Use RMS Involvement

Badger TraCS Guides

Use RMS Involvement

Use RMS Involvement


Starting a new Involvement Search

Involvement can be started the following ways within TraCS:

  • Selected Forms on the Forms Manager screen.

  • Selected Advanced Search.

  • Selected Master Record from the Master Index Search Results screen.

To start an Involvement from selected forms on the Forms Manager screen, select one or more forms from the Forms grid and click the Involvement button under the Contact/Case tab.





To start an Involvement based on Advanced Search results, go to the Search panel on the Forms Manager screen, choose the Advanced tab, click the Advanced Searches radio button, choose an advanced Search from the list and then click the Involvement button


To start an Involvement Search from the Master Index Search Results screen, run a Master Index search, select one of the Master Records on the results grid, and click Involvement:


Involvement Screen

There are 4 main sections to the Involvement Screen:




  • Ribbon

  • Investigation Path

  • Relationship Viewer (Forms, Diagram, and Map)

  • Common Information



The ribbon gives the following functionality to manipulate the data that is displayed on the screen:

  • The Involvement button allows the user to dig down into the selected Master Record in the Common Information panel. See below for how this will change the view. 

  • The Involvement in New Window button allows the user to open a new Involvement Screen with the subject being the selected Master Record in the Common Information panel (#4).

  • The Open Form button allows the user to see a preview of the selected form in the Relationship Viewer. See below for a sample of a form preview.

  • The Group By Case button allows the user to toggle the form grouping on the form grid to by case or individual forms in the Relationship Viewer.

Investigation Path



The Investigation Path section shows all the Master Records that have been added to the Involvement. This section allows the user to control the information that is displayed on the rest of the Involvement screen. The Master Record at the top of the tree is the originating subject of the Involvement (Pam Smith in the above example). The Master Record with the star icon is the currently selected Involvement (2010 – Chevy Tahoe in the above example). The currently selected Involvement controls what information is shown in the Relationship Viewer and Common Information sections.

Relationship Viewer

The Relationship Viewer allows the user to see how the selected Involvement relates to other Master Records within TraCS. This viewer can show the relationships in 3 ways.

  • Forms

  • Diagram

  • Map


The Forms view shows a grid with the forms in TraCS that include any of the Master Records within the currently selected Involvement. This grid works like other grids within TraCS.





The Diagram view shows an illustration of the relationships between the Master Records within the selected Involvement. Each block represents a Master Record. Each line represents the existence of one or more TraCS form(s) that connect the Master Record blocks. The diagram provides buttons to adjust the zoom level and a reset option which returns the diagram to the initial view. The drop-down button allows the user to change the layout of the diagram. Users may find different layouts more useful depending on how much relationship data exists.





Clicking on the line connecting Master Records will show the user a pop up with a list of forms that include both records. The user can preview any of the listed form(s) by selecting a form in the grid and clicking the Open Form button.





From the Diagram view, the user can also right click on a Master Record block to add that record to the currently selected Involvement.



The final relationship viewer option is the Map viewer. This shows all the location data from the Involvement related forms on a map. The map auto-zooms to show all the location markers. Directly above the map, there are buttons that allow the user to change the zoom level.  The user can also choose to change the map type, if more types are available.





A user can right click on a map marker to bring up a grid with the forms in the selected involvement that have coordinates matching that area. A user can preview a form by selecting one from the grid and clicking the Open Form button.





Common Information

The Common Information section shows all of the related Master Records to the selected (one containing the star) Master Record in the Investigation Path and any Master Records associated with those records under the selected record in the Investigation Path.  The Involvement's selected Master Record will have a star included with its icon (ie Chris P Bacon below). 





The drop down box at the top allows the user to filter the common records by type. For example, if a user chooses Vehicle from the drop down box, the display will update to show only vehicle records as follows:






Selecting a common information record will highlight the forms that include that record. In this example, selecting the Vehicle with Plate Jurasic Auto, highlights the forms with the common information as follows:





Right clicking on a common record gives the option to run an Involvement on that record, which will add it to the Investigation Path under the selected Master Record. 

Saving an Involvement

To save the Involvement to work with later, the user can select the File Menu and either select Save or Save As. 



Saving a new Involvement will prompt the user for a name. It will default to the original Involvement's Master Record subject. If an Involvement with the same name already exists, the user will be prompted until a unique name is entered.



Opening a Saved Involvement

A user can open a saved involvement from the TraCS Forms Manager screen. A list of the user's saved Involvements can be found in the Search panel, under the Advanced tab by clicking the Involvement radio button.





The user can select an Involvement from the list and choose to Edit or Delete. Clicking Edit will bring up the Involvement screen with the Investigation Path exactly as the user had it when saving.

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