Badger TraCS Guides
eReferral Attachment Manual
WIBRS Incident Form
eReferral Attachments Manual Draft |
Submission User Guide
Division of State Patrol
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Table of Contents |
Field help |
For additional information about what should be entered into a field, select F2 on the keyboard when a field is selected. A new window will popup(below) with more information.
Add New/Replicate From the Incident Form |
Attachments can be sent to Protect using TraCS. Once an incident has been transmitted successfully to the DA using eReferral, attachments can be sent. Attachments in TraCS can be sent from one of 2 forms
Attachment Form
The attachment form can send any type of attachment to the DA.
Supplement Form
The Supplement form is a narrative form where you can send multiple narratives from different officers to the DA. TraCS taskes the narrative and sends a pdf to the DA. See Supplement: Report for an example of what is sent to the DA using this feature.
Add New/Replicate from the Incident form
The easiest way to start an attachment or supplement form is to replicate from the incident form. The Form number is added to the replicated form so that eReferral can link the attachment to the correct case in Protect.
From the transmitted Incident Click Replicate from the Home Ribbon
Choose Attachment or Supplement depending upon needs
both forms will copy over essential information
Summary Group Questions |
Not all the fields in the summary group are for eReferrals, the following fields are DA fields that you need to look at when filling out the form.
The Red arrows are required values for transmitting to the DA. If they are not the same as shown there will be errors.
The Blue arrows are required fields.
This field requires a Yes be checked. You will get a validation error otherwise.
Form Reference Number
if this field is missing it will result in a Transmission error
Supplemental Form: Statement Group |
Enter the narrative to send to the DA. This field has an unlimited number of characters.
NOTE: Whoever opened the form is considered the author of the narrative.
Attachment Form: Attachment Group |
Attach one or more files to the form. See Attachment Group for more information on adding attachments.
Validation and Transmission |
To successfully transmit an incident or zero report to the DOJ, the incident form needs to be validated first. To validate the form, click on Validate under the Home tab when an incident form is open.
If the form is free of errors, a popup message will appear that validation was successful. If it is not free of errors, the error and warning list will display at the bottom of the screen. Any errors will prevent transmission. Warnings will not prevent transmission but are expected to be reviewed by the agency.
Once an incident form is complete and free of errors, it is ready to transmit to the DOJ. To transmit a form, be sure the form is closed and then choose the incident from the list under Forms Manager and select Transmit under the Data Transfer tab under the top menu.
If you are in the TraCS Hosted Environment, then instead of selecting Transmit, you will just change the status to Accepted and it will transmit at one of the possible transmission times.
Once exported, it will then ask the user “Do you want to run TransComm?” (below). Select “Yes” to transmit to the DOJ.
Edit Form: Unlike the incident form you cannot retransmit the attachment form. If you have more attachments to send create another form.
The status of an incident form displays in the first column of the forms list under the Forms Manager screen.
Open- Indicates the incident form has been started but not yet been validated
Validated- Indicates the form passed validation (is complete and contains no TraCS errors) and is ready to transmit to the DOJ
Transmitted- Indicates the form was successfully transmitted to the DOJ
Failed Transmission- Indicates there is an error in the form that needs to be corrected prior to transmitting to the DOJ. To see the error, click on the Transmission Log Report under the Data Transfer tab and then enter the date of the incident report to search for the incident in question.
Questions on TraCS issues, troubleshooting and transmission issues that aren’t related to WIBRS business rules:
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