Task 3.7(a): Step 1 Court Schedule (Required)

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.7(a): Step 1 Court Schedule (Required)

Task 3.7(a): Implement Court Date Selector, Code Table Alternative

Step 1 Court Schedule (Required)

Step 1 Court Schedule (Required)

Purpose:  Creates a table of court schedules. Court Schedules are required to correctly find the court date you are looking for. A court schedule is based on the court and court time. Some agencies might just have one schedule but others with multiple court times and locations could have many.

Requirements: TraCS Office computer, web client and system admin account, knowledge of your courts’ schedule. Add a Court to the Agency court table in Task 3.6 Limit Court List

  • Start TraCS. 

  • Sign in with a System Admin Account.

  • Select the Tools tab on the ribbon menu.

  • From the Tools ribbon menu, click the Violation button.



  • Verify that the correct TraCS Agency Number for your agency appears.   (If you support multiple agencies in the same TraCS database, you will want to login as a system admin for the agency you want to configure.)

  • In the Court field, select the court for which you want to create a schedule.. This is a requirement for Adding, Deleing or Modifying)

  • Add, Modify and delete as needed. 


Add a Schedule

  • Click the blue bar labeled Add Court Schedule to open groups.

  • In the Schedule Code field, enter up to four characters to identify the schedule.

    • Note:  The schedule code must be unique for a given court and is used internally by TraCS to manage the schedules. Some examples are: “JUVN”, “TRF”, and “GEN”.

  • In the Schedule Description field, enter a brief description of the schedule.

    • Note: the schedule descriptions will appear in the data bar for selecting the correct schedule when completing the citation forms.  Some examples of good descriptions are “JUVENILE”, “TRAFFIC”, and “GENERAL”.

  • In the Lead Days field, enter the number of days that should elapse between the date the citation is written and the date the defendant should appear in court.

    • Note: 30 days is typical but may be more or less depending on the policies of your agency and the court.

  • After the first time all groups auto open if data is entered

  • When all additions are entered click Validate to add them to the table

Delete a Schedule

  • Click the blue bar labeled Delete Court Schedule to open groups.

  • Choose the Court Schedule to Delete

  • After the first time the group will auto open if data is entered

  • when all deletions are entered click Validate to remove them from the table.

Modify a Schedule  

  • Click the blue bar labeled Update Court Schedule to open groups.

  • Choose the Court Schedule to Modify

  • In the Schedule Code field, enter up to four characters to identify the schedule.

    • Note:  The schedule code must be unique for a given court and is used internally by TraCS to manage the schedules. Some examples are: “JUVN”, “TRF”, and “GEN”.

  • In the Schedule Description field, enter a brief description of the schedule.

    • Note: the schedule descriptions will appear in the data bar for selecting the correct schedule when completing the citation forms.  Some examples of good descriptions are “JUVENILE”, “TRAFFIC”, and “GENERAL”.

  • In the Lead Days field, enter the number of days that should elapse between the date the citation is written and the date the defendant should appear in court.

    • Note: 30 days is typical but may be more or less depending on the policies of your agency and the court.

  • After the first time the group will auto open if data is entered

  • when all deletions are entered click Validate to remove them from the table.

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