Using On-Behalf Of

Badger TraCS Guides

Using On-Behalf Of

Using On-Behalf Of

Sometime Agencies patrol other jurisdictions, when this happens the officer can click a button so that TraCS forms will display the other jurisdictions information instead of theirs. The following information will adjust when the jurisdiction is changed:

  • For all tickets the Ordinances will be filtered by the “On Behalf Of” Agency.

  • For all tickets the Court Name and Schedules will be filtered by the “On Behalf Of” Agency.

  • For Parking Tickets the Custom Text, Mailing and Instructions on the report, will show the “On Behalf Of” Agencies’ Custom Information.

A system administrator must add the secondary information for the “On Behalf Of” agency in order for them to be available in TraCS.

To change to a different jurisdiction:

  1. In TraCS 10

  2. Navigate to the Tools ribbon

  3. Click On Behalf Of

  4. Put in the 3 digit TraCS agency number (talk to your TraCS system admin if you don’t know the 3 digit number.)

  5. Click

  6. This agency number will be active until “On Behalf Of” is clicked again or TraCS 10 closes.

To Set Up the “On Behalf Of” (Administrator Only)

Need to be a system administrator to accomplish the set up. If using SQL you can to the quick setup if you have a SQL administrator.

Pre-Setup Needs

  1. Required: Get the “On Behalf Of” agencies TAS number.

  2. What type of database do you use for TraCS?

    1. MS Access

    2. SQL Server

  3. See if the agency already has their tables entered into their TraCS System.

  4. Do you have an expert with either?

    1. MS Access knowledge

    2. SQL Administrator

  5. If Yes to questions c and d then

    1. You can do the Import setup instructions.

    2. If you answered yes to question c get files the information you want to add to your TraCS system.

      1. MS Access= Get their support.mdb

      2. SQL Server=In a format that your SQL admin would like get the following tables from the TraCS_Support database

        1. V2ViolationOrdinance

        2. V2CourtAgency

        3. V2CourtAppointment

        4. V2CourtSchedule

        5. V2CustomText

  6. If No to either c or d then

    1. You will be doing the Manual setup instructions

    2. If you answered yes to question c then get a printout of the information you want to add to your TraCS system. These are the tables they should print out for you using the Table Listings

      button in the table manager are

Manual Setup Instructions

  1. Get out the TraCS Installation Guide.

  2. Open TraCS as a system admin user.

  3. To Add court information complete

    1. Task 3-6 using the “On Behalf Of” agencies TAS number

    2. Task 3-7 using the “On Behalf Of” agencies TAS number

  4. To add Ordinance Information complete

    1. Task 3-8 using the “On Behalf Of” agencies TAS number

  5. To add the custom Text for the Parking Ticket complete

    1. Task 3-4 using the “On Behalf Of” agencies TAS number only

    2. Only, “Parking Instructions” and “Parking Mailing Address”, Custom Text work with the “On Behalf Of” feature. The other custom Text Names will not change for the printed reports.

  6. Test

  7. To get out the mobile computers

    1. Complete Task 5-3

    2. Instruct officers on feature

    3. Give officers TAS number of the agency to use.

Import Setup Instructions

If your agency does not have anyone knowledgeable in updating tables in Access or SQL do not import the information as your current tables could get messed up or wiped out.

  1. Add the information gathered from the “On Behalf Of” agency to update the following tables. Make sure to update the tables, do not replace the information.

    1. Note: Watch the PrimeKey field in the tables. MS Access can have that field removed but SQL needs a unique value.

      1. V2ViolationOrdinance

      2. V2CourtAgency

      3. V2CourtAppointment

      4. V2CourtSchedule

      5. V2CustomText

  2. Test

  3. To get out the mobile computers

    1. Complete Task 5-3

    2. Instruct officers on feature

    3. Give officers TAS number of the agency to use.


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