
Badger TraCS Guides


NTC (Non-Traffic Citation)

NTC (Non-Traffic Citation) is the non-traffic citation

  • Parking Tickets: Can be flagged as a parkin citation.

    • Printed copies can have the defendant removed so not to be viewable while placed on the vehicle.

    • First Notice Report

    • Final Notice Report

    • 2 analysis reports

  • Prepped for integration with DMV suspend registration system.

  • Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is transmitted to the eCitation workflow.

    • If flagged as a parking citation it will not transmit.

  • This form is transmitted electronically to the DA, Circuit Courts, Muni Courts and EARS system

The NTC form can also be used to collect WIBRS data for a contact. By default, the WIBRS fields on the bottom of the NTC form doesn’t show. Contact your System Administrator if your agency would like to collect WIBRS data.

Form Design

The NTC form contains following groups:

  • Document

  • Defendant

  • Vehicle

  • Violation

  • Victim

  • Location

  • Plaintiff

  • Summary

  • Parent/Guardian Group

  • Agency Group

  • Attachment Group

  • WIBRS Section

How to:

Document Group

Each NTC contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The NTC form number located in the upper left-hand corner is auto generated. The following fields in this section show TraCS patch and pack information used to tell if NTCI is up to date.

Defendant Group

Each NTC contains one Defendant group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. If a company is cited, the Defendant Type field must be Non-Individual which will disable the name fields. While in the Last Name field click the External Search button (If configured) to populate the databar then highlight individual.

Vehicle/Equipment Group

Each NTC contains one Vehicle group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. While in the Registration Number field click the External Search button (If configured) to populate the databar then highlight Vehicle.

Violation Group

Each NTC contains one Violation group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. While in the Ordinance or Adopting State Statute fields these fields may be populated four ways:


Using Statute and Ordinance search features.

  1. Manually type the statute or ordinance number in the databar and click next or push Enter key. While in the Seq Num field select the description.

  2. Manually type a shortcut in the databar and click next or push Enter key. While in the Seq Num field select the description.

  3. Click Search button on databar. Enter statute number or description based off what is selected to the right of the field (Statute, Description,). After entering information click the Find button. When you have the correct statute or ordinance number highlighted click the Done button.

Click Search button on databar. If you have setup individual shortcuts, they will be displayed at the top of the list of statute or ordinances. Highlight it and click Done button.

Victim Group

Each NTC contains one Victim group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. If a company is cited, the Victim Type field must be Non-Individual which will disable the name fields. While in the Last Name field click the External Search button (If configured) to populate the databar then highlight individual.

Plaintiff Group

Each NTC contains one Plaintiff group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. If court name doesn’t display in databar, ensure DMV County field in the Location group is populated. Users can manual change the DA Routing field. If YES, the citation will only get transmitted to DA office. If No, the citation will only be transmitted to the court selected. Transmission to court is only available if your Municipal court has been setup. All Circuit Courts have been setup.

Timely Transmission of TraCS eCitations for DA Routing

For an eCitation to be useful to the DA office, it MUST be received by them in a timely fashion. In general, that means less than 24 hours from the time of the incident, and certainly before the paperwork arrives in their office, particularly if the defendant is in custody. The eCitation information is needed for the DA to file the criminal complaint.

For an eCitation to be received in the DA office, Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) TraCS Administration staff should insure the following procedure is implemented in their agency:

  1. The Officer must put a “Y” in the "DA ROUTING?" field. The DA Routing fields are in the "Plaintiff" section of the form.

  2. Once in ISSUED status, if the citation was issued from a TraCS Field Unit, the citation must be End Shifted into the LEA TraCS Office Database as soon as possible, typically at end of shift. If the ELCI was completed and ISSUED in the office on a TraCS Workstation, it is already in the TraCS Office Database, ready for TRANSMISSION.

  3. Citations in an ISSUED status should be reviewed/approved per LEA policy and then TRANSMITTED from TraCS Utilities. As mentioned above, in general, that means less than 24 hours from the time of the incident, and before the paperwork arrives in the DA office.

This also applies to any non-criminal Citations associated with a criminal incident that your DA wishes to receive. Routing non-criminal eCitations to the DA office is something that should be discussed and decided between the referring LEA, the DA and the Clerk of Circuit Court, as each county may have their own thoughts on how this should be handled.

Summary Group

Each NTC contains one Summary group. The Narrative field consists of 2000 characters and is only available on the Officer report.


Each NTC contains one WIBRS section if enabled which consists of five groups. The WIBRS section is optional for agency use. There is a report available for printing. If your agency doesn’t enable it, the group will not display. Contact your System Administrator if you should see this section but don’t.

NOTE: It’s important to fill out this section from the top down.




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