Bundle Citation Numbers

Badger TraCS Guides

Bundle Citation Numbers

Bundle Citation Numbers

If your agency does not have a network or Mobiles are unable to connect to it, you will still be able to install citation numbers through the “thumb drive method”. You will create a citation number form with a “bundle” of citation numbers which will then be “start-shifted” to the Mobile computer. When the citation number form is received at the Mobile computer it will automatically be processed to add the citation numbers. The citation number form will then be “end-shifted” back to headquarters so that a record of the transaction will be maintained in the TraCS office database.

NOTE: This is only for mobile computers that need a thumb drive. Web Services agency should never use this method and that includes the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment. With the 21.01 Series to be released late 2023/early2024 Baseline all agencies should be moving to Web Services or the Hosted Environment. Updates to this document have been discontinued.

At the TraCS Office computer in the headquarters:

  • Start TraCS with a user account that has been given “Number Manager” access level.

  • Select the Tools ribbon menu.

  • Select ELCI and then Bundle Citation Numbers.


  • Enter the quantity of citation numbers to bundle for the Mobile computer, typically no more than would be used in 6 months to a year.

  • Confirm the transaction by clicking yes.



  • You will receive a confirmation that the citation numbers were bundled:



  • You are now ready to “start-shift” the citations to a thumb drive.

  • Go to the Data Transfer ribbon menu.



  • Select the citation number bundle from the form list:


  • Click the Start-Shift button to transfer the record to a thumb drive (or floppy disk.)

  • Give the thumb drive to the user that will be using the Mobile computer.

At the Mobile computer:

  • Insert thumb drive into the USB port.

  • Sign in and go to the data transfer tab.

  • Click Start-Shift.



NOTE: you need to endshift the form back into the Office.


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