User Preferences are Not Saving

Badger TraCS Guides

User Preferences are Not Saving

TraCS FAQ—User Preferences are Not Saving


When moving columns or changing user preferences in the Form Manager they do not save the next time TraCS is opened.


User Defaults are not saving because the agency defaults are overwriting the user defaults. When using the system admin account, agency defaults may have been inadvertently saved . An agency has 2 choices to remove the agency default. If you are in the hosted environment, you will need to reach out to the help desk.


  1. You can either save all the settings to the 00001 user, this will override all user preferences

  2. Delete the agency defaults by going into the (if you are in the hosted environment, you will need to request this change of the help desk)

    1. Configuration Manager

    2. Click Users Defaults in the Users Ribbon

    3. Highlight your defaults account. It will either be 00001 or Agency###

    4. Click

    5. You will get the following…

    6. Either

      1. Find the setting causing the issue

      2. Or delete all entries.


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