Adding linked attachments using a form.

Badger TraCS Guides

Adding linked attachments using a form.

Adding linked attachments using a form

Adding linked attachments using a form

All forms, except Task, Incident and Contact Summary, have a linked attachment group added to it.  Drag and drop will not place the document in a confidential location on your network.

  1. In TraCS

  2. Open the form you would like the attachment on or just open the attachment form.

  3. From the Case Information screen click Add in the Attachments tab.

  4. Highlight the Attached File field in the Attachment group.  (Always on the very bottom of any form).

  5. Choose File Upload

  6. Click Open

  7. Navigate to the file to attach, highlight and click Open

  8. The file is now in the network location all files are encrypted and can only be viewed in TraCS.

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