Task 3.29: Required Optimization of Batch Transmission

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.29: Required Optimization of Batch Transmission

Task 3.29: Optimizing the Batch Transmission

Periodically the IIS Server will have issues which can interfere with the Batch Transmission schedule. Batch Transmission can use a lot of resources.

Here are some items we suggest you do:

  • Restart the machine at least once monthly. There is a memory leak that sometimes causes forms to stop exporting and eventually the machine will crash.

  • Make sure to have emails set to your IT, the export emails, (or someone who monitors them daily) reading those will indicate when an issue will come up prior to machine crash.

  • Remove any network (UNC path) reference and change the directories to point to the local batch machine. Changing these directories will also help with manual transmission.

    • On the Batch Server machine in the C:\ProgramData\TraCS\SettingsSettings.ini file change the following:

      • ImportError_Path=\Communications\Error\

      • PreExportBackup_Path=\Communications\Backup\PreExport\

      • PreImportBackup_Path=\Communications\Backup\PreImport\

      • PostExportBackup_Path=\Communications\Backup\PostExport\

      • TraCSTransActionLog_Path=\Communications\Logs\

      • TransCommBackup_Path=\Communications\Backup\TransComm\

      • TransCommError_Path=\Communications\TransComm\Error\

      • TransResultsPDF_Path=\Communications\TransResults\

We have been told that the 21-series baseline release will improve the services running and use less resources. Which will improve overall performance.

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096