Badger TraCS Guides
TraCS Office Management Training
TraCS Office Management Training
TraCS has been evolving each year to become a one-stop-shop program. Knowing what’s available in TraCS and how to use it makes users’ lives easier. These are some of the TraCS features that will improve your day: Using Common Information, archiving, Form Tags, Transmission process, Customizing the Form Manager and many more.
Is processing forms in the office taking too much time? These webcasts will show you the different ways to customize TraCS to increase your productivity.
Individual Topics PART -1
A flow chart walks through a citation’s lifecycle. From transmitting to WIJIS and beyond, a citation’s lifecycle through various software systems is discussed. (4 min)
A general overview of End Shift and Start Shifts; the differences between the two, and what needs to be done on both mobile and office computers to ensure the transfer of data. (2 min)
Reviewing ribbons, grids, navigation panel, and search boxes, (4 min)
Which statuses are required or optional? How do statuses work with a forms life-cycle? (11 min)
Which fields can be altered after issuance and by whom. (2 min)
What are they? Who can create them? How does “Not For Public Release” work? (4 min) Office Start Shift
Who can do it? Why would an agency use the Start Shift feature? (2 min)
Common Information consist of Individuals, Vehicles or Locations? It’s searchable and can be used on numerous forms. (4 min) Archiving/Unarchiving
Who can perform this action? Archiving reduces the number of forms in Forms Manager. Which forms shouldn’t you archive? (5 min)
Why use Form Tags? Who can add them? They are searchable. (5 min)
TraCS can be set up to use another jurisdiction’s ordinances and courts. (2 min)
What is a case? How does a case status influence a forms life cycle? (2 min)
How to hide or add a column? By default, not all columns are shown. (1 min)
Explains and demonstrates transmitting a form. Reviewing logs generated after all transmissions. (11 min)
DA Routing & Statute Shortcuts
What is the DA Routing field? How is the field populated? Who can change the field? Where can statute shortcuts be found? How to create shortcuts? (11 min)
It’s the middle ground between TraCS and your Court/DA or the DOT. Once a citation is at WIJIS the agency’s role is done. What is WIJIS? When is it used? Who can access it? (11 min) Where do forms go?
Shows a spreadsheet of the destination of each form following transmission. (2 min)
How to check available ELCI citation numbers at your agency and on each computer? Ordering ELCI form numbers. (16 min)
Advanced Forms Manager Features
A general overview of Advanced Searches, Analysis Reports, Ad-Hoc Queries and Pin Maps. (10 min)
An overview of all the fields and their respective purposes. (11 min)
Detailed explanation of the Advanced Searches. (1 min)
What reports are in TraCS and who creates them? (2 min)
Ad-Hoc Queries Quick Overview
Walk through creating an Ad-Hoc Query and how to reuse one. (5 min) Ad-Hoc Reporting for Beginners
Detailed steps on creating and using Ad-Hoc Reports. (31 min)
Download the Ad-Hoc Query Builder-Overview document to use with above video.
How do I create a Pin Map? What are Pin Maps? (2 min)
How to Decode a document number
What is it used for? How to use it. (3 min)
When is a log generated? Where can I find them? How do I read them? (15 min)
Understanding Case Information
How do Case Information, Case Builder, Master Index, and Case Analysis reports work together? (8 min)
Fulfilling Record Requests with Case Builder
Walks through creating a Records Request. (3 min)
Understanding the Master Index
TraCS does have an RMS. It makes searching for Common Information easier. (6 min)
These reports are pre-programed. Many of the reports make your day easier. If agencies know of any reports that could be used statewide, please contact the TraCS Helpdesk. (4 min)
Complete Topics
This video will help office staff learn the basics of TraCS by understanding how to customize your TraCS Forms Manager and reduce time spent on daily TraCS duties. Understanding a form’s life cycle helps you with archiving, transmissions and the WIJIS Workflow website.
This video covers how to use the search section; Advance Search, Analysis Reports, Ad-Hoc Queries and pin maps. You will learn how to read error logs and decode document numbers. Lastly, you will work with Case Information, Master indexes, and Case Analysis Reports to help you fulfill record requests using the Case Builder.
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