Task 3.14(a): Configure RMS Transmission Settings, Standard Alternative

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.14(a): Configure RMS Transmission Settings, Standard Alternative

Task 3.14(a): Configure RMS Transmission Settings, Standard Alternative

Purpose: Configure TraCS to extract and transmit data to your Records Management System (RMS).

Requirements: Master computer, RMS capable of importing TraCS data,


  1. Consult the RMS vendor documentation to determine whether data should be exported in “7.3” format or “10” format. 7.3 is format no longer support by TraCS, and once it breaks it will no longer work.

    1. Write the export format type here: _______

  2. Double click the shortcut for the TraCS Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.

  3. Sign in with account 00001.

  4. Click Transmission tab.

  5. Click the Import/Export Button.

    1. Expand the Export Instructions.

    2. Expand ExportRMS.

    3. Expand one of the forms you want export and enable and disable the export rules depending on what your agency wants to export to their RMS. XmlToRMS is the “10” export format. 73xmlToRMS is the “7.3” export format. ImageToRMS exports a PDF or TIFF of a report associated with the form

    4. The current version of the alcohol form is AlcoholV3.frm.exml. If you plan to export alcohol form data, this is the form you should choose. Alcohol.frm.exml is present only for backward compatibility and does not apply to new TraCS agencies.

      1. Select xmlToRMS. If you want to export the form data in the “10” format, enable the Active check box. Otherwise, disable it.

      2. Select 73xmlToRMS. If you want to export the form data in the “7.3” format, enable the Active check box. Otherwise, disable it.

      3. Select imageToRMS. If you want to export an image of one of the forms reports, enable the Active check box. Otherwise, disable it and continue with step 4c-iv. By default the report image export is configured with the most commonly used report and the TIFF image type. These may be changed if you prefer another format:

        1. Click the Reports button.

        2. Select the report you want to export in the the File Name field.

        3. Select the export format for the image in the File Type field. Most popular are PDF or TIFF-LZW (MultiPage).

        4. Click the File Name button.

          1. Change the File Extension to match the the image type, typically tif or pdf.

          2. Click the OK button to close the File Name dialog.

          3. Click the OK button to close the Edit Report dialog.

      4. Repeat steps for the remaining forms you want to export.

    5. Click Apply to save your changes.

    6. Click OK to exit the Import/Export Editor.


Did You Know?

Custom data exports from TraCS are possible. This requires creating and installing a custom XSLT style sheet file to transform the native TraCS data and then configuring the xmlToRMS instruction to use it.

See the Badger TraCS Integration Package for more information on integrating Record Management Systems with TraCS.

You may also contact Badger TraCS for assistance setting up custom data exports.


Did You Know?

Custom data exports from TraCS are possible. This requires creating and installing a custom XSLT style sheet file to transform the native TraCS data and then configuring the xmlToRMS instruction to use it.

See the Badger TraCS Integration Package for more information on integrating Record Management Systems with TraCS.

You may also contact Badger TraCS for assistance setting up custom data exports.


Set up Communications

  1. Click the Communications button to configure the destinations for your RMS data exports.

  2. Expand the Communication Instructions item.

  3. Expand the TransComm item.

  4. Select the “ToRMS” setting (for example: elciToRMS) for each form to be transmitted to your RMS.

    1. Enable the communication rule by checking the active check box.

    2. If you are exporting TIFF or PDF files, you will need to add the file type in the Filename(s) to Process field. Add a comma after *.xml and then add *.pdf or *.tif

      1. Example: *.xml,*.pdf

    3. Change the Communication Type as needed by your RMS. File Copy is the most common option here.

    4. Enter the location required by your RMS for the data files in the Destination Folder.

    5. If you have chosen a Communication Type other than File Copy, configure the remainder of the panel as specified by your RMS vendor.

    6. Repeat step 4 for the remaining forms that you want to transmit to your RMS.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

  6. Click OK to exit the Communications Editor.

  7. Close the Configuration Manager.


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