Badger TraCS Guides
OUTLINE - Common Help Desk Tickets
How to look up documentation
Common Help Desk Issues
How to solve these issues
If people have quetions, please put them in chat, and we will answer them during the question sections.
How to Search Documentation in Confluence
If not in confluence, can still find documentation normal way
How to select different spaces in Confluence
Search bar within Space to search for documentation you are looking for
Drop down sections for organizing documentation on left hand side
You are able to leave comments on Documentation!
How to Contact us
Phone: (608) 267-2096
Business Hours for phone is 8am-4pm
Through Jira Portal | Submit a ticket
Link to portal in TraCS Help Tab “Open Support Ticket”
Duplicate Forms
How are forms created?
Autonumber.ini File
MachineID.ini File
Culprits for Duplicate Forms (excluding ELCIs)
Windows Image TraCS Install
Duplicate Machine ID
Recommend new TraCS Installs use a new MachineID
MachineID needs to be in between 1-2499
Other Culprits
Windows Restore
Using the to be released Pad Pad Document Numbers button
Will be released in 2023 Fall Pack
Failed Transmission
Always look at the Details Report
Take a screenshot and send to help desk if you cannot solve the issue yourself
Common Failure Examples
Fail to transmit to RMS
Stuck in Exported
Failed according to schema
ELCI Citations | Install and Inventory Issues
Popup is not necessarily an “error”
How to Check Agency’s Inventory
How to Order More
How to Install ELCIs onto specific machine
Offline Mode
When in Online Mode, able to upload and download data to TraCS server for your agency
Downloading a form:
Opening a form
Changing Status
and more….
Closing a form
changing status
Why you might be Offline? (Hosted and Non-Hosted)
Computer is not connected to the internet
VPN or Antivirus is blocking the Web Services URL to connect to the server, and possibly blocking access to internet too.
Maybe the IIS server needs to be rebooted
Hosted Only: Help desk is importing users into the hosted environment
Cannot see changes/additions to Ordinances or Court Appointments
Did you validate your changes/additions?
Hosted agencies must wait until next business day and need to have logged out of Tracs
Non-Hosted Agencies need to create distribution. Distribution needs to run on MDCs.
Non-hosted web services agencies can implement the Advanced Feature
Statute Changes - Standard Operating Procedure
Agencies are not able to make statute changes
TraCS helpdesk does not have the authority to make statute changes
Statute changes are made by the legislature. CCAP then provides these changes to the DMV. Once the changes are completed by the DMV, the DMV then provides us the changes in the proper format for it to be released in the next pack update.
Users Cannot Login to TraCS
Cause can vary greatly depending on what type of TraCS environment your agency is in.
For Web client machines in web services, if your password is correct and you have internet, there shouldn’t really be any reason why you cannot login.
Non Hosted Web Services Agencies:
If a TraCS user cannot log into TraCS in the office, this means most likely the computer cannot connect to the TraCS network share and SQL server. Office machines directly interface with the SQL server.
Non-Webservices agencies (legacy setup) can have issues logging into TraCS on MDCs if they did not create user files within the configuration manager and/or didn’t create a distribution for the MDCs to run.
Forgot Password/Password Reset
Non-Web Services (Legacy) passwords are controlled in TraCS Config Manager
Non-Hosted Web Services agencies the same, unless Advanced Features setup
Hosted users must use forgot password link on login screen
input email twice to receive forgot password email.
TraCS Helpdesk is not allowed to reset passwords for agencies due to CJIS security requirements.
External Search (27s and 28s searches)
Open TraCS via MACH program
Verify two files are configured correctly (if set in distribution, should not need to manually configure)
C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings and open the Settings.ini fileC:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings\DLL Settings and open the GPS.ini file
eTIME (27s and 28s Searches)
MessageCache file path needs to match what is stated in ExternalSearch.ini file
Not saving eTIME files in MessageCache folder
incompatible files or too many files in MessageCache folder
CAD/RMS Software (27s and 28s Searches)
Need to make sure that your external software is configured before troubleshooting TraCS external search.
For example some CADs have additional files that need to be configured and in the appropriate location so that the software can communicate with TraCS.
Questions Regarding Transmitted Data to RMS
Non-Hosted agencies data transfer to the RMS occurs during normal transmission
If you receive a RED X saying failed transmission, always click detail report
Hosted Agencies transmit to RMS via RMS Download Button
AdHoc Common Questions
Not much on AdHoc has changed. Have done a full AdHoc walkthrough previously, see video here: Ad hoc Reporting for Beginners - YouTube
Walk through AdHoc Basics
Related content
email or call 608-267-2096