Grid Column Manipulation

Badger TraCS Guides

Grid Column Manipulation

Grid Column Manipulation

You can sort forms in the grid by manipulating the grid in various ways.


If your grid columns are not saving after closing out of TraCS, this could be the issue: User Preferences are Not Saving

Sort by a column

  • Clicking the column header on top toggles the sort order from ascending to descending.

  • You can do the same by right clicking on the field column


Column Size

You can change the column size by

  1. Hovering over the right side of a column and waiting to the cursor to change to 2 arrows ← →

  2. Right clicking the column and Choosing

    1. Best Fit – will resize the field to the largest populated field in the list

    2. Best Fit (All columns) – will resize all field to the largest populated field in the list.



Show Columns

Use the column Chooser to add columns

  1. Right click on any column name

  2. Click Column Chooser

  3. Drag the column wanted to the column row between the columns you want it to display.




Hide Columns

There are 2 options

  1. Right Click choose Hide This Column

  2. Click on the column and drag it into the grid. It will disappear.




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