Task 6.6: Performance Recommendations for TraCS Web Services (IIS)

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 6.6: Performance Recommendations for TraCS Web Services (IIS)

Task 6.6: Performance Recommendations for TraCS Web Services (IIS)

Purpose: This article explains how to optimize the IIS Server and get better performance out of the TraCS Web Services environment.

Note: As TraCS and Windows updates occur, the intention is this document will be a dynamic document containing any improvements available.)


TraCS Server installed and running IIS

NOTE: At the time of writing it’s expected some of these settings may not be required in future versions of TraCS.

  • For best TraCS Web Service performance it is recommended to enable multiple worker processes. Below are the steps to accomplish this.

  • Open IIS Manager

  • Select the TraCS Web Service application pool

  • Choose Advanced Settings

  • Set the Maximum Worker Process values to a value greater than 1 A value of 3 to 5 worker processes is recommended. Each worker process is its own instance of the TraCS Web services, so the worker process count can be as high as the memory and processor on the server can handle.

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