCS Advanced IT Procedures

TraCS Advanced IT Procedures

These webcasts along with their FAQs provide a broader knowledge for procedures such as migrating MS Access to SQL databases and Migrating to TraCS Web Services. These procedures are normally done once.

TraCS continues to as technology changes. This may require agencies to update their network environments. Agencies who fall behind on technology enhancements miss opportunities to take advantage of TraCS latest advancements. These webcasts explain some of the technology enhancements available.


Moving from Access to SQL

By the Fall of 2021 all TraCS agencies will have to be off MS Access. One of the options is to migrate to

SQL server. How is this done? What is needed? (31 min)

Migrating to Web Services

Agencies using SQL server for their TraCS databases may use Web Services. What are the steps? What is needed? (28 min) https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TG/pages/2297659516

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