Badger TraCS Guides
Blackout Dates Not Working
TraCS FAQ—Blackout dates not working?
You are most likely using the blackout dates incorrectly. Here is the blurb in the installation guide about blackout dates and how they are used.
Task 3.7(a): Step 2 Black Out Dates (Optional) reads
You will need to delete the individual dates that should not be in the court appointment list.
Open TraCS 10
Go to Tools ribbon
Choose Violations
Choose Court Appointments
The utility form will open.
Choose Delete Appointment Blue Bar
Put in the dates you need to delete (don’t do more than 10)
When complete click Validate
After updating table
User accounts for all Office are updated as soon as you click Apply. However, a distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to mobile clients.
Mobile Clients
Regular system – requires a distribution to get changes sent to the Field units
Complete Task 4.1 to make a new distribution. (Note: for web services agency see task 4.9 for alternate to running a distribution)
Web Services System – set up with a batch server can set up a automatic system to distribute table updates
Hosted Environment – All local tables (e.g. Ordinance, court schedule, etc.) will be updated by the agency, which can be done using any web client. All table updates are due by the End of the Day before the tables are updated. Distribution of the updated tables will be processed and ready early every morning. Distribution will run the next time the user logs in and logs off if distribution is set to automatic download.
***Geri (3/28/2014)
Beth (04/18/2016)
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