Unpaid Parking Report

Badger TraCS Guides

Unpaid Parking Report

Unpaid Parking Report (Listing)

Purpose: This report is for Agencies that are handling the payments of the parking tickets and typically do not send the tickets directly to court.  The agencies typically click the parking ticket toggle on the NTC form. Creates a report showing all parking tickets which have the Parking Ticket field checked on the form and has been Issued but not paid. This report displays any parking ticket that has been Issued (printed), or first and final notices have been mailed. The report consists of this information.

Audience: Managers/Supervisors

Needed Access rights: ‘Supervisor’

To Run

  1. Pick the Unpaid Parking Report (listing) from the list


  2. Enter the Beginning and ending Violation Date



  3. Click Submit

  4. View/Print/Export Report







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