Confidential Forms

Badger TraCS Guides

Confidential Forms

Confidential Forms

The following Confidentiality types were added in the August 2024 pack:

  • Internal/Departmental

  • Safe at Home Act

  • Act 235

Forms and cases may be marked Not For Public Release. This will cause the records to not appear in the search results unless the search criteria also include the Not for Public Release records. This will help prevent your agency from accidentally releasing sensitive information inappropriately.

You must have the Confidential Admin access right assigned in order to mark records Not for Public Release.

To work with confidentiality, select the Records Management ribbon menu.

  1. Select the form you wish to work with.

  2. Click the Edit Form Confidentiality button or the Edit Case Confidentiality button. (The Edit Case Confidentiality button will mark all forms in the case, not just the form selected.)

  3. The Confidentiality Type field should show Not For Public Release.

  1. Select who should be able to see this record. We recommend that you select the All group so that everyone who currently has access to the record can continue to access the record.

  2. Click the > button to move the All group to the Selected Users/User Group section.

  3. Click the Mark Confidential button to mark the form.

If you need to edit the confidentiality later:

  1. Select the form you wish to work with.

  2. Click the Edit Form Confidentiality button or the Edit Case Confidentiality button. (The Edit Case Confidentiality button will mark all forms in the case, not just the form selected.)


  1. Remove the confidentiality by clicking the Unmark Confidential button. (Click OK when prompted.)

  2. Or, adjust who can see the record by selecting users and/or user groups and using the < and > buttons to add and remove users and users’ groups. Then click OK.


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