Citation/Warning Summary

Badger TraCS Guides

Citation/Warning Summary

Citation/Warning Summary

Purpose: listing of all citations within a violation date range that are ordered by court number and court date.

Audience: Managers/Supervisors

Needed Access rights: ‘Supervisor’

To Run

  1. Pick the Citation/Warning Summary (Violation Date) from the list

  2. image-20240401-164228.png

  3. Enter the Beginning and ending Violation Date


  4. User can filter by

    1. different citation types (remove any you do not wish to see)

      1. DNR,  

      2. ELCI,  

      3. NTC and

      4. Warnings

  5. User can filter by Form disposition (Remove any you do not wish to see)

    1. Issued

    2. Voided

    3. Open


  6. Click Submit

  7. View/Print/Export Report






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