2022-10-28, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Reminder, November/December Meeting
As regularly scheduled, the November and December meetings of this workgroup fall on holidays, so we’ve scheduled a combined November/December meeting for 9 December.
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Dave Harvey, (Acting TraCS Unit Supervisor)
Dave is unable to attend because of a conflict.
Badger TraCS User Conference
25-26 October. The Crash records Unit presented a session on the FARS system and Crash Reporting Scott Stary provided an overview of FARS and discussed the importance of the crash diagram, narrative and sequences of events to providing a clear and detailed description of the crash scenario. Soujanya followed with a presentation crash form completion that included: practical aspects of diagram completion in 3 styles, a detailed review of the Truck, Bus, and Hazmat section, and answers to frequently asked questions. I made a brief presentation on the need for vehicle automation information and what that might mean for a future version of the DT4000:
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker and Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
10/23/2022 monthly server maintenance window.
10/04/2022 Resolve System low-risk maintenance window
10/27/2022 Resolve System low-risk maintenance window
10/27/2022 unplanned outage 1:04 PM am until 10:.5 pm
Web server gateway shutdown due to delayed Microsoft update
Issue discovered from automated email notification
Follow up items: investigating interaction between BigFix and Windows Update Service, improvements to automated notifications
Continuing to work with the new BOTS DSP Jira System
Ongoing planning to migrate to OpenJDK Java and PostreSQL per changes in UW Oracle licensing.
TOPS Oracle license transferred from UW System to UW-Madison
Current expiration end of April 2023, but could be extended
Prioritized JIRA Updates and Enhancements
Working with new JIRA Staged Development workflow process
CRASHDB-1057: FARS EDT Failing due to missing PropertyOwner > ObjectStruck element
CRASHDB-1069: HTTP 500 Error-Crash Database and Resolve System - An Internal Server Error Occurred
CRASHDB-1073: Fields Missing Values after Insurance Update
In Progress:
CRASHDB-1031: Enhancements to the Restricted Crash flag per a recent, new use case.
CRASHDB-1001: CARFAX For Police Weekly Extract Process
In Queue:
Document the person number and DMV customer number processes
Improve the Resolve System User Account Process
Enhance the Merge Amendment process
Enhance the RP Coding interface
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
874,962 total archived crashes of which 254,045 represent purged crashes. This includes 1,626,340 total image files.
2021 Crash Finalization
Plan is to incorporate the results of the 2021 final RP coding and generate the final extracts this Fall.
Statistical frozen 2021 data set available on WisTransPortal and Community Maps.
HWYCLASS Working Group
10/25 Working Group Meeting (4th Tuesday)
Reviewing details of key linked elements and potential data sources
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Community Maps:
Quarterly User Group Meeting – 9/28
Monthly Work Group - Developing FY23 Work Plan
Pending special study search criteria for Flex Lane analysis
TRCC Projects / Additional Updates
FY23 Crash Database Project
FY22 final invoice in process
FY23 project underway – thank you to everyone’s hard work for a smooth transition
Crash Records Unit
Soujanya Jarabana and Mike Satteson
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Ken is out today but did pass along a two thumbs up for DMV Systems.
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne and Rebecca Szymkowski
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Proposed Changes to the DT4000
Andi Bill, Valerie Payne and Randy Wiessinger