Badger TraCS Guides
Inspection (Warning)
The CMV Inspection Form can be used to document warnings and citations for multi –unit configurations, such as truck and trailer operated by a business or by an individual. This is the state inspection form not the Federal inspection form and is used for all state level inspections. Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at DSP.
This form was modified in Fall 2024 to remove all Federal level inspection data collection.
Form Design
The inspection form has the following groups
Inspection Description
School District
Ambulance Service
Axle Detail
Axles – Size Weight
Inspection Defects
Inspection Result
Document Group
Each Inspection form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Police Number—added when opening the form from the case information. Unlike most other police number fields in other forms this is required in the Inspection form.
Inspection Report Type— Inspection report type based on the vehicle to be inspected
Ambulance Inspection – Only State Patrol
CMV Inspection (Non-MCSAP)
Human Service Vehicle Inspection– Only State Patrol
Motor Bus Inspection– Only State Patrol
School Bus Inspection– Only State Patrol
School Bus Presale Inspection–Only State Patrol
Inspection Description Group
Each Inspection form contains one Inspection Description group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. This group should be filled out first as it sets of the form deleting and adding groups as well as disabling fields not needed.
Date—Enter the date the inspection was started
Time—Enter the time the inspection was started
Inspection Time Zone— Defaulted to central time zone
Level—MCSAP only, choose the appropriate level.
1—Full inspection
2—Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle
3—Driver Only
4—Special Inspection
5—Terminal Inspection
6—Radioactive Material Inspection
Special Checks— choose the appropriate selection that applies for the CMV non-MCAP report.
Size and Weight Enforcement
Alcohol Substance Check
Traffic Enforcement
Local Enforcement
Total Units—put in the number of units up to 7
Axles—Put in the total number of Axles for all units up to 20
Drug Search—If a drug search was completed enter yes and the drug arrest number will display.
Ambulance Inspection Type— Select the appropriate ambulance Inspection type. This field will open additional groups for the Post Crash and Spot Check reports. Additional validation rules will be in effect.
Level Upgrade
Spot Check
Ambulance Unit Type— Select the appropriate unit type
In-Service Unit
Reserve Unit
Ambulance Condition—Select the appropriate condition
Ambulance Service Level—Select the appropriate Ambulance Service Level
Bus Inspection Type—Select the appropriate bus inspection report type. This field will open additional groups for the Post Crash and Spot Check reports. Additional validation rules will be in effect.
Spot Check
Bus Presale Inspection Type—Select the appropriate School bus pre-sale investigation type. This field will open additional groups for the Post Crash and Spot Check reports. Additional validation rules will be in effect.
School District Group
The Inspection form contains 1 to 5 School District groups if the School Bus inspection report is chosen. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. School District field is searchable.
Type—This field is always defaulted to Non-Individual as a School District is never an individual. This field is disabled but required for the master index searching to work.
School District Name—The name of the School District the bus is used for. This field can be searched using the
Master Index
School District Search
Street address— Enter the physical address of the school district.
Street address 2— Enter the additional physical address information if appropriate.
City— Enter the city of the school district.
State— Enter the 2-letter state abbreviation where the school district is located.
Zip Code— Enter the zip code of the school district.
County— Enter the DMV county of the school district.
Contact Last Name— Enter the last name of the primary contact for the school district.
Contact First Name— Enter the first name of the primary contact for the school district.
Contact Middle Name— Enter the middle name of the primary contact for the school district
Phone Number— Enter the phone number of the school district
Email— Enter the primary email address for contacting the school district.
Fax Number— Enter the fax number for the school district.
Ambulance Service Group
The Ambulance Service group in only used for the Ambulance inspection and there can only be one. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Service Name field is searchable.
Type—This field is always defaulted to Non-Individual as an Ambulance Service is never an individual. This field is disabled but required for the master index searching to work.
Service Name—The name of the Ambulance Service the vehicle is used for. This field can be searched using the
Master Index
Ambulance Search
Provider #— Enter the provider number of the ambulance service.
Street address— Enter the physical address of the ambulance service.
Street address 2— Enter the additional physical address information if appropriate.
City— Enter the city of the ambulance service.
State— Enter the 2-letter state abbreviation where the ambulance service is located.
Zip Code— Enter the zip code of the school district.
County— Enter the DMV County of the ambulance service.
Contact Last Name— Enter the last name of the primary contact for the ambulance service.
Contact First Name— Enter the first name of the primary contact for the ambulance service.
Contact Middle Name— Enter the middle name of the primary contact for the ambulance service
Phone Number— Enter the phone number of the ambulance service
Email— Enter the primary email address for contacting the ambulance service.
Fax Number— Enter the fax number for the ambulance service.
Carrier Group
Each Inspection form contains one Carrier group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. US DOT # field is searchable.
Driver Group
Each Inspection form contains one or two driver groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Last Name field is searchable.
Vehicle Group
Each Inspection form contains one Vehicle / Equipment group. On the CMV report the number of Vehicle Groups can increase up to 7. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Registration Number field is searchable.
Load Group
Each CMV/MCSAP Inspection form contains one load group. This group is not used for the Ambulance/bus inspection reports. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Size Weight Axel Detail
Violation Group
One of the violation groups will appear based upon what report type is being created.
Violation Group(Non-MCSAP)
Each Inspection form contains up to 999 Violation groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The “Additional Violation Description “field is optional and used to add additional statute or ordinance description information. This information will display on all reports.
Violation Group(Mandated)
Each Inspection form contains up to 999 Violation groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The “Additional Violation Description “field is optional and used to add additional statute or ordinance description information. This information will display on all reports.
Violation Group(Pre Sale)
Each Inspection form contains up to 999 Violation groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The “Additional Violation Description “field is optional and used to add additional statute or ordinance description information. This information will display on all reports. This is the only report that displays all the violations upon opening.
Inspection Result Group
Each Inspection form contains one Inspection Result groups. This information will display on all reports. Depending upon the type of report certain fields will populate.
The three radio buttons are used to determine which report to display for printing a CMV Inspection report.
In-Person—Violator must correct situation and have an officer sign off
Mail-In—Violator must correct situation and mail back to agency
No Return—Violator receives Warning report without any follow up needed
For MCSAP Inspections the result field will gray out and automatically populate based on form criteria.
Re-Inspection Group
The re-inspection group is only opened if an officer reinspection is required.
Summary Group
Each Inspection form contains one Summary group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Both “Narrative” field has 2000 max for characters.
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