
Badger TraCS Guides



The task form manages the tasks associated with the case.  New Task statuses and actual task name can be assigned by the agency using the table manager tool.  Individuals can look up the tasks assigned to them in the database along with an agency search tool.  Preprogrammed searches look up incomplete tasks. The form description contains the task name, due date, percent complete along with primary contact. Agencies can have multiple individuals working on the same task. 

Before using the task ask your supervisor as to the requirements for filling out the task form for your agency. Your agency will have to make a few decisions if they would like to use the form. The agency TraCS coordinator will have to make a few table entries before the form will work properly.

  1. Task Name need to be entered. This is an agency table with all values being entered using the Table Manager tool.  Instructions for this are in the installation guide in Task 3-9. 

  2. Task Tags are optional but if wanted they need to be entered.  This is an agency table with values being entered using the table manager tool.  Instructions for this are in the installation guide in Task 3-5

Since there are not many validations rules the management of a law enforcement agency needs to make decisions on whether the following fields need to be filled out upon completion of the task form.

  • Due Date

  • Task Notes Narrative

  • Hours Spent

  • Individual Notes Narrative

  • Location of the task.

  • Assignment Started Date

  • Percent Complete prior to completion of a task.  Once the task gets the status of completed the percent complete will default to 100%.  Putting in 1-99% is up to the agency.

  • How to use the Task Form Dispositions.

The Task form has a form disposition which is like Voided and Issued for the citations.  The task form dispositions are as follows

  • Unassigned

  • Assigned

  • Deferred

  • In Progress

  • Completed

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