Working with Run-away/moving Units w/ missing driver

Working with Run-away/moving Units w/ missing driver

To enter a run-away unit, or a moving unit missing a driver use the following instructions to enter the information properly.

UNIT (moving unit without a driver)

  • The first field to look at is the Unit Status. Since this vehicle is moving it is no longer a parked vehicle but is now In Transit.

  •  The Second field to look at is the Total Occs. Add one to the total Occs. This is the person who drove the vehicle and parked it. They are now most likely out of the vehicle but their information as driver needs to be captured.

  • All other fields fill out as you normally would.

Individual (Occupant that parked the vehicle)

  • The first field to look at would be the Role. The individual that parked the vehicle is the Driver.

  • The Second field to look at is the Seat Position. If the occupant is outside of the vehicle, they are a Pedestrian (Non-Occupant)

  • All other fields fill out as you normally would.


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