Badger TraCS Guides
2023 TraCS Pack History
2023 TraCS Pack History
All packs are cumulative. You only have to install the most current pack to get the benefit of all previous packs. The update servers will automatically serve the most current pack to your master computer. Once you approve the pack on your master computer it will be sent to the remaining TraCS computers in you agency.
Table Of Contents
WIPack231201 - Fall Fix
Bug Fixes | External Search: Last/First Name cutting off at 9 characters when coming in through external search |
| Distribution Wizard: Missing Hold table from Distribution |
WIPack231110 – Fall 2023 Pack
Table Updates | Agency Contact Data | Updated McFarland PD address to 6001 Broadhead St. McFarland, WI 53558 |
Court Updates | Added WAUKESHA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT-C266 | |
Court Updates | MARQUETTE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT - -Updated Court Address, Removed PO Box, Added RM Number | |
Court Updates | Updated Butler Village Municipal Court Phone Number to 2624152520 | |
Court Updates | Removed Room numbers from Calumet County Circuit Court Address | |
Court Updates | LAKESIDE MUNICIPAL COURT - FDL HIGH SCHOOL - Removed Door number from address | |
Court Updates | Updated Paddock Lake Municipal Court routing type to Municipal routing type | |
Municipality Updates |
| |
Municipality Updates | Expired Town of Salem 3006 effective 2023-10-12 | |
Municipality Updates | Expired Town of Lisbon effective 2023-02-12 | |
Statutes Added:Non-Traffic |
| |
Statutes Modified:DNR |
| |
Statutes Modified:Traffic |
Bug Fixes | Alcohol Form: Violation Search Statute Description not automatically entered when choosing from Violation Search Box. |
Alcohol Form: When validating with a incorrect locations should auto locate to the TLT field and open to fix. Not one of the other fields. | |
Alcohol Form: Fixed Typo in MV3530 Field. | |
Batch Services now export RMS instructions. | |
Citations: Prohibit clicking the Accept or Complete button when the form is not validated. | |
Crash Form: Reconstruction By field blank entry back in the list. | |
External Search for all forms: remove apostrophe which violates citation schema. | |
Incident form: Fixed Setting Transmit to DOJ when form is agency only Report | |
Incident Form: Office Report remove line appearing in the narrative. | |
Incident form: Rule fixed, ERROR: Valid Code required for WIBRS submission no longer triggers for agency report only. | |
Influence Office and Redacted reports: fixed 2 fields with cut off labels | |
Pursuit Form: Edit Typo in Navigation Bar, Associated Crashes |
Enhancements | Agency Group Update: Adding 2 fields, |
Alcohol Form: Added signature field to Informing the Accused. | |
Ambulance Inspection Report: Contains Officer Cell and Fax numbers if added to the user profile. | |
Contact Summary Form: Vehicle Year now works like other forms. | |
Contact Summary Form Versioned Up. Changed location of common info fields to regular fields as the form does not have the entire common info field.
| |
Crash Form: EMS's list will be filtered to remove inactive companies. | |
Fatal Supplement: Add Underride/Override fields to the Unit Group. See Documentation for more information.
| |
Hold Status: Forms can now be put on hold,
| |
Inspection Form: Ambulance Service is now filtered by inspection date for all Services that have closed. | |
Inspection Form: Multiple Reinspection's now possible. | |
New Field for UFAD Were charges filed against the subject by a prosecutor? | |
New Grid Header “Statute Description” Used for citations.
And will add the first Statute description (first Group) for the following forms.
| |
NTC Form: Adjusted the field in the Document group so the form number is larger. | |
NTC -Parking Citation: Can now use multiplication for the Overdue fee. It only multiplies the deposit/bail amount. | |
NTC-- Parking Ticket: Made Modifications to the Add Overdue Button. See Documentation for more info. | |
Stop Duplicates - Pad Document Numbers: New button that (Supervisors Only) could use in TraCS that would pad all forms (except ELCI) in the AutoNumber.ini file. We will have instructions available for agencies to use. |
WIPack230803 – August Pack (Table Only Pack)
Agency Contact Data |
Agency Contact Data |
Agency Contact Data |
Agency Contact Data |
Agency Contact Data |
Agency Contact Data |
Court Updates |
Court Updates |
Court Updates |
Court Updates |
Court Updates |
Misc Table Updates | V2AmbulanceService
Misc Table Updates | V2VehicleManufacturer
Misc Table Updates | V3Hospital
Municipality Updates |
Statutes Added:Non-Traffic |
Statutes Added:Traffic |
Statutes Ended:Traffic |
Statutes Modified:Traffic |
Vehicle Make Updates |
WIPack230526 – June Pack
Agency Contact Data | Added Town of Randall Police Department |
Agency Contact Data | Added all the Academies to the Agency/Location Table:
Agency Contact Data | Added two satellite agencies for Racine PD: NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT DIVISION RACINE PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT |
Agency Contact Data | City of Madison Parks Division Address Updated:
Agency Contact Data | Maple Bluff Police: New Phone # - 608-244-1430 |
Agency Contact Data | Update Address for the Town of East Troy:
Agency Contact Data | Updated Village of Eagle Police Department address to: 826 E. Main Street Eagle, WI 53119 |
Agency Contact Data | Updated Seymour Police Department address to: 328 N. Main Street Seymour, WI 54165 |
Agency Contact Data | Updated Lannon Police Department address to: |
Agency Contact Data | Updated agency name:
Agency Contact Data | Updated website for Town of Grand Chute: |
Bug Fixes | Alcohol Affidavit: Fixed Name of Driver field not showing entire name |
Bug Fixes | Changed the custom search drop down lists from Support Database to Custom Database. |
Bug Fixes | Contact Summary Form: Fixed Import button on the Police number field so that when using on an ELCI with a non individual it will still bring in the vehicle on the citation but the Individual group will not be created. |
Bug Fixes | ELCI to Attachment: Add new and Replicate Fixed. |
Bug Fixes | Hosted Environment: Agency Mobile distribution will now automatically Run |
Bug Fixes | Incident Form: Fixed WIBRS Form validated with out a valid offense code. |
Bug Fixes | Inspection Form: Passenger vehicle field disabled and populated by vehicle type only. |
Bug Fixes | Inspection: OWT Amount will only open is Citation Flag is set to Yes and special checks = Size Weight enforcement. |
Bug Fixes | Inspection: Fixed Driver group issues |
Bug Fixes | NTC Form: WIBRS sections in the NTC not working properly. |
Bug Fixes | School Bus PreSale Inspection, Error fixed: Violations listed have Yes for Out of Service Selected. Inspection Results with Dissapproved- OOS vSelf Certification or Disapproved OOS Re-inspection required must be choosen. |
Bug Fixes | UFAD Form/Report: Printing a no report adds a value to the summary date time causing the form to not upload properly |
Court Updates | Add New Court; Rothschild/Marathon City/Edgar Municipal Court |
Court Updates | Add New Court: Mid-Moraine Municipal Court West Bend Town |
Court Updates | New Court: Western Dane County Joint Municipal Court |
Court Updates | Update Court name to:
Court Updates | Update town of East Troy address:
Court Updates | Update Website for Village of Somerset to: |
Court Updates | Updated Bayfield County Clerk of Court’s Office website stated on citations as |
Court Updates | Updated court email to |
Court Updates | Updated Lannon Municipal Court’s address to: PO Box 456 20399 W. Main St. Lannon, WI. 53046 |
Court Updates | Updated Manitowoc County Circuit court website |
Court Updates | Updated Website for Village of Ashwaubenon: |
Enhancements | All redacted Reports now redact the narrative also.
Enhancements | Amended Crash: Adjusted the rule for checking that an amended Reason is not just spaces. |
Enhancements | CMV NonMCSAP Inspection: Violation Group. Unit field should open for each violation to indicate which unit the violation pertains to. Even if citation is NOT issued |
Enhancements | Final Parking Notice: Changed the wording to make it more generic.
Enhancements | Incident Public Report: Added Report Type and Subject Date of Birth Fields. |
Enhancements | Incident Report: New Incident report Criminal Offense Referral Notice |
Enhancements | Inspection Form: New rule WARNING: Transporting specific quantities of this type of Hazardous Material may require an HM Safety Permit |
Enhancements | Inspection Form switch Yes/No Flag fields to Radio Buttons |
Enhancements | UFAD: Replicate to Attachment & Incident Forms. |
F2 Help Added | Added common F2 help file versions. |
F2 Help Added | Added VehicleGroup.html |
F2 Help Modified | corrected “rout” to “route” on PlaintiffDistrictAttorneyRoutingFlag.html |
F2 Help Modified | Removed reference to crash for common F2 Help |
F2 Help Modified | Removed reference to crash for common F2 Help |
Insurance Company Adds | NEW COMPANY |
Insurance Company Deletes | Deleted Insurance companies:
Insurance Company Modifies | NAME CHANGES COMPANY MERGES |
Misc Table Updates | Added following ambulance service: Riverside Fire District, 200 Part St., Schofield, WI 54476, Robert Bowen, 7153593500, |
Misc Table Updates | Added Undersheriff to the Rank Table |
Misc Table Updates | Added Village of Lisbon to the Municipality DMV table. |
Misc Table Updates | Updated Ambulance name and service level Aurora Health Care, Inc |
Misc Table Updates | Updated Ambulance Service Table:
Misc Table Updates | Updated following Ambulance Service Levels: Update Service Level: EMT-A, Contact Info: Justin Wicik, Email:, Phone:6084553812 Update Service Level: EMT-P, EMAIL: CHIEF@CAMBRIDGEAREAEMS.COM Update Service Level: EMT-P, Update Contact Info: JEFFERY BLOOR, EMAIL: BLOOR@CUDAHY-WI.GOV, PHONE 4147692233 Update Service Level AND ALL INFORMATION, PROVIDER #: 6604988 Update Service Level: EMT-A, CONTACT: JOSEPH DEGARO, EMAIL: JDEGARO@GMAIL.COM, PHONE: 2626427439 Update Service Level: EMT-P, CONTACT: DAVID FLADTEN, EMAIL: ELKHORNEMS@CITYOFELKHORN.ORG, PHONE:2627235080 |
Misc Table Updates | Updated following Ambulance Services: Update Contact Info: Andrew Chenous, ARGYLEEMS204@GMAIL.COM Update Contact Info: Frederic Schalow, Chiefschalow@BGCFR.ORG, Phone: 2622792033, Service Level: EMT-A Update Contact Info: JEFFERY HENNINGFELD, EMAIL: FIRECHIEF@CALEDONIA-WI.GOV Update Contact Info: ROBERT MADIGAN, EMAIL: RMADIGAN@GROUPAEGIS.COM, PHONE:9208843010 Update Contact Info: BRETT JENSEN , EMAIL: BJANSEN@DEPEREWI.GOV, PHONE: 9203394091 Update Contact Info: JENNIFER PETKOFF, EMAIL: TDFD2406@GMAIL.COM, PHONE: 2627283780 Update Contact Info: JEAN MIEROW, EMAIL:J.MIEROW@HOTMAIL.COM, PHONE:9209286115 Update Contact Info: DAN NUFER, EMAIL: CHIEF@GREENCOUNTYEMS.ORG, PHONE:6082141559 Update Contact Info: CAROLE BAKER, EMAIL: CAROLEBA717@GMAIL.COM, PHONE: 9202101649 Update Contact Info: NELLIE PECK, EMAIL:PECK.SHARONTELEPHONE.COM, PHONE: 2623740402 Update Contact Info: DENNIS DETKOWSKI, EMAIL: DDETKOWSKI@LAKEGENEVAFIRE.ORG, PHONE: 2622486075 Update Contact Info: WILLIAM MILLER, EMAIL: CHIEF@TICHIGANFIRE.ORG, PHONE: 2626623570 Update Contact Info: EMAIL:, PHONE: 2629576930 Update Contact Info: BENJAMIN CLARK, PHONE:2624958625, EMAIL:BCLARK@LLFD.ORG |
Statutes Expired:Traffic | 343.05(3)(a) OPERATE W/O VALID LICENSE (1ST VIOLATION) |
WIPack230224 – March Pack
Agency Contact Data | Barron Police Department address is now: 510 East LaSalle Ave / PO Box 156 |
Agency Contact Data | Fort Atkinson PD phone number is 920-397-9905 |
Agency Contact Data | Lake Delton PD address changed to 35 Miller Dr., Lake Delton, WI 53940 |
Bug Fixes | Arrest: Probable Cause Statement: Statement Summary (Narrative) now prints on second page. |
Bug Fixes | Citations(DNR, NTC, ELCI) Warning for checking if the Circuit Court chosen matches Location County now works for St. Croix county. |
Bug Fixes | Crash: Equipment type Airbag sets to Not Applicable. Changed the Validation rule to include equipment required for airbags. |
Bug Fixes | ELCI: Changed ERROR message to WARNING
Bug Fixes | Influence Report: Summary (Narrative) now prints on second page |
Bug Fixes | UFAD Form: Fixed, Transmission Fails if rejection reason is populated. |
Court Updates | Add Mid Moraine Municipal Court - Town of Polk |
Court Updates | Added Ho-Chunk Nation Tribal Court to the following counties.
Court Updates | Barron Municipal Court address is now: 510 East LaSalle Ave, |
Court Updates | Make sure new court is available: Lakeside Municipal Court- FDL MIDDLE SCHOOL 72 W 9TH STREET |
Court Updates | Mauston Area Municipal Court would like their phone number changed to 608-847-2488 |
Court Updates | Monroe County Circuit Court added RM#2200 to their contact information. |
Court Updates | Waukesha Municipal Court add
Enhancements | All forms now have Radio button databars for Yes/No Fields. |
Enhancements | Deer Tag: Removed Turkey from the Deer Tag form. |
Enhancements | Incident Form: Changed the title and databar of the field eReferral Agency (not in Jurisdiction) to eReferral Routing Override. |
F2 Help Modified |
Misc Table Updates | Ambulance Services:
Misc Table Updates | Hospital Table
Misc Table Updates | Incident Report Type Table:
Misc Table Updates | V2WIBRSOffenseType missing from Package. |
Misc Table Updates | Violation Mandated Defect Table
Plate Type Updates | Name: Ice Age Trail Alliance plate Plate Type Code: ICE |
Table Updates | HARTFORD PLAN/ZONING/BUILD INSP has been added as a satellite. |
WIPack221230 – January Pack
Agency Contact Data | Agency Contact Update: Town of Merton Lake Patrol in now just Town of Merton. |
Agency Contact Data | Changed address: EAST TROY TOWN MUNICIPAL COURT, PO BOX 664 - N930 STEWART SCHOOL RD, East Troy, WI 53120 |
Agency Contact Data | Make sure Ashland Police Department address changed to: Ashland Police Department 414 11th Avenue West Ashland WI 54806 |
Agency Contact Data | Make sure the 012 Agency has no address in the Address 2 field. |
Agency Contact Data | Phone Number Changed: Iowa County Sheriff’s Office changed phone number to 608-930-9500 |
Bug Fixes | Case Summary: Court Disposition Button working again. |
Bug Fixes | Common Information removed field ownership Authority since no form contains the field. |
Bug Fixes | Common Information: commercial Motor Vehicle Flag removed from common information as it is not found in those tables. |
Bug Fixes | Crash Form: Amended deer crash freezes when validating bug fixed. |
Bug Fixes | ELCI/NTC: Fix typo in rule “WARNING: Plate Driver License expiration year blank, causes some issues with DA systems” |
Bug Fixes | Incident Public Report: Fixed Location group not displaying location and added missing officer information. Other missing fields from V1 to V2 added. |
Bug Fixes | Inspection form: Vehicle Type doesn't match the field in the database. Single list length 2 External search is text 20 |
Bug Fixes | NTC form: Parent Same as Defendant button fixed |
Bug Fixes | Purge Court Appointments Button: working |
Bug Fixes |
Court Updates | Make sure the phone number and website info to Wausau City Municipal Court is updated. The phone number is 7152616650 And the email address is |
Court Updates | New Court Added: Ho-Chunk Nation Tribal Court W9598 Hwy 54 E / P.O. Box 70, BLK RIVER FALLS, WI 54615 7152842722 |
Court Updates | New court added: Washington County Circuit Rm 1240 |
Court Updates | Niagara Municipal Court's phone number changed to: 715-251-4514 |
Enhancements | Alcohol Form: Added batch rule “WARNING: Commercial Motor Vehicle Flag is Yes but Operating in class D or M with an AUT, LTK, or CYC” |
Enhancements | All Forms : Modified the Transfer Form Button to only show active users in your agency. |
Enhancements | BTHE: Added On Behalf of Feature--Satellite and Agencies that which to use the On Behalf of feature or have satellite agencies. |
Enhancements | Citation Inventory: Added rule to the Adjust Citation Number Inventory, cannot do more than 10,000 at a time. |
Enhancements | Citations: Can no longer void a citation that is in exported status, forms affected are DNR, ELCI, Inspection, NTC and Warning. |
Enhancements | Combined multiple communication instructions to stream line the transmission process.
Enhancements | Configuration/Distribution Form: Change title on field from: Use Initial for Officer First Name On Citations & Warnings to: Use Initial for Officer First Name On Reports |
Enhancements | Custom tab, 'Form Disposition Code' removed one of the of Assigned values. |
Enhancements | Driver Condition Form -Added warning "Please make sure the narrative is sufficient or attach further documentation" |
Enhancements | ELCI Form: Deleted one of the two rules stating “DA Routing inconsistent with statute entered” |
Enhancements | External Search: All Individual information with a sex of U or X set to blank when importing into TraCS. |
Enhancements | Influence Form switch Yes/No Flag fields to Radio Buttons |
Enhancements | Updated Reports
Enhancements | Violation Search: All Statute Table lookups consistent with IBR Offense Code and Severity Class included. |
Insurance Company Adds | AMFED Advantage Ins Co |
Insurance Company Deletes | #2325 Acceptance-Insurance-Co was removed from the system. |
Insurance Company Modifies | ADM Ins Co changed to Kin Interinsurance Nexus |
Misc Table Updates | Added Ambulance Inspection Type of PreSale |
Misc Table Updates | Hospital Names Changed: ST CLARES HOSP-WESTON changed to Marshfield Medical Center – Weston |
Misc Table Updates | New Ambulance Service Added: Fort Atkinson FD Rescue Squad |
Municipality Updates | DNR Municipalities Modified: 6879 WAUKESHA -79,Village |
Municipality Updates | Ignore Rule Number 63 Should state is is a DL Exp Year not Plate Year |
Statutes Added:Non-Traffic | The following Non-Traffic statutes were added to the system. N203048 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(5)(b)1 OPERATE ATV W/OUT VALID SAFETY CERTIFICATEN203049 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(5)(b)1m OPERATE UTV W/OUT VALID SAFETY CERTIFICATEN203050 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(5)(am)1 UTV-UNDERAGE OPERATIONN203051 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(5)(am)1 UTV-UNDERAGE OPERATION(PARTY TO VIOLATION)N203052 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(5)(b)2 FAIL TO CARRY OR DISPLAY ATV OR UTV SAFETY CERTIFICATEN203053 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(6)(h) ATV/UTV-OPERATE W/OUT LIGHT WHEN SNOW REMOVAL DEVICE ATTACHN203054 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(6m) ATV-VIOLATE NOISE LIMITSN203055 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(6) OPERATE UTV W/OUT EACH PERSON WEARING REQUIRED SAFETY BELTN203056 V4ViolationNonTraffic 23.33(6r) UTV-IMPROPER PASSENGERN203057 V4ViolationNonTraffic 946.66(2) FALSE COMPLAINTS OF POLICE MISCONDUCTN203058 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.51(1) OPERATE BOAT W/O VALID CERT. NUMBERN203059 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.51(1) GIVE PERMISSION-OPERATE BOAT W/O CERT.N203060 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.523(2) FAIL/DISPLAY CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATION DECAL ON BOATN203061 V4ViolationNonTraffic 330.523(3) BOATER FAIL/DISPLAY ID NUMBERN203062 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.523(3) BOATER FAIL/DISPLAY ID NUMBER(2ND+)N203063 V4ViolationNonTraffic 0.523(1) FAIL/HAVE CERT. NUMBER ON BOATN203064 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.549(1) FAIL/TRANSFER CERT. OF NUMBER OR TITLEN203065 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.549(2)(a) PURCHASER FAIL/APPLY FOR REGISTRATIONN203066 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.549(2)(a) PURCHASER FAIL/APPLY REGISTRATION (2ND+)N203067 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.55(1) BOAT OWNER FAIL/NOTIFY ABANDONMENTN203068 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.55(2) BOAT OWNER FAIL/NOTIFY ADDRESS CHANGEN203069 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.61 OPERATE BOAT W/O LIGHTS(SUNSET->SUNRISE)N203070 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.61(10) OPERATE JET SKI FROM SUNSET TO SUNRISEN203071 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.61(6)(a) FAIL/LIGHT MOORED/ANCHORED/DRIFTING BOATN203072 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(1) OPERATE IMPROPERLY EQUIPPED BOATN203073 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(1) OPERATE IMPROPERLY EQUIPPED BOAT(2ND+)N203074 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(2) OPERATE MOTORBOAT WITHOUT ENGINE MUFFLERN203075 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(2)(b) OPERATE/BOAT ABOVE MAX NOISE LEVELSN203076 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(2)(b) OPERATE/BOAT ABOVE MAX NOISE LEVELS(2ND+)N203077 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3)(a) FAIL/CARRY BOAT FLOATATION DEVICESN203078 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3)(a) FAIL/CARRY BOAT FLOATATION DEVICES(2ND+)N203079 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3)(b) PERSONAL WATERCRAFT-OPERATE W/O FLOATATION DEVICEN203080 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3)(b) PERSONAL WATERCRAFT-OPERATE W/O FLOATATION DEVICE (2+)N203081 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3m) JET SKI-OPERATE W/O ENGINE CUTOFF SWITCHN203082 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(3m) JET SKI-OPERATE W/O ENGINE CUTOFF (2ND+)N203083 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(4) FAIL/HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHER ABOARDN203084 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(8) FAIL/EQUIP BOAT/BATTERY COVERN203085 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.62(8) FAIL/EQUIP BOAT/BATTERY COVER (2ND+)N203086 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.64(2) BOATER FAIL/REDUCE SPEED (PATROL BOAT)N203087 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.64(2) BOATER FAIL/REDUCE SPEED/PATROL(2ND+)N203088 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.64(3) BOATER REFUSE/STOP FOR PATROL BOATN203089 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.64(3) BOATER REFUSE/STOP FOR PATROL BOAT(2ND+)N203090 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(a) VIOLATE HEAD/HEAD BOAT APPROACH RULEN203091 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(a) VIOLATE HEAD/HEAD BOAT APPROACH RULE(2ND+)N203092 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(b) VIOLATE RIGHT ANGLE BOAT APPROACH RULEN203093 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(b) VIOLATE RIGHT ANGLE BOAT APPROACH RULE(2ND+)N203094 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(d) MOTORBOAT FAIL/YIELD TO SAILBOATN203095 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.65(1)(d) MOTORBOAT FAIL/YIELD TO SAILBOAT(2ND+)N203096 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(1) BOATER FAIL/MAILTAIN REASONABLE SPEEDN203097 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(1) BOATER FAIL/MAINTAIN REASONABLE SPEED-2ND+N203098 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(2) BOATER SPEED IN EXCESS OF LIMITN203099 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(2) BOATER SPEED IN EXCESS OF LIMIT(2ND+)N203100 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(a) OPERATE MOTORBOAT W/IN 100 FT OF DOCKN203101 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(a) OPERATE MOTORBOAT W/IN 100 FT OF DOCK (2+)N203102 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(ag) OPERATE MOTORBOAT NEAR SHORELINEN203103 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(ar) OPERATE PERSONAL WATERCRAFT NEAR SHORELINEN203104 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(b) JET SKI-VIOLATE SLOW-NO-WAKE REQMTN203105 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.66(3)(b) JET SKI-VIOLATE SLOW-NO-WAKE REQMT (2+)N203106 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.67(1) BOATING ACCIDENT/FAIL/RENDER AIDN203107 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.67(1) BOATING ACCIDENT/FAIL/RENDER AID-INJURYN203108 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.67(1) BOATING ACCIDENT/FAIL/RENDER AID (DEATH)N203109 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.67(1) BOATING/FAIL/RENDER AID-GREAT BOD.HARMN203110 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.67(2) FAIL/REPORT BOATING ACCIDENTN203111 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.675(1) FAIL/RENDER AID IF BOAT DISTRESS FLAGN203112 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.675(1) FAIL/RENDER AID/BOAT DISTRESS FLAG(2ND+)N203113 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(a) OPERATE MOTORBOAT - PERSONS UNDER 10 YEARS OF AGEN203114 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(a) PERMIT OPER OF MOTORBOAT MINOR <10 (PARENT/GUARDIAN LIAB)N203115 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(b) OPER MOTORBOAT W/O PARENT/GUARDIAN =10 <12N203116 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(b) PERMIT OPER OF MOTORBOAT MINOR 10-12 (PARENT/GUARDIAN LIAB)N203117 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(c) OPER MOTORBOAT BY MINOR 12-16 W/O VALID CERT OR SUPERVISIONN203118 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(1)(c) PERMIT MINOR OPER MOTORBOAT W/O CERT/SUPERVSN-GUARDIAN LIABN203119 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.678(2m) FAIL/CARRY/EXHIBIT VALID SAFETY CERTIFICATE OPERATING MTRBTN203120 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(4)(a) OPERATE BOAT TO CREATE HAZARDOUS WAKEN203121 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(4)(a) OPERATE BOAT TO CREATE HAZARDOUS WAKE (2+)N203122 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(4m) JET SKI-OPERATE WHILE FACING BACKWARDSN203123 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(4m) JET SKI-OPERATE/FACING BACKWARDS (2ND+)N203124 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(5) OPERATE MOTORBOAT IN CIRCULAR COURSEN203125 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(5) OPERATE MOTORBOAT/CIRCULAR COURSE(2ND)N203126 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(6) RIDING ON BOAT DECKS/GUNWALESN203127 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(6) RIDING ON BOAT DECKS/GUNWALES (2ND+)N203128 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(7) BOAT OPERATION W/IN RESTRICTED AREASN203129 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(7) OPERATE BOAT W/IN RESTRICTED AREA(2ND+)N203130 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(9) LOAD BOAT ABOVE SAFE CARRYING CAPACITYN203131 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(9) LOAD BOAT ABOVE CARRYING CAPACITY(2ND+)N203132 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(11) USE/UNNECESSARY BOAT WHISTLESN203133 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(11) USE/UNNECESSARY BOAT WHISTLES(2ND+)N203134 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(12) TAMPER W/NAVIGATION AIDS/MARKERSN203135 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(12) TAMPER W/NAVIGATION AIDS/MARKERS(2ND+)N203136 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(1)(a) OPERATE BOAT WHILE INTOXICATEDN203137 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(1)(a) OPERATE BOAT WHILE INTOXICATED (2ND)N203138 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(1)(a) OPERATE BOAT WHILE INTOXICATED (3RD)N203139 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(1)(a) OPERATE BOAT WHILE INTOXICATED (4TH)N203140 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.68(1)(a) OPERATE BOAT WHILE INTOXICATED (5TH+)N203141 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.681(1)(b)1 OPERATE BOAT WITH PAC >= .08 (2ND)N203142 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.681(1)(b)1 OPERATE BOAT WITH PAC >= .08 (3RD)N203143 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.681(1)(b)1 OPERATE BOAT WITH PAC >= .08 (4TH)N203144 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.681(1)(b)1 OPERATE BOAT WITH PAC >= .08 (5TH+)N203145 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.681(1)(b)1 OPERATE BOAT WITH PAC (1ST)N203146 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(1)(a) IMPROPERLY OPERATE MOTORBOAT FOR WATER SPORTSN203147 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(1)(am) ENGAGE IN WATER SKIING OR SIMILAR ACTIVITY AT IMPROPER TIMEN203148 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(1)(c) JET SKI-ILLEGAL TOWINGN203149 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(2) FAIL/OPERATE WATER SKIS CAREFULLYN203150 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(2) FAIL/OPERATE WATER SKIS CAREFULLY (2ND+)N203151 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(a) WATERSKIING W/IN 100 FT OF DOCKN203152 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(a) WATERSKIING W/IN 100 FT OF DOCK (2ND+)N203153 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(b) WATER SKIER W/IN 100 FT OF JET SKIN203154 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(b) WATER SKIER W/IN 100 FT OF JET SKI (2+)N203155 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(c) JET SKI W/IN 100 FT OF MOTORBOAT/SKIERN203156 V4ViolationNonTraffic 30.69(3)(c) JET SKI W/IN 100 FT/MOTORBOAT/SKIER (2+) |
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