Issued Citations by Officer

Badger TraCS Guides

Issued Citations by Officer

Issued Citations by Officer

Purpose: listing of all citations issued within a period of time.  This report counts the number of citations an officer issued in that time period for a specific category.  There are 3 reports of this type one for each citation type.

  1. Issued Traffic Citations by Officer

  2. Issued Non-Traffic Citations by Officer

  3. Issued DNR Citations by Officer

Audience: Managers/Supervisors

Needed Access rights: ‘Supervisor’


To Run

  1. Pick one of the 3 reports from the list


  2. Enter the Beginning Date and ending Date


  3. Choose the categories to see, most of the citations have to many categories to place


    1. There is a SQL query limit of 15. Appendix F for a listing of category numbers and descriptions.

  4. Click Submit

  5. View/Print/Export Report





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