Drag and Drop Attachments

Badger TraCS Guides

Drag and Drop Attachments

Drag and Drop Attachments

Drag and Drop Attachments

Dragging and dropping a document or zip file into TraCS is possible, but a few conditions need to be met first.  Ask your TraCS coordinator if this functional in your agency.

  • File Link Location for attachments has been determined and setup on TraCS.

  • If using from a field unit, mobile or web client computer,

    • Make sure you have a wireless network

    • Make sure your wireless network is active when dragging and dropping attachments

How to drag and drop the attachment:

  • In TraCS 10 forms manager or viewer open the Case Information screen of the case/folder/contact you would like the document attached to. If in forms manager, the button is in the Records Management tab.

  • Click the Attachments tab, the case information screen should resemble the following.

  • In Windows Explorer navigate to the document to attach.

  • Highlight the document and drag it to the attachments area.

  • TraCS will create an attachment form and add a linked document to the form and place it in the case non-confidential area on your network.

  • The attachment form along with the attachment appears in the tab.  You can now open either the attachment form or the attachment directly from this screen.

Note: you can drag and drop multiple documents at a time; if you do then they will be placed all on the same attachment form.  See highlighted below.


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